Thomas Jefferson to Louis Moreau Lislet, 20 April 1812
To Louis Moreau Lislet
Monticello. Apr. 20. 12.
Th: Jefferson presents his compliments to M. Moreau de Lislet, and asks his acceptance of the inclosed pamphlet, on the subject of the Batture of N. Orleans. he has taken the liberty of differing from him on a single point; but conscious of the strength of M. Moreau in that field, and of his own weakness he has done it with just respect and diffidence: and deeply indebted for his able information on other questions of the controversy, he has with pleasure expressed his great acknolegements for it. he salutes him with high respect & consideration.
PoC (MHi); dateline at foot of text; endorsed by TJ. Enclosure:
.Louis Moreau Lislet (1767–1832), attorney and judge, was born in Cap Français on Saint Domingue and educated in law and languages in France. He settled in Orleans Territory about the time of the Louisiana Purchase. In 1805 Moreau Lislet was among the counsel who won a judicial decision continuing the use of Roman civil law in Louisiana. He argued frequently before the highest territorial and state courts and opposed Edward Livingston in the case of the Batture Sainte Marie. Moreau Lislet published an Explication des Lois Criminelles du Territoire d’Orleans (New Orleans, 1806; no. 2177), collaborated with James Brown on a Digeste des lois civiles maintenant en vigueur dans le Territoire d’Orleans (New Orleans, 1808), joined Henry Carleton in selecting and translating The Laws of Las Siete Partidas which are still in Force in the State of Louisiana, 2 vols. (New Orleans, 1820; repr. 1978; , 10 [no. 603]) and, with Derbigny and Livingston, prepared the Civil Code of the State of Louisiana (New Orleans, 1825). Moreau Lislet served as judge for the parish of New Orleans for a number of years, declined an 1808 appointment to the territorial superior court due to its meager salary, and in 1817 served briefly as state attorney general before resigning to become a state senator ( ; Glenn R. Conrad, ed., Dictionary of Louisiana Biography [1988], 1:579–80; , 9:603, 749, 785, 835, 984, 1014; , 2:69, 78 [19 Feb., 14 Mar. 1808]; New Orleans Courier, 13 Dec. 1832).
For the single point on which TJ differed from Moreau Lislet, see note to Caesar A. Rodney to TJ, 18 Oct. 1810.
Index Entries
- Jefferson, Thomas; Writings; The Proceedings of the Government of the United States, in maintaining the Public Right to the Beach of the Missisipi, Adjacent to New-Orleans, against the Intrusion of Edward Livingston search
- Moreau Lislet, Louis; identified search
- Moreau Lislet, Louis; letters to search
- Moreau Lislet, Louis; TJ differs with search
- Moreau Lislet, Louis; TJ sends batture pamphlet to search
- The Proceedings of the Government of the United States, in maintaining the Public Right to the Beach of the Missisipi, Adjacent to New-Orleans, against the Intrusion of Edward Livingston (Thomas Jefferson); TJ distributes remaining copies search