George Washington Papers

Cash Accounts, April 1769

Cash Accounts

[April 1769]

Apl 25— To Cash recd for Fish £ 1. 0. 0
28— To Ditto recd from Captn H[anson] Marshall 2. 5. 6
To Ditto recd for Fish 6.14. 0
April 1— By Cards 24/6—pd Mr [Walter] Magowan 1/6 1. 6. 0
By Cash given away 1/3—Charity 5/ 0. 6. 3
By William Skilling 2.15. 0
6— By John Alton 5. 0. 0
7— By Lund Washington 5. 0. 0
17— By Cards 55/6—Charity 40/ 4.15. 6
By cash given away 1/6—Cards 21/1 1. 2. 6
19— By 50 lb. Myrtle Wax @ 1/2 2.18. 6
25— By Charity 0. 6. 0
By 50 Bushels of Salt @ 1/6 3.10. 6
28— By Alexander McKenzie—Taylors Acct 1.15. 4
By Cash paid Mary Wilson 1. 0.10
29— By 4393 feet Inch Plank @ 6/ 13. 3. 6
By 416 feet Inch and Quarter Do @ 7/ 1. 9. 2
By Charity 0. 5. 0

AD, General Ledger A description begins General Ledger A, 1750–1772. Library of Congress, George Washington Papers, Series 5, Financial Papers. description ends , folio 290.

1On 17 April GW went in to Alexandria for the meeting of the county court, of which he was a justice. He spent the night at the house of John West, Jr.

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