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Results 158021-158070 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
Your’s of Nov. 25 is recieved and I have ordered the patera wanting for the tea-room. with...
I am sorry that Electioneering tactics should have been the means of bringing my name and...
Mr. Derieux has for years past urged such perpetual demands on me for charity, that I have long...
Your favor of the 22d. ultimo inclosing a letter for Doctor Bache was received here the 25th.,...
The Memorial Of the Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Kentucky . Having...
I recieved last night your favor of the 26th. Nov. informing me that the seeds and plants are...
Mr. Danl. Carroll presents his respects to the President, he cannot have the pleasure to dine...
Mr. Nimmo the Commr. of bkrptcy appointed for Norfolk whose Christian name was left blank, is...
I recieved last night the inclosed letter, which tho’ not signed I know to be from John Bartram ....
La tendre amitié que vous avez daigné témoigner à mon époux, pendant son séjour à Philadelphie me...
J’ai lu avec mon attention ordinaire votre lettre du 17 Novembre, lorsque je la reçus; ainsi je...
I should be happy to wait upon you with the result of my calculations at 2 o’clock, if you could...
may my intretis prevail on your goodness to condesend to notis this scrall. I beg your honor wold...
Thinking it probable that the vacancy occasioned by the death of Mr Clark late first Judge for...
The vaccine virus being at present lost in this part of the country, Dr. Gant has sollicited me...
The Collectors continue to apply for sea-letters: we have none to send them. Is it intended to...
I have duly received your favor of the 1st., and have in compliance with your direction forwarded...
Your favor of Nov. 15. came to hand in due time, but it has not been till lately I could find...
By the last mail I recd. letters from two very respectable Gent. in the county of Essex, to whom...
Cost of the Constellation   $314–212=15– The Constellation cost more than any other vessel in the...
Take the advice of a true Republican and have nothing to do with Pain for if you keep him with...
Permit me to inform you we have not been Able to obtain Subscription for the Allegany Turnpike...
In Addressing a Gentleman of your Rank and character and to whom I have not the honor of being...
The short answer to the Collectors is that Sea letters are never given out but in time of war....
I inclose you three hundred & fifty dollars to cover two drafts I make on you in favr. of Saml. &...
By desire of mr Samuel Dyer of Albemarle I inclose you an order on Messrs. Gibson & Jefferson for...
Le Chevalier d’Irujo has the honor to present his complimt. to Mr. Jefferson, & in answer to his...
Having been informed the Commissioners are about to be appointed on the part of the US. to meet...
I have the pleasure now to inclose you a copy of the act of assembly which you desired. it could...
I have the honor to enclose two copies of a report made to me by B. H. Latrobe Esq on the subject...
A friend of mine in France has asked of me to procure the seeds and plants below mentioned. as...
The Petition of Laurence A. Dorsey a natural born Citizen of America. Respectully Sheweth That...
I recieved, my dear Sir, your note of yesterday, and am sensible of the friendly spirit which...
with Dr Mease’s respectful Compliments. [ Note by TJ :] Dec. 24. 1802.—subscribed to the work, to...
Abr Baldwin presents his respects to the President of the United States. I have consulted Genl....
It is with great pleasure I transmit to Dr. Gantt, through you, a portion of Vaccine Infection:...
I some days ago wrote directions to mr Lilly for filling the Icehouse : but I forgot one previous...
I enclose all the notes & corrections I can make on the appointment list. The office of the Secy....
August 2 Commissions 25— George Wentworth Surveyor for the District of Portsmouth and Inspector...
The enclosed list contains all the alterations which seem necessary in the President’s list , so...
Immediately on the reciept of your favor of Nov. 30. I directed a commission to issue to mr Judd...
By the accompanying package , you will perceive, that the statements called for by the House of...
Your favor of Sep. 30. found me here on the 17th. of October; since which the duplicate has been...
if you please to Let me have 30 thirty Dallors i have Sat op Shop in qeen Strith yours morst...
Th: Jefferson must trouble Mr. Barnes for 40. Dollars more in five dollar bills. Dec. 11. 1802....
I flatter myself from the known Kindness and Liberality of Your Character that You will excuse my...
Les bontés de pere dont vous avés eu la bonté de m’honorer depuis que je suis dans ce pays,...
As it gives room for federal clamour for me ever to say any thing about an election, what I am...
S. T. Mason arrived here yesterday. I had immediately a conversation with him on the resignation...
With your Esteem’d favor of the 7 Curt. we received your Draft at sight on Messrs. Gibson &...