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Results 158031-158080 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
11 March 1812, War Department. Lists proposed appointments in the companies of rangers to be...
Having at length succeeded in getting your Tobacco reviewed I shall now give you my opinion of it...
Understanding from mr Randolph & others that you are disposed to undertake to carry flour from...
I have already acknowledged the receipt of your Letter by Captain Bainbridge received three weeks...
I have received from Mr. Brougham, with whose high Character you are acquainted, the enclosed...
I have the honor of transmitting to you the inclosed copies of letters, relating to my employment...
12 March 1812. Transmits a report of the secretary of state in compliance with the Senate...
12 March 1812, War Department. Proposes two alterations in the lists before the Senate of...
By your Letter I was glad to find it was only the agitation occasioned by extraordinary, &...
13 March 1812. Transmits a letter from the envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary of...
13 March 1812, War Department. Proposes, for JM’s approval, alterations and corrections in the...
13 March 1812, Washington. Informs JM about his petition before the Committee of Claims relating...
your Dft in favor of Brown & C o pay e the 1 st of next Month for $600. has appeard & wishing it...
Often in this Vale of Tears, My Dear Nephew, & Niece, are we called to sympathize with each...
It would be injustice in me not to return an immediate Answer to your letter, and its important...
I am induced to take the liberty of addressing you, from a belief that it will afford you some...
Upon the representations of Mr. Quincy, I made, through him, to Mr. Elwyn, the agent of Lewis...
Having several small sums to pay in George town , in order to spare Mess rs Gibson & Jefferson...
I recieved duly your favor of the 3 d and about the same time one from mr Harvie of the same...
1808 1809 D r M r Tho s
I safely recieved the clover seed by mr Peyton’s boat Johnson again disappointed me in taking...
I thought, when you were here, I should certainly have got my crop of flour to Richmond in the...
Your letter of Mar. 2. is just now recieved; the former one, after long lingering on the road,...
I am this moment favored with your’s of the 4 th inst. informing me you had recieved some plants...
The conspiracy which has transpired northwardly, as just announced in the public prints, calls on...
The accompanying collection of garden Seeds was forwarded to me by Colo Larkin Smith of Norfolk ....
The stove arrived safely; I have set it up and find it to answer perfectly. the room is very...
I duly recieved your favor of Feb. 2. with a specimen of the size & type you proposed for the...
You were so kind, some time ago, as to send me a copy of Scott’s works (a miniature edition)...
In the latter end of the year 1808, & Spring of 1809, two anonymous letters were addressed, one...
In order to fix the extent of the authorized loan, the time of opening it, & the dates of its...
Understanding that the law authorising a loan has passed, I beg leave to submit the propriety of...
17 March 1812, War Department. Lists proposed appointments in the U.S. Army. RC ( DNA : RG 46,...
17 March 1812, Treasury Department. Encloses a letter from Winslow Lewis [not found] “proposing...
Two of your Letters, viz No 24. Dup: & 25. Origl came to hand on the 16th: inst: These are the...
I have rec d . your Letters of the 6 th . and 13 th . Inst: — The woman procured by W m . appears...
Colonel Lehré a gentleman of this place & one of the Representatives for our City in the...
18 March 1812, War Department. Proposes additions and alterations to the lists of appointments...
18 March 1812. Wishes to make a proposal “of considerable magnitude and importance but feels...
I promised to stock you with the Alpine Strawberry as soon as soon as my beds would permit. I now...
I receiv’d the alpine strawberry plants sent by your Servant, for which accept my thanks. I send...
The greatest part of the History in your last Letter was well known to me, and I could write you...
I thank you for your kind letter of the 8th. I think with you upon the several political topics...
I send by your boy two bushels of malt but it is not sufficiently dried for grinding, and should...
I have received, under your Frank, Copies of Henry’s full Proofs of his own turpitude and that of...
Thank you for your very handsom and very amiable Letter of the 5th. It gave me great pleasure to...
I have this day received a letter from my correspondent in New York (a letter from whom I did...
I am a Citizen of Giles County State of Tennessee Five Miles from the Town of Pulaski a place...
Mr Joy has desired me to forward the inclosed. Wheat & Flour advanced very suddenly some days ago...
I am So much younger—I have not So manÿ avocations—I have nothing better to perform; it is mÿ...