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Results 158031-158080 of 184,431 sorted by author
I had not the Honor to receive your favor of the 1st instant, until the 7th—Being at that Time at Orange Town on a Conference with Sir Guy Carleton, it had a circuitous Route to make before it reached me—This Circumstance you will be so good as to admit as an Apology for my not giving you an earlier Reply. I have now the Honor to mention to you, as I did some Time ago to the Minister of...
Fredericksburg [ New York ] September 22, 1778 . Reports that Major de Chouin will explain to D’Estaing the situation of both the enemy and the American army. Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.
Your favor of this date came duly to hand —I shall certainly not undertake any thing (capital) without your knowledge—I wish for your opinion as a friend—not as commanding Officer of the light Troops—whether another attempt upon Stoney point by way of surprize, is eligible—(In any other manner under present appearances, and information, no good, I am sure, can result from it). Lord Cornwallis...
158034[Diary entry: 7 November 1773] (Washington Papers)
7. Dined at Mrs. Dangerfields & returnd to Colo. Bassetts in the Afternoon.
The motives which give birth to this letter, proceed as much from private friendship, as they do from a sense of public duty; whatever therefore may be the effect produced by it I presume on your excuse for the trouble it will give you. The letter herewith enclosed from Mr Scott (one of the Commissioners of the Fedl City) was met by me on my way to George Town, with another from Colo. Deakins...
Letter not found : to Anne Louise DuBarry, 15 May 1796. In DuBarry’s letter to GW of 28 July, she referred to “the Letter you honourd me with dated the 15th of may” (see GW to George Lewis, 28 April , n.2).
158037[Diary entry: 16 August 1781] (Washington Papers)
16th. Letters from the Marqs. de la Fayette & others, inform that Lord Cornwallis with the Troops from Hampton Road, had proceeded up York River & landed at York & Gloucester Towns where they were throwing up Works on the 6th. Inst. Lafayette to GW, 11 Aug. 1781 ( DLC:GW ).
158038[Diary entry: 25 October 1768] (Washington Papers)
25. Foggy Morng. & Clouds—with a good deal of Rain in the Afternoon & night from No. East.
Not having had an Answer to my Letter of the 16th of Sepr—inclosing a Copy of One to you of the 8th of Augst respectg your Joing the Army—I am induced to think the last has failed as well as the first. I therefore commit one more Letter to the Care of the Secretary at War—I have to request, that immediately on the Receipt of this, you will proceed to, & assume the Command assigned to you in my...
158040[Diary entry: 26 August 1786] (Washington Papers)
Saturday 26th. Mercury at 68 in the Morning—77 at Noon And 73 at Night. A great deal of rain, in many hard showers fell in the course of last night. Morning cloudy, but clear after wards and warm. Rid to the Neck, Muddy hole, and Ferry plantations. At the two first (as also at Dogue run Plantation) the Plows & Hoes were stopped by the earth being surcharged with water. At the ferry, the cut of...
158041[Diary entry: 19 April 1767] (Washington Papers)
19. Wind at No. West & cool in the Morng. Afterwards still clear & very warm.
It being indispensibly necessary that some general plan of operation should be settled for the present Campaign; and perceiving that Congress have been pleased to appoint you to command on the North River —I am to request, if you should not find it too inconvenient, that you will make a digression from your route thither, and favor me with a call at this Camp, that we may enter upon a...
I was very sorry to find by a letter which I received from Doctr Craik yesterday, that your old complaint had returned upon you again. I sincerely wish that it may go off easily, and that you may have no more returns. One means of preventing which, is to take care of yourself. That is, to attempt no more than the Doctor thinks you can accomplish without injury to your health; for you may be...
158044[Diary entry: 16 August 1767] (Washington Papers)
16. Cloudy & warm.
By the last Post Majr Jenifer transmitted me an Acct of my Continental Certificates as they had been Audited in your Office; by which there is a difference of £64.14.7⅛ short of my estimation of their value. This (for I did not go into the examination of figures) appears to have originated from the times of calculating the depreciation. I have always understood that depreciation was the same...
158046[Diary entry: 10 March 1760] (Washington Papers)
Monday Mar. 10th. No. W. wind and clear, but the Ground too Wet for Plowing. Rode to my Plantation and the Mill, & there partly agreed with Jerry Mitchell to rebuild my Mill when She runs dry in the Summer. Dispatchd Mulatto Jack to Frederick for some Mares from thence to Plow. The Snow (which was not more than an Inch & half deep) was entirely dissolvd today. Jeremiah Mitchell, an independent...
158047[Diary entry: 27 February 1773] (Washington Papers)
27. A Good deal of Rain fell in the Night. Morning Misting and day Cloudy—with the Wind at No. West but neither hard nor Cold. Afternoon quite clear & perfectly Calm.
I wrote to you on the 2d instant requesting to know what quantity of shoes you had upon hand and what you were likely to supply. Having recd no answer I am apprehensive that the letter never reached you—I have since recd a letter from the Board of War, desiring me to see you upon several matters relating to your department. You will therefore be pleased immediately upon the rect of this to...
