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Results 158031-158060 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
ALS : American Philosophical Society La presente vous sera remis par Monsieur H. Godet, beaufils...
AL : American Philosophical Society Mr. A. Lee presents his Compts. to Dr. Franklin and begs to...
158033General Orders, 1 November 1777 (Washington Papers)
The Commissaries are directed to take all the liquors in the hands of the sutlers, at a...
By Virtue of the powers Vested in me by the Honorable Congress I hereby Authorize to Collect all...
Your Excellency’s favor of the 27th October, I receivd the 30th & should be happy, if I had it my...
When I last had the pleasure of seeing you, I advised you to Collect all the shoes stockings...
As Col: Fisher has Some how (notwithstanding he is Commisionated) ben Neglected as to a Command...
Mr Claiborne, who has acted as my Aid de Camp, and whom I have permitted to return to Virginia,...
I think it not only incumbent upon me, but a duty which I owe the public, to represent to you the...
As representation has been made to me that the Purchase of Cattle has entirely ceased for some...
I have this moment receiv’d your favor of Yesterday, & hope General Varnum with the Detachment...
Letter not found: to Major General Stirling, 1 Nov. 1777. Stirling wrote to GW on 3 Nov. that...
I hope this will find you arrived safe at Red Bank with your detatchment. By letters from the...
By perusing the inclosed copy you will be able to judge what further measures will be necessary,...
I have intended for several Letters past, but as often forgot It, to ask whether It would be...
The disorders of our Army do not proceed from any natural faults in our men. On the contrary I...
DS and draft : American Philosophical Society We cannot explain this document. It is among...
Two copies: National Archives We have the pleasure to enclose to you the Capitulation by which...
ALS : American Philosophical Society J’ai l’honneur de vous recommander 1° M. le Chevalier du...
158050General Orders, 31 October 1777 (Washington Papers)
Richard Platt and Ranald Stephen McDougall Esqrs. are appointed Aids-de-Camp to Major General...
Your Complaints respecting the Conduct of Brigadr Genl Newcomb, give me the more concern at this...
I wrote your Excellency yesterday, since which I have been active in acquainting myself with the...
Letter not found: to Capt. Henry Lee, Jr., c.31 Oct. 1777. Lee’s letter to GW of 31 Oct. is...
As soon as the Schuylkill is fordable, I shall send over a large body of Militia to you, for the...
I am favd with yours of the 25th from Fishkill. Although you say that the Enemy have passed down...
I congratulate your Excellency on the Success of your arms against the Enemy, in the attack made...
Letter not found: from Lt. Col. Samuel Smith, 31 Oct. 1777. GW wrote Smith on 1 Nov. that “I have...
As Mr Hancock took leave of Congress on Wednesday and yesterday set out on his way home to...
The Loss of our heavy Cannon on the North River, and the possibility however remote, of our...
A favourable opportunity offering by Mr. Austin of writing to you, I embrace it, in compliance to...