Thomas Jefferson Papers

From Thomas Jefferson to Joseph Yznardi, Sr., [22 July 1801]

To Joseph Yznardi, Sr.

Washington [July 22. 1801.]

Dear Sir

Your favor of the 17th is [just now] recieved. I am [sorry that] the state of your health is such as to require your leaving this […]. with respect to the return of our frigate we learn nothing [from] […]. we know generally that the French government hold no objection to the [passages] in the treaty proposed by the Senate [& therefore] that […] probably return with the ratification [on?] […], [& in draft?], […] […]ors […] could arrive at Paris [to any] […] [he] […]ations […] wines you were so kind as to send me, arrived here […] suffered a little [in quantity] […] not adulterated their quality which is fine. I will thank you to inform me of their amount [that I may order some] […] yourself if still in the country, […] persons as you will [have the goods?] […] you fix your attention to my […] both of which will be acceptable. […] it is possible I shall take the liberty […] to you. accept my best [wishes] for the […] for your safe & [pleasant] return, & assurances of my high […] consideration.

[Th: Jefferson]

PrC (DLC); faint, with several illegible phrases; at foot of text: “Don Joseph Yznardi”; endorsed by TJ in ink on verso.

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