I am favored with yours of this date, enclosing a Note from Mrs Mortier—to whom a Billet is also forwarded under cover to you, which I request you to transmit to her by the return of the Flag. You will have the goodness to suffer nothing at all to be landed from the flag, and to give orders for the departure of it as soon as may be with convenience; You will be pleased to give directions to...
158050[Diary entry: 10 June 1787] (Washington Papers)
Sunday 10th. Breakfasted by agreement at Mr. Powell’s, and in Company with him rid to see the Botanical garden of Mr. Bartram; which, tho’ Stored with many curious plts. Shrubs & trees, many of which are exotics was not laid off with much taste, nor was it large. From hence we rid to the Farm of one Jones, to see the effect of the plaister of Paris which appeared obviously great—First, on a...
158051[Diary entry: 24 June 1773] (Washington Papers)
24. But little Wind, and very Warm.
158052[Diary entry: 12 March 1768] (Washington Papers)
12. Large parts of my Wheat Field at Doeg Run—the same I believe at the Mill—were found to be exceedingly Injurd by the Frost (and I apprehend by the last frost abt. the 7 & 8th. Instt.). Upon examining the Wheat which appeard to be so much hurt, I found the Roots for the most part were entirely out of the ground. Some indeed had a small fibre or so left in, & here perhaps a green blade might...
158053General Orders, 23 August 1780 (Washington Papers)
[Officers] For the day Tomorrow[:] Brigadier General Huntington[,] Lieutenant Colonels Sumner[,] Badlam[,] Brigade Major Darby [Officers] For Guard[:] This Day Major Talbot[,] Tomorrow Major Grier The Guards to parade at five o clock this afternoon near the York brigade where the Grand Parade is assigned for the present. A Sub. two serjeants and thirty rank and file for Fatigue from the right...
158054[Diary entry: 28 March 1760] (Washington Papers)
28. Clear, & Warm strong So[uther]ly Wind.
I have been favor’d with your letter of the 13th inst. I must refer you for the particular circumstances attending the surprize of Colo. Baylor’s Regiment to those Officers and men who made their escape, and who are now in the Jersey’s. Those persons also in whose houses the Dragoons were quartered, may be able to assist in your report to Congress. And should any deserters have come from the...
I have received your letter of the 12th instant, and will direct my Manager Mr Pearce to pay my annual donation for the education of orphan children, or the children of indigent parents who are unable to be at the expence themselves. I had pleasure in appropriating this money to such uses—as I always shall in that of paying it. I confess, however, I should derive satisfaction from knowing what...
158057[Diary entry: 21 October 1773] (Washington Papers)
21. Lowering for most part of the day with a little Rain in the Evening.
158058Acct. of the Weather in March [1771] (Washington Papers)
Mar. 1st. Ground hard froze. Wind fresh & Cold in the forenoon—clear, calm, & warmer in the Afternoon. 2d. Lowering & Cloudy Morning (with the Ground frozen & Wind at No. East)—all the Afternoon Snowing. 3. Clear & Cool Wind being at No. West. Ground a little frozen. 4. Still, Cool, & frosty. Weather clear & Wind at No. West. 5. But little frost—day calm & the fore part of it clear, & very...
158059[Diary entry: 11 May 1774] (Washington Papers)
11. At home all day alone.
Invoice of Goods to be sent by Robert Cary Esqr. & Co. for the use of George Washington—Potomk Rivr Virga 2 pieces of Welch Cotton 4 dozn pr Plaid Hose No. 4 4 dozn pr Do Do N. 3 1 ps. Scarlet Shallon 2 ps. course Hessens 5 ps. Oznabrigs—or &ca fit for Negroes ware 2 ps. Irish Linnen @1/3 1 ps. Do Do @1/8 1 ps. Do Do @3/6 1 ps. brown Holland 1 knife for cuttg Hay 2 Iron Stew pan’s with close...
Ran away from a Plantation of the Subscriber’s, on Dogue Run in Fairfax , on Sunday the 9th Instant, the following Negroes, viz . Peros , 35 or 40 Years of Age, a well-set Fellow, of about 5 Feet 8 Inches high, yellowish Complexion, with a very full round Face, and full black Beard, his Speech is something slow and broken, but not in so great a Degree as to render him remarkable. He had on...
The letters herewith enclosed will shew the Sum I am indebted to Colo. Henley, & by what means it arose. I shall thank you for discharging it. I have repeatedly called upon Mr Smith for the Amount of my Acct; as well for these Articles which you have procured for me in New York, as per those obtained from your Store at this place—I have not yet got it; tho I wish much to discharge the whole,...
Middlebrook [ New Jersey ] March 14, 1779 . Proposes a general cartel for exchange of prisoners. Will send commissioners to meet British commissioners “at such time and place as shall be judged convenient.” Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.
I have been duly favored with your letter of the 6th inst. The plan you have laid for obtaining intelligence appears to be very well calculated for the end at present. I wish you to turn your inquiries as far as possible or practicable to the ascertaining the extent of the preparations which the enemy may be making to procure waggons—Whether the Inhabitants of Long Island—York Island—and...
