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Results 158001-158050 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
I now inclose you Govr. Drayton’s answer to Doctr. Tucker by which you will percieve that there is no prospect of getting your negroes through the state of S.C. in the present state of their laws; and as to alterations to be made in these, they are too precarious to affect your plans in the least. you will have to go therefore either through Tennissee or by water. it is said that the former...
The inclosed Letter reached my Hand this Morning. I hasten to forward it to you by this Days Mail, that you may have the earliest possible information of the Measure to which it relates. There is probably very little produce of the Western Country now at New Orleans, or on its way to that Market, but very large quantities are in readiness for exportation at the first rise of our Rivers, &...
My absence from home until this moment prevented my sending an answer to your note before. Young Coopers name is Thomas Cooper ,—he appears to be about 22 years old. Lacretelle’s book I have not here but have written for it by Mail to Philadelphia, and requested it to be sent by some private hand. Paine’s third letter gives me considerable uneasiness, he has in fact commenced the subject of...
Not knowing whether an agricultural Society is still in existence in Pennsylvania, I have chosen to adress this to you to whose Institution no useful discovery is foreign— I had heard here that the ashes of Pyrites were used as a manure, but I could meet with no satisfactory information on the subject till in a little excursion that I made lately into Flanders I was enabled to see the process...
A Circumstance has just come to my knowledge which reminds me of my annual tribute of a letter to the President, It is the Death of Judge Clark of the Indiana Territory —Perhaps you may recolect the third person I recomended as Marshal of the District of Vermont in April 1801, his name is James Witherill he is now of the Legislative Council of Vermont and one of the Judges of the County Court...
The day after to morrow I expect we shall sign the Constitution of this new State; a Copy of which, accompanying an adress will be sent you from our body. The propositions of the law of Congress I presume will not be accepted without some modification, for which purpose we in all likelihood will send Col. Worthington with instructions to negociate with the National Legislature & adjourn to a...
St. Geo. Tucker with very respectful Compliments to Mr. Jefferson takes the earliest Opportunity since his return home to forward the history of Connecticut , according to the promise he made at Monticello. He takes the Liberty of referring Mr. Jefferson particularly to the Appendix, which contains some curious particulars. RC ( MHi ); endorsed by TJ as received 2 Dec. and so recorded in SJL ....
An unfortunate scratch across the end of my Nose which I received among the briars in the Neighborhood of the Navy Yard, has given me so disgraceful an appearance for the last four days, that I have confined my Labors to the Survey of the Canal, & to my Chamber. I have now nearly finished the Ground work of my Estimate & have every reason to believe, that the Canal from the Locks to the Navy...
I am indebted to you for several letters giving me pleasing information from time to time of the progress of your election & of it’s final result. I have avoided answering because of the use which the disaffected made of our correspondence, by lying imputations on it’s object. that I, as well as every other honest man should rejoice at your substitution for that of your predecessor , was...
Your favor of Oct. 25. was recieved in due time, and I thank you for the long extract you took the trouble of making from mr Stone’s letter. certainly the information it communicates as to Alexander kindles a great deal of interest in his existence, and strong spasms of the heart in his favor. tho his means of doing good are great, yet the materials on which he is to work are refractory....
I must again entreat you, to have the goodness to pardon me for again, troubling you: Nothing less than the pressure of Severe circumstances, could have extorted from me the former application . These circumstances have not Since improved. The enclosed paper, which my fellow citizens have executed, not only without my Solicitation, but without my privity or knowledge, Shews the place they...
The Editors of the Medical Repository having requested of me a Summary Account of the City of Havana, I beg permission to request your acceptance of a Copy of that Article from their last number. You will perceive, Sir, that, as there stated, it is but a summary: but as I intend collecting all my Notes into one view (those which you did me the honor formerly to peruse being much enlarged &...
Your favor of Oct. 29. was recieved in due time, and I am very thankful for the extract of mr Stone’s letter on the subject of Alexander. the apparition of such a man on a throne is one of the phaenomena which will distinguish the present epoch so remarkeable in the history of man. but he must have an Herculean task to devise and establish the means of securing freedom & happiness to those who...
You may imagine I feel inexpressibly hurt, under your administration, that there are many men kept in office, & others appointed, who have no comparative claims upon your patronage.   At last, I am made to understand the cause; for I must not suppose you could, so long neglect a faithful servant, suffering as I have done, thro’ a long life, without some very imperious reasons. I leave it to...
J’ai l’honneur de m’adresser à Vous pour Vous prier de Vouloir bien me donner quelques renseignemens concernant une Nommée Sophie de Bréard, Née française et établie chez les Bostoniens déjà depuis bien des années. Elle doit résider à Philadelphie ou aux environs. Ne connaissant personne dans ce pays, Je prends la liberté de m’adresser à Vous pour savoir par Votre moyen si cette demoiselle De...
Permit me to express the gratefull sence of my obligation for the favor you have bestow’d, in the appointment of Collector for the Port of Wilmington . Please to accept my sincere acknowledgment, for this evidence of your indulgence. and rest assured, that I shall endeavor by my conduct, to merit your confidence. When I came into Office, I found it in a deranged Situation, the Deputy Collector...
