James Madison Papers

To James Madison from John Tyler, 17 January 1810

From John Tyler

Richmond Jany: 17th 1810

Dear Sir;

I receiv’d yours of the 13th Instant on the Subject of the 300$ deposited in our Bank for the purchase of a Sword for Genl. Campbell.1 We found your Letter which enclos’d the Money on which a memorandum on it gave us the information where it was deposited. Will it not be best to draw for the Money in some safe way? or if you chuse to have it enclos’d you will please to signify your desire to your very obt Hble Servt.

Jno: Tyler.

RC (DLC); letterbook copy (Vi: Executive Letterbook).

1In 1780 the Virginia General Assembly had voted the gift of a sword to Col. William Campbell for his gallantry at the Battle of King’s Mountain. Promoted to general, Campbell died less than a year later, but his heir apparently sought the tendered gift. Robert R. Livingston purchased the sword while serving as U.S. minister to France, and in 1802 Governor Monroe arranged for its delivery (CVSP description begins William P. Palmer et al., eds., Calendar of Virginia State Papers and Other Manuscripts (11 vols.; Richmond, 1875-93). description ends , 8:459, 9:340; JM to Monroe, 24 Oct. 1801 [DLC]; Albert Gallatin to JM, 26 Jan. 1810).

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