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Results 158031-158040 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
ALS : American Philosophical Society La presente vous sera remis par Monsieur H. Godet, beaufils du Gouverneur de St. Eustatius, qu’il sera bien aise de faire votre connoissance, comme je n’en doute pas, que vous m’aurez aussi bon grée vous l’avoire recomandé. Il est tres innutille de faire ses l’uenges [louanges], car sa Personne est assez distinguez est [et] recomandable, pour que je puise...
AL : American Philosophical Society Mr. A. Lee presents his Compts. to Dr. Franklin and begs to have the Papers he mentiond to Dr. Franklin, namely Count Vergennes’s Letter, the last Memoire to him, the last Letter to the Committee, and the list of Stores shipt from Marsailles. Mr. L. sends a Newspaper, which Mr. Izard borrowd and desird him to return. Addressed: The Honble / Benjamin Franklin...
158033General Orders, 1 November 1777 (Washington Papers)
The Commissaries are directed to take all the liquors in the hands of the sutlers, at a reasonable price if they can agree, and if they cannot, the sutlers are to carry them away: And no sutler shall be allowed to continue in the camp after the 5th instant. A General Court Martial of which General Sullivan was president, was held the 25th, 26th, 27th & 30th of October last, for the trial of...
By Virtue of the powers Vested in me by the Honorable Congress I hereby Authorize to Collect all such blankets Shoes, Stockings and other Cloathing Suitable to the Use of the Army, within the Counties of in the State of Pensilvania, As the Inhabitants Can spare without greatly distressing their families. In doing this you are to take Care, that, the unfreindly Quakers and others Notoriously...
Your Excellency’s favor of the 27th October, I receivd the 30th & should be happy, if I had it my Power to inform you, that I was prepareing for my March to the Delaware. I mentioned to the Governor & Council, the urgent Necessity for the immediate compliance with your Excellency’s request, but have yet received no Answer—nor do I believe, the Order will be given in time, to be of any...
When I last had the pleasure of seeing you, I advised you to Collect all the shoes stockings shirts Breechers &Ca which could be spared by the Country, in order to supply such of the soldiery as might stand most in need of them, & gave you every authority in my power for this purpose Now, as the Detachment which first March’d down to Fort Mifflin under command of Lieut. Colo. Smith must be...
As Col: Fisher has Some how (notwithstanding he is Commisionated) ben Neglected as to a Command in the Continental Army. Yet has acted as a Volunteer in my Brigd. through the Struggel to Subdue the Enemy to the Northward—and his Conduct has ben So Steady and Couragous—I must Heartily Recommend him to your Honours Favour for a Command Eaquel to his Diserving and in thus doing I must think your...
Mr Claiborne, who has acted as my Aid de Camp, and whom I have permitted to return to Virginia, will have the honor of delivering this to your Excellency. The great distance from Virginia to New-England, and the uncertainty of my state of health, and in what part of the Continent I may serve, should I ever be able to take the field, may render it uncertain whether he can again join my...
I think it not only incumbent upon me, but a duty which I owe the public, to represent to you the unaccountable Conduct of Brig: Genl. Newcomb at this critical time. As soon as the Enemy shewed a disposition to possess themselves of Billingsport and Red Bank I wrote to him in the most urgent manner to collect and keep up as many Militia as he possibly could to assist in the defence of Red Bank...
As representation has been made to me that the Purchase of Cattle has entirely ceased for some time past in the State of Connecticut, by means of those Gentlemen not chusing to Act who were appointed by Congress for that purpose, by which Our Army may possibly suffer for the want of Meat in a short time —I have therefore to reques⟨t tha⟩t you will without Loss of time appoint One or more...