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Results 158031-158080 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
158031 Page, John Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from John Page, 22 September 1780 1780-09-22 The particular Attention paid by the Executive to my Recommendations, and Informations could not...
158032 Deane, Silas Jay, John To John Jay from Silas Deane, 13 September 1780 1780-09-13 I have written You Two Letters since my Arrival the last on the 4 th Inst. as I know not whether...
158033 Hamilton, Alexander Continental Congress Report on the Memorials of … 1783-03-06 The Committee to whom was committed the report of the Grand Committee on the memorial of Pelatiah...
158034 Washington, George Ternant, Jean-Baptiste, chevalier de From George Washington to Ternant, 22 December 1791 1791-12-22 (Private) Dear Sir, Philadelphia, Decr 22nd 1791. I accept, with great pleasure, the new and...
158035 Adams, John Marshall, John From John Adams to John Marshall, 4 September 1800 1800-09-04 I have received your favor of August 25th I am much of your opinion, that we ought not to be...
158036 Heath, William Washington, George To George Washington from Major General William Heath … 1778-01-13 This will be handed to your Excellency by Mr Francis, a french Merchant belonging to the House...
158037 Washington, Lund Washington, George To George Washington from Lund Washington, 31 January … 1776-01-31 Your Letter by Captn Matthews I got last Saturday Since my last the River is not Psable for Ice...
158038 Washington, George Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from George Washington, With … 1792-11-19 I have run over the four numbers of Genl. Green’s letters to Congress—herewith returned—and find...
158039 Monroe, James Madison, James To James Madison from James Monroe, 22 February 1803 1803-02-22 I arrived here on saturday so much overcome with the fatigue of the journey that I kept my bed...
158040 Tyler, John Madison, James To James Madison from John Tyler, 17 January 1810 1810-01-17 I receiv’d yours of the 13th Instant on the Subject of the 300$ deposited in our Bank for the...
158041 Wilkinson, James Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from James Wilkinson, 21 November … 1799-11-21 It is a truth, that in the variety of my Life, I have very seldom experienced so essential a...
158042 Forrest, Thomas Washington, George To George Washington from Thomas Forrest, 4 August 1781 1781-08-04 I need not trouble Your Excellency with the many Reasons I have to Offer in favour of Leaving the...
158043 Jefferson, Thomas Randolph, Thomas Mann From Thomas Jefferson to Thomas Mann Randolph, 17 … 1809-01-17 Immediately on the reciept of your letter I communicated to mr Nicholas so much of it as related...
158044 Hamilton, Alexander Hodgdon, Samuel From Alexander Hamilton to Samuel Hodgdon, 20 February … 1793-02-20 Treasury Department, February 20, 1793. “A warrant has this day issued on the Treasurer in your...
158045 Vanderhorst, Elias Madison, James To James Madison from Elias Vanderhorst, 4 September … 1807-09-04 Since my last respects of the 1st. Ulto. Pr the Ship Robert Burns, Capt. White, Via Liverpool for...
158046 Adams, John Quincy Saturday Septr. 20th. 1783-09-20 The enthusiasm of the People of Paris for the flying Globes is very great, several Propositions...
158047 Washington, George [Diary entry: 15 September 1784] 1784-09-15 15th. This being the day appointed for the Sale of my moiety of the Co-partnership stock—Many...
158048 Smith, William Stephens Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from William Stephens Smith, 29 … 1787-01-29 No my dear Sir it is not me. It is impossible that my heart would ever permit me to pen a line to...
158049 Hamilton, Alexander New York Assembly. Motion for Leave to Bring in a Bill … 1787-02-03 Mr. Hamilton moved for leave to bring in a bill to amend the charter of the Corporation for the...
158050 Stirling, Lord (né William Alexander) Washington, George To George Washington from Major General Stirling, 7 … 1780-01-07 About a month ago I deposited with Colonel Hamilton some papers for your Excellency’s perusal...
158051 Cramer, Zadok Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Zadok Cramer, 14 February 1805 1805-02-14 As a known friend to man, to the promotion of arts and sciences, and a warm admirer of the rapid...
158052 Camm, John, Jr. Commission as Surveyor of Albemarle County, 6 June 1773 1773-06-06 To all to whom these Presents shall come, Greeting: Know ye, that we the President and Masters of...
158053 Adams, John Stark, Caleb, Jr. From John Adams to Caleb Stark, Jr., 27 May 1824 1824-05-27 Congress having adjourned today puts such an quantity of time at a persons disposal that many...
158054 Livingston, William Washington, George To George Washington from William Livingston, 2 March … 1778-03-02 I have your Excellency’s favour of the 22d instant and am very happy to find that the State of...
158055 Jefferson, Thomas Tessé, Adrienne-Catherine de Noailles, comtesse de From Thomas Jefferson to Adrienne-Catherine de … 1807-02-21 On the 26th. of October 1805. I had the pleasure of writing to you, and of informing you that I...
