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Results 158031-158060 of 184,431 sorted by author
I had not the Honor to receive your favor of the 1st instant, until the 7th—Being at that Time at...
Fredericksburg [ New York ] September 22, 1778 . Reports that Major de Chouin will explain to...
Your favor of this date came duly to hand —I shall certainly not undertake any thing (capital)...
158034[Diary entry: 7 November 1773] (Washington Papers)
7. Dined at Mrs. Dangerfields & returnd to Colo. Bassetts in the Afternoon.
The motives which give birth to this letter, proceed as much from private friendship, as they do...
Letter not found : to Anne Louise DuBarry, 15 May 1796. In DuBarry’s letter to GW of 28 July, she...
158037[Diary entry: 16 August 1781] (Washington Papers)
16th. Letters from the Marqs. de la Fayette & others, inform that Lord Cornwallis with the Troops...
158038[Diary entry: 25 October 1768] (Washington Papers)
25. Foggy Morng. & Clouds—with a good deal of Rain in the Afternoon & night from No. East.
Not having had an Answer to my Letter of the 16th of Sepr—inclosing a Copy of One to you of the...
158040[Diary entry: 26 August 1786] (Washington Papers)
Saturday 26th. Mercury at 68 in the Morning—77 at Noon And 73 at Night. A great deal of rain, in...
158041[Diary entry: 19 April 1767] (Washington Papers)
19. Wind at No. West & cool in the Morng. Afterwards still clear & very warm.
It being indispensibly necessary that some general plan of operation should be settled for the...
I was very sorry to find by a letter which I received from Doctr Craik yesterday, that your old...
158044[Diary entry: 16 August 1767] (Washington Papers)
16. Cloudy & warm.
By the last Post Majr Jenifer transmitted me an Acct of my Continental Certificates as they had...
158046[Diary entry: 10 March 1760] (Washington Papers)
Monday Mar. 10th. No. W. wind and clear, but the Ground too Wet for Plowing. Rode to my...
158047[Diary entry: 27 February 1773] (Washington Papers)
27. A Good deal of Rain fell in the Night. Morning Misting and day Cloudy—with the Wind at No....
I wrote to you on the 2d instant requesting to know what quantity of shoes you had upon hand and...
I am favored with yours of this date, enclosing a Note from Mrs Mortier—to whom a Billet is also...
158050[Diary entry: 10 June 1787] (Washington Papers)
Sunday 10th. Breakfasted by agreement at Mr. Powell’s, and in Company with him rid to see the...
158051[Diary entry: 24 June 1773] (Washington Papers)
24. But little Wind, and very Warm.
158052[Diary entry: 12 March 1768] (Washington Papers)
12. Large parts of my Wheat Field at Doeg Run—the same I believe at the Mill—were found to be...
158053General Orders, 23 August 1780 (Washington Papers)
[Officers] For the day Tomorrow[:] Brigadier General Huntington[,] Lieutenant Colonels Sumner[,]...
158054[Diary entry: 28 March 1760] (Washington Papers)
28. Clear, & Warm strong So[uther]ly Wind.
I have been favor’d with your letter of the 13th inst. I must refer you for the particular...
I have received your letter of the 12th instant, and will direct my Manager Mr Pearce to pay my...
158057[Diary entry: 21 October 1773] (Washington Papers)
21. Lowering for most part of the day with a little Rain in the Evening.
158058Acct. of the Weather in March [1771] (Washington Papers)
Mar. 1st. Ground hard froze. Wind fresh & Cold in the forenoon—clear, calm, & warmer in the...
158059[Diary entry: 11 May 1774] (Washington Papers)
11. At home all day alone.
Invoice of Goods to be sent by Robert Cary Esqr. & Co. for the use of George Washington—Potomk...