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Results 158001-158050 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
I am much obliged to you for your favour of the fifth instant—The Communications made you from...
Since the Date of the Letter, which the late Congress, by their President, addressed to your...
Are the enclosed in conformity to your ideas? If not, will you be pleased to note the necessary...
We have received your Letters of the 12 Decr. and 23 of January. In the first You propose that We...
Yours of December the 26th. has been received and on the 13. of last month I wrote to the...
158006[Diary entry: 9 March 1774] (Washington Papers)
9. Dined at Snickers’s & lodgd at Fairfield.
I yesterday wrote to Mr. Hammond, Minister Plenipotentiary of Great Britain, inclosing copies of...
The new year opens upon us with new Scenes of Life before us. what are to be the trials the...
I have taken the liberty of troubleing you very frequenly lately on the subject of my freinds, I...
Here I am again. Arrived last Thursday, in good Health, altho I had a cold Journey. The Weather,...
  private   I have recd. your favor of the 20th. Ult. with a copy of your "Public Lecture". We...
I have drawn up the inclosed with a design of presenting it to the Committee to whom a letter of...
yesterday at Montecelo , I omited to Consult you with respect to a pease of ground which I wish...
Our Lincoln is wreathing in the Fox-trap of pretended-Friends. And the desendants of those Same...
I nominate William Miller of Pennsilvania to be Commissioner of the Revenue of the United States....
I do myself the honour of inclosing a few Extracts of Letters written in 1783 to M r Livingstone,...
General Schuyler was good enough to read to me part of a letter he received last night from you....
To the Honorable the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Virginia Pursuant to the resolves of...
Your obliging letter wrote at the moment you were setting out for Monticello,—I sent to my Son...
26 February 1791, Culpeper County. Encloses a certificate of military service of a “near...
Your letter of the 12th of May has been received, but not until within these few days: to which...
I have laid before the President of the US. your letter of Nov. 25. and have now the honor to...
16 May 1804, Boston. “It is with extreme reluctance that we are again compelled to address you on...
15 July 1812. “In the exercise of the inestimable privilege of peaceably assembling and...
15802519th. Wednesd. (Adams Papers)
This forenoon Mr. Heiliger; a Gentleman from the Danish West India’s, and who has liv’d in...
LS : American Philosophical Society I but just now receiv’d the Extreem favour you honor’d me...
I have been honored with your Letter of the 29th of last Month. I regret very much that I have it...
I have to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 6th. inst. I have to observe, in regard...
158029[Diary entry: 6 July 1774] (Washington Papers)
6. Dined at Doctr. Brown’s & returnd home in the Eveng. The meeting of inhabitants, held...
I beg leave to suggest, that it would be useful for the Consuls of the United States, every where...
The particular Attention paid by the Executive to my Recommendations, and Informations could not...
I have written You Two Letters since my Arrival the last on the 4 th Inst. as I know not whether...
The Committee to whom was committed the report of the Grand Committee on the memorial of Pelatiah...
(Private) Dear Sir, Philadelphia, Decr 22nd 1791. I accept, with great pleasure, the new and...
I have received your favor of August 25th I am much of your opinion, that we ought not to be...
This will be handed to your Excellency by Mr Francis, a french Merchant belonging to the House...
Your Letter by Captn Matthews I got last Saturday Since my last the River is not Psable for Ice...
I have run over the four numbers of Genl. Green’s letters to Congress—herewith returned—and find...
I arrived here on saturday so much overcome with the fatigue of the journey that I kept my bed...
I receiv’d yours of the 13th Instant on the Subject of the 300$ deposited in our Bank for the...
It is a truth, that in the variety of my Life, I have very seldom experienced so essential a...
I need not trouble Your Excellency with the many Reasons I have to Offer in favour of Leaving the...
Immediately on the reciept of your letter I communicated to mr Nicholas so much of it as related...
Treasury Department, February 20, 1793. “A warrant has this day issued on the Treasurer in your...
Since my last respects of the 1st. Ulto. Pr the Ship Robert Burns, Capt. White, Via Liverpool for...
158046Saturday Septr. 20th. (Adams Papers)
The enthusiasm of the People of Paris for the flying Globes is very great, several Propositions...
158047[Diary entry: 15 September 1784] (Washington Papers)
15th. This being the day appointed for the Sale of my moiety of the Co-partnership stock—Many...
No my dear Sir it is not me. It is impossible that my heart would ever permit me to pen a line to...
Mr. Hamilton moved for leave to bring in a bill to amend the charter of the Corporation for the...
About a month ago I deposited with Colonel Hamilton some papers for your Excellency’s perusal...