158056 Washington, George [Diary entry: 3 November 1774] 1774-11-03 3. I went up to Alexandria after the Company abovementioned Went away. Returnd in the Aftern.
158057 Adams, John Washington, George To George Washington from John Adams, 1 April 1776 1776-04-01 The Bearer of this Letter Francis Dana Esqr. of Cambridge, is a Gentleman of Family, Fortune and...
158058 Moylan, Stephen Washington, George To George Washington from Colonel Stephen Moylan, 24 … 1777-07-24 the Letter from General Forman & the other from my Correspondant are just come to hand, I send...
158059 Adams, Abigail Cranch, Mary Smith Abigail Adams to Mary Smith Cranch, 26 January 1786 1786-01-26 A mr Anstey who is appointed by the British Goverment to visit the different States; for the...
158060 Pickering, Timothy Adams, John To John Adams from Timothy Pickering, 1 August 1799 1799-08-01 The day before yesterday I received from Mr. Charles Hall of Northumberland County in this State,...
158061 Madison, James Monroe, James From James Madison to James Monroe, 25 July 1801 1801-07-25 The inclosed came last evening in a packet from Bourdeau. By the same conveyance I have a letter...
158062 Franklin, Benjamin Dubbeldemuts, Franco rom Benjamin Franklin to Franco and Adrianus … 1780-07-25 Copy: Library of Congress I received the Honours of yours, without Date, relating to the Ship...
158063 Hamilton, Alexander Varick, Richard From Alexander Hamilton to Richard Varick, [4 May 1798] 1798-05-04 A friend of mine has a sudden and unexpected call for 5000 Dollars which I am anxious to assist...
158064 Hamilton, Alexander Jay, John To John Jay from Alexander Hamilton, 7 May 1800 1800-05-07 You have been informed of the loss of our Election in this City. It is also known that we have...
158065 Duportail, Louis Lebègue de Presle Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Duportail, 2 January 1777 1777-01-02 ALS : American Philosophical Society Je desirerois avoir reponse sur la proposition que j’ai eu...
158066 Hamilton, Alexander Governor and Directors of the Society for … From Alexander Hamilton to the Governor and Directors … 1792-04-14 Among the disastrous incidents of the present juncture, I have not been least affected by the...
158067 Pickering, Timothy Dandridge, Bartholomew Jr. Timothy Pickering to Bartholomew Dandridge, Jr., 7 … 1795-01-07 The inclosed draught of a letter to the Governors of Virginia, Maryland, South Carolina, Georgia...
158068 Huntington, Samuel Washington, George To George Washington from Samuel Huntington, 24 May … 1781-05-24 For your Excellency’s Information, I have herewith enclosed several Resolves of the 22d Instant...
158069 Jefferson, Thomas Gallatin, Albert From Thomas Jefferson to Albert Gallatin, 20 February … 1804-02-20 Expecting that mr Madison & yourself would be able with a little discussion to make up an opinion...
158070 Barbour, James Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from James Barbour, 11 October 1808 1808-10-11 The office of Commissioner of loans having become vacant, by the death of the late Mr. John Page,...
158071 Adams, John Quincy 7th. 1788-08-07 Thompson did not attend this day at the Office. Phillips called to see us this afternoon. He has...
158072 From Benjamin Franklin to David Hall, 26 February 1766 1766-02-26 ALS : Maryland Historical Society I wrote to you on the 22d Instant, via Maryland. I now...
158073 Washington, George Trumbull, Jonathan George Washington to Jonathan Trumbull, 7 July 1777 1777-07-07 Morristown [ New Jersey ] July 7, 1777. Speculates on purpose of attack on Ticonderoga. Warns...
158074 Heath, William Washington, George To George Washington from Major General William Heath … 1779-06-28 I Send up John Waters a Deserter from the 71st Regt who was this moment Sent to me, with his arms...
158075 Washington, George Clendinen, George From George Washington to George Clendinen, 21 February … 1791-02-21 I have received your letter of the 1st of December, and thank you as well for the readiness with...
158076 Franklin, Benjamin Poor Richard, 1746 1746-01-01 Poor Richard, 1746. An Almanack For the Year of Christ 1746 , … By Richard Saunders, Philom....
158077 Jones, Joseph Washington, George To George Washington from Joseph Jones, 14 September … 1777-09-14 Being in want of a light Pheeton I directed my Servt to inquire abt the City for one—He tells me...
158078 Jefferson, Thomas Smith, Robert From Thomas Jefferson to Robert Smith, 5 September 1803 1803-09-05 Your favor of the 28th. came to hand on the 2d. inst. expecting mr Madison daily , I deferred...
158079 Adams, John Tufts, Cotton John Adams to Cotton Tufts, 26 December 1800 1800-12-26 I have yours of the 2 d. — before this, you have Seen the Treaty with France. The full assurance...
158080 Love, John Madison, James To James Madison from John Love, 10 January 1814 1814-01-10 An appology is necessary from me, for having by letter some time since troubled you on a subject...