Two days ago I received the inclosed letters from Doctr James Speed, and Meeker & Co. from New Orleans; together with a copy of a proclamation issued by Juan Ventura Morales Intendant of the Spanish Government of Louisiana; and which I do myself the honor to inclose, for your information. The Citizens of this State are very much alarmed and agitated; as this measure of the Spanish government...
Several of my respectable fellow citizens, understanding there is still a vacancy in the Commission of Bankruptcy in this State, have solicited me to address you on this subject, and to name Majr. William Judd , as a candidate for the appointment. Majr. Judd’s location is convenient and accomodating to the public service. He resides in Farmington, which is much the largest commercial town,...
Je suis chargé de la part de Madame Felix et de Mr. le Général Kosciusko de remettre à Votre Excellence le Douple de l’acte de Cession faite a cette dame par le Général de sa Terre sur le Scioto , et de recevoir de vos mains non seulement les Titres originaires du Général et autres Papiers y relatifs en Original, mais aussi les Ordres, et Instructions pour la prise de Possession au Nom de...
When I address you as the President of a great and independent Republic, I am impressed with diffidence & awe; but when I recognize you, as the mild and philanthropic Jefferson —when I behold you as the author of several valuable literary productions, and the uniform admirer and friend of Science, and all useful & entertaining lucubrations, my Diffidence, in some measure vanishes, and, clothed...
Your’s of Nov. 25 is recieved and I have ordered the patera wanting for the tea-room. with respect to the joists for the N. West wing of offices, I leave it to yourself to decide; only let there be no danger of failure for want of due strength. I am quite at a loss about the nailboys remaining with mr Stewart. they have long been a dead expense instead of a profit to me. in truth they require...
I am sorry that Electioneering tactics should have been the means of bringing my name and Character before your Excellency in so deformed a point of veiw; for I find I have not only been represented to the President of the United States, as having relinquished my political principles, but of having become a debaucher and a sot .—I feel for the wretched depravity of such men, and lament the...
Mr. Derieux has for years past urged such perpetual demands on me for charity, that I have long since gone beyond the proportion which he had a right to expect of what I can give in charity, and consequently has been infringing on what other objects had a better right to. I have therefore for some time rejected his applications. he makes one now however under circumstances to which I cannot be...
Your favor of the 22d. ultimo inclosing a letter for Doctor Bache was received here the 25th., but it so happened that it was filed away without my seeing it, and it was not until this morning a few moments before the closing of the Charlottesville mail, that I observed it. Having the day before yesterday received a letter from Dr. B. in which he informed me he had declined going by Norfolk as...
The Memorial Of the Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Kentucky . Having on a former occasion, when we represented the obstructions to the Navigation of the river Mississippi, experienced the attention and justice of the General Government, in providing by a treaty with the court of Spain, not only for the free navigation of that river, but for what, in our remote...
I recieved last night your favor of the 26th. Nov. informing me that the seeds and plants are made up for which I had written to you some time ago. Mr. William Short sets out from this place tomorrow for Philadelphia, and will call on you, recieve and pay you for them. to him therefore be so good as to deliver them, and to accept assurances of my esteem & best wishes. PrC ( DLC ); at foot of...
Mr. Danl. Carroll presents his respects to the President, he cannot have the pleasure to dine with him on sunday next , agreable to invitation RC ( MHi ); addressed: “The President”; endorsed by TJ. sunday next : 5 Dec.
Mr. Nimmo the Commr. of bkrptcy appointed for Norfolk whose Christian name was left blank, is named ‘James.’ RC ( DNA : RG 59, MLR ); addressed: “The Secretary of State.” According to State Department records and TJ’s list of appointments, the commission for James nimmo was dated 24 Nov. Madison sent the document to James Monroe on 29 Nov. with the request that he insert the christian name ,...
I recieved last night the inclosed letter, which tho’ not signed I know to be from John Bartram . you will percieve by it that he has prepared the plants seeds &c which I ordered for M. de Liancourt at your request. I write to Bartram to day to deliver them to you and that you will pay him for them. while in Philadelphia you will readily get a hack to carry you to his gardens, about a mile on...
La tendre amitié que vous avez daigné témoigner à mon époux, pendant son séjour à Philadelphie me fait esperer, généreux Jefferson, que vous aurez la complaisance de lire la lettre cijointe. Elle vous fera connaitre au vrai toute l’horreur de ma situation présente et les besoins urgens de ma nombreuse famille. Les moyens que mon ami ose vous proposer sont faciles, il ne dépendra que de vous...
J’ai lu avec mon attention ordinaire votre lettre du 17 Novembre, lorsque je la reçus; ainsi je puis vous rendre compte des idées qu’elle a fait naître, et de l’origine de ma méprise. Vous me demandiez, il est très vrai, l’ouvrage de Dumousnier & non pas celui de Dumourier. Cependant, ce qui m’a porté à croire que vous désiriez le livre du Général, au lieu de celui du Législateur, c’est que le...
I should be happy to wait upon you with the result of my calculations at 2 o’clock, if you could then make it convenient to devote half an hour to me. I propose that hour because it is the very earliest that I can mention,—and I believe you to be desirous of obtaining the information which I can give as soon as possible; but a later hour will be equally convenient to me.—I am anxious that you...
may my intretis prevail on your goodness to condesend to notis this scrall. I beg your honor wold please to pardon me, and let the cause that urges me to the ardent task apolligise for the liberty I take my lack of education and want of abilitys, renders me uncapable of placing words with that sence and stile proper to address so greate and worthy a Presedent, from the public charractor your...
Thinking it probable that the vacancy occasioned by the death of Mr Clark late first Judge for the Indiana Territory has not yet been filled, I take the liberty hereby to recommend to your Notice, William Garrard Esqr. of this State, as well quallified for that Office. Mr Garrard is son of Colo Garrard our present Governor, & now about thirty two years of age. He completed his Education at...
The vaccine virus being at present lost in this part of the country, Dr. Gant has sollicited me to endeavor to recover it for him & his brethren of the profession here. the difficulty of keeping up a constant succession of inoculated subjects, and the uncertainty of success from matter which is not fresh, will probably expose every part of the US. to the accident of losing the matter, and...
The Collectors continue to apply for sea-letters: we have none to send them. Is it intended to discontinue them altogether? If so, what is the proper answer to give to the collectors? Respectfully your’s RC ( DLC ); endorsed by TJ as received from the Treasury Department on 6 Dec. and “Sea letters” and so recorded in SJL . In 1793, customs collectors began to distribute sea letters or...
I have duly received your favor of the 1st., and have in compliance with your direction forwarded Mr. Derieux $:25. The draught you mention in favor of Brown was some time since presented by Mr. J. Nicholas, but as you had previously informed us that you had concluded to forward the amount to Albemarle in bank notes, and as the draught was not endorsed so as to give N. a legal right to demand...
Your favor of Nov. 15. came to hand in due time, but it has not been till lately I could find time to look through our past account. it was thoroughly impressed on my mind that I had never failed to order paiment for every supply of iron at the term of three months a little more or less. but I find in effect that the two small articles of Sep. 12. sash weights & Oct. 28. bar iron to Stewart,...
By the last mail I recd. letters from two very respectable Gent. in the county of Essex, to whom I had written, respecting the political Conduct of Mr Whettimore the Surveyor of Gloucester . As I assured them no use should be made of their names, they are not mentioned. From one of these letters the following is an extract—“I have made particular enquiries respecting Mr Whittemores political...
Cost of the Constellation   $314–212=15– The Constellation cost more than any other vessel in the service. RC ( DLC ); undated; in an unidentified hand; addressed: “The President of the United States”; endorsed by TJ as received from the Navy Department on 6 Dec. and “Constellation” and so recorded in SJL .
Take the advice of a true Republican and have nothing to do with Pain for if you keep him with you any longer you will surely Loose your next Election you had better turn him away and give him no more feasts . But I think that you may never stand for president again for Adams will be the next president but god forbid it. Tom Pain that scandilous rascal for you a true Republican to encourage...
Permit me to inform you we have not been Able to obtain Subscription for the Allegany Turnpike road Agreeable to the Acts of the Legislatures of Virginia & Maryland from Potomack to the Western Navigation, which I had the Honor to lay before you last Winter There is no monied Capital on the Potomack nor in the Country immediately Interested in this Road, hence Subscriptions of Shares payable...
In Addressing a Gentleman of your Rank and character and to whom I have not the honor of being acquainted I may appear presumtuous; but I Flatter myself that, that goodness of heart for which you are so emminently Distinguished will easily form an Apology for my Singularity.   Being Greatly straitened for cash since the Death of my husband looking over his papers finds a sum of the old kind of...
The short answer to the Collectors is that Sea letters are never given out but in time of war. then they are given in consequence of the stipulations in treaties to ascertain our flag to the other party when belligerent. no Sea letter was ever issued by this government till the commencement of the war between France & Great Britain.—I should except from these observations the case of vessels...
I inclose you three hundred & fifty dollars to cover two drafts I make on you in favr. of Saml. & S. Myers for 150. D. & of Moran for 200. D. which be pleased to honour when presented. affectionate attachment & salutations. P.S. Take the reciept, if you please, as paid for S. Dyer. PrC ( MHi ); at foot of text: “Mr. George Jefferson”; endorsed by TJ in ink on verso. Recorded in SJL with the...
By desire of mr Samuel Dyer of Albemarle I inclose you an order on Messrs. Gibson & Jefferson for one hundred & fifty dollars for the credit of mr Dyer with you. Accept my respects and good wishes. RC ( DeHi ); addressed: “Messrs. Samuel & S. Myers Richmond”; franked and postmarked; endorsed as received 10 Dec. and answered on the 11th. Recorded in SJL with the notation “150.” S. & S. Myers...
Le Chevalier d’Irujo has the honor to present his complimt. to