Letter not found: to Capt. Henry Lee, Jr., c.31 Oct. 1777. Lee’s letter to GW of 31 Oct. is docketed in part “Ansd.”
158066[Diary entry: 1 October 1789] (Washington Papers)
Thursday 1st. Exercised in my Carriage in the forenoon. The following company dined here to day. viz.— Mr. Read of the Senate, Colo. Bland and Mr. Madison of the House of Representatives—Mr. Osgood and his Lady Colo. Duer his Lady and Miss Brown Colo. Lewis Morris & Lady—Lady Christiana Griffin and her Daughter and Judge Duane & Mrs. Greene. Mr. Thomas Nelson joined my Family this day....
In my last Letter, I requested you to forward all the Continental Troops from the Northward to West Point by Detachment as soon as possible—some circumstances since having made an alteration in the arrangements of the army, such of the Troops as shall not have been sent off, before the receipt of this Letter you will be pleased to detain at Albany untill further Orders: Causing the whole of...
158068[Diary entry: 8 September 1781] (Washington Papers)
8th. and reached Baltimore where I recd. and answered an address of the Citizens. While GW and his party were in Baltimore they stayed at Daniel Grant’s Fountain Inn. For a description of GW’s reception in Baltimore, see Md. Journal , 11 Sept. 1781. The address of welcome of the citizens of Baltimore to GW and his reply, both dated 8 Sept. 1781, are in DLC:GW . The address was presented to GW...
Your polite and obliging letter of the 10th of Octr from Havre came to my hands since the begin[nin]g of this Month —It filled me with a pleasure intermixed with pain—To hear that you were well—to find you breathing the same affection[at]e sentiments that ever have most conspicuously markd your conduct towards me & that you continued to deliver them with unabated attachmt contributes greatly...
158070[Diary entry: 16 September 1786] (Washington Papers)
Saturday 16th. Mercury at 58 in the Morning—69 at Noon And 66 at Night. Morning a little lowering, but clear & pleasant afterwards, with but little wind. Rid to Mr. Willm. Tripletts in expectation of meeting Mrs. French, in order to get the lease from her & Deed from Mr. Triplett executed but his indisposition & confinement in bed prevented the latter and the nonattendance of Mrs. French & a...
Notwithstanding the immense advantages which we shall derive from the acknowledgement of our Independency by, and our late alliance with the Court of France, yet much remains to be done to extricate ourselves intirely from our oppressors. even taking it for granted that the Enemy, from the situation of European Affairs, cannot be further reinforced, their remaining Strength, if Collected and...
[ Valley Forge ] March 5, 1778 . Urges Parks to remain in service in spite of temporary disability. Df , in writings of John Laurens and H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress. Parks was a major of the Fourth Massachusetts Regiment.
158073[Diary entry: 23 May 1767] (Washington Papers)
23. Morris finishd plowing his first cut (Doeg Run) with 3 plows by 12 oclock. Finishd plowg. the 5½ foot cut in the Neck with 4 plows, & replanted this & the 5 foot cut there.
158074[Diary entry: 19 November 1770] (Washington Papers)
Monday 19th. The Delawares set of with the Canoe and our Horses not arriving, the day appeard exceeding long & tedious. Upon conversing with Nicholson I found he had been two or three times to Fort Chartres at the Illinois, and got from him the following Acct. of the Lands between this & that; & upon the Shawna River; on which he had been a Hunting. The Lands down the Ohio grow more & more...
Smiths Clove [ New York ] June 14, 1779 . Encloses return of Pennsylvania battalions. States that Major General Benedict Arnold’s trial has been postponed. Sends news of enemy movements. Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.
At the same time that I acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the first of march with which I have been honored, let me request you to accept my thanks for your polite attention in sending me the pamphlet which accompanied it. The importance of the subject, which has called forth your production and numerous others, is so deeply interesting to mankind that every philanthropic mind, however...
I have received the Letter which you did me the Honor to write this Morng & am much indebted to you for the Arrangements which you were so good as to make relative to the surrendering Troops. I have ordered a Continental Officer to go & take charge of the Arms &c. and the persons of the several Departments will receive the Effects that Regard them. I have the Honor to be &c. DLC : Papers of...
I am sorry to find by the tenor of your Letter of the 6th Instant, that we still unhappily differ in our ideas of those just & reasonable terms upon which a general Exchange of prisoners might take place and that an event so desireable is probably yet at a distance. This being the case, that releif to the unhappy, where it is practicable, may as long be delayed, I am induced to accede to your...
158079[Diary entry: 27 July 1797] (Washington Papers)
27. Wind Southerly & warm. A fine rain about 3 Oclock for an hour. Mercury 81.
158080[Diary entry: 30 April 1791] (Washington Papers)
Saturday 30th. Crossed the Waggamaw to George town by descending the River three miles. At this place we were recd. under a Salute of Cannon, & by a Company of Infantry handsomely uniformed. I dined with the Citizens in public; and in the afternoon, was introduced to upwards of 50 ladies who had assembled (at a Tea party) on the occasion. George Town seems to be in the shade of Charleston. It...