George Washington Papers

[Diary entry: 20 May 1787]

Sunday 20th. Dined with Mr. & Mrs. Morris and other Company at their farm (called the Hills). Returned in the afternoon & drank Tea at Mr. Powells.

the hills: While visiting Philadelphia in July 1787 Manasseh Cutler recorded how he rode “out of the city on the western side . . . in view of the Schuylkill, and up the river several miles, and took a view of a number of Country seats, one belonging to Mr. Robert Morris. . . . His country seat . . . is not yet completed but it will be superb. It is planned on a large scale, the gardens and walks are extensive and the villa situated on an eminence has a commanding prospect down the Schuylkill to the Delaware” (Pa. Mag., 12 [1888], 105; and see SNYDER description begins Martin P. Snyder. City of Independence: Views of Philadelphia before 1800. New York, 1975. description ends , 140, 188).

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