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Results 158031-158040 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
The particular Attention paid by the Executive to my Recommendations, and Informations could not but be flattering to me, but the Manner in which you expressed your Approbation of them, in your last Letter , greatly abated the Satisfaction I should have felt. But, should I tell you what I felt and thought on reading your Letter, you might think me either captious or Hypocritical for I must...
I have written You Two Letters since my Arrival the last on the 4 th Inst. as I know not whether you may have preserved Our Cypher, I dare not be particular on Subjects which you may wish to hear from me upon. M r . Searle is arrived from Philadelphia, I have not seen him nor has D r Franklin, but I learn that he brings nothing New, he landed at Brest. Two Vessels lately Arrived at L’Orient,...
The Committee to whom was committed the report of the Grand Committee on the memorial of Pelatiah Webster & William Judd in behalf of the deranged officers of the lines of Massachusettes & Connecticut submit the following resolution: That the accounts of the officers who have retired on half pay at different periods of the war [or their representatives] be settled on the same principles with...
(Private) Dear Sir, Philadelphia, Decr 22nd 1791. I accept, with great pleasure, the new and elegant print of the King of the French, which you have been so obliging as to send to me this morning as a mark of your attachment to my person. You will believe me, Sir, when I assure you, that I have a grateful and lively sense of the personal respect and friendship expressed in your favor which...
I have received your favor of August 25th I am much of your opinion, that we ought not to be surprized, if we see our envoys in the course of a few weeks or days, without a treaty. Nor should I be surprized, if they should be loaded with professions and protestations of love, to serve as a substitute for a treaty. The state of things will be so critical, that the government ought to be...
This will be handed to your Excellency by Mr Francis, a french Merchant belonging to the House from which we have received our ample Supply of Ordnance, Ordnance Stores, Fire Arms &c. He is come over to secure his Remittances, and will I am confident receive that respect from our Countrymen that his assistance afforded at a time of need justly merit. Part of the Cannon and Stores which arrived...
Your Letter by Captn Matthews I got last Saturday Since my last the River is not Psable for Ice so that I have not seen Captn Marshal consequently cannot tell whether he will exchange his Land in this Neck for Adam’s in Maryland; but so soon as I can get to him I will let you know whether he will or not —I mention’d in a former Letter that Wm Barry had listed as a Minute Man and had march’d...
I have run over the four numbers of Genl. Green’s letters to Congress—herewith returned—and find nothing contained in them, unmarked by you, which ought, in my opinion, to be with held from the Public. Even those of the 3d. of Novr. 1780, tho’ quite unnecessary, might pass with an explanatory note on the then value of our paper currency. It probably is best to [leave] out the scored part of...
I arrived here on saturday so much overcome with the fatigue of the journey that I kept my bed yesterday & was attended by a phisician. To day I am better tho confined to my room. In a day or two I shall be well. A ship was engaged for me, the cabbin prepared, & she detained sometime at my expence, & finally sailed, on acct. of the great expence of her detention and the uncertainty of my...
I receiv’d yours of the 13th Instant on the Subject of the 300$ deposited in our Bank for the purchase of a Sword for Genl. Campbell. We found your Letter which enclos’d the Money on which a memorandum on it gave us the information where it was deposited. Will it not be best to draw for the Money in some safe way? or if you chuse to have it enclos’d you will please to signify your desire to...