John Jay Papers

To John Jay from George Washington, 12 May 1793

From George Washington

Phil[delphi]a. 12th. May 1793.

Dear Sir

Being informed by Colo. Hamilton (yesterday) that you propose to commence your Southern tour tomorrow, I take the liberty of enclosing you letters to Gentlemen in the only places where I presume you will make any halt.1

I have not added one to Governor Lee of Virginia, because I conceive you are well acquainted with him;— nor have I done it to Govr. Lee of Maryland, because, unless you make a point of it to pass through Annapolis, it is considerably out of the post (and most direct) Road.—

I wish you (but you must expect the weather to grow warm) a pleasant journey, & safe return to your family & friends— being always Dear Sir Your most Obedient & Affectionate Servt.

Go: Washington

Chief Justice of the U. States

ALS, NNC (EJ: 07251). Endorsed: “… an[swere]d. 12 may 1793”. HPJ description begins Henry P. Johnston, ed., The Correspondence and Public Papers of John Jay (4 vols.; New York, 1890–93) description ends , 3: 477.

1The enclosed letters have not been found, but see JJ to GW of this date, below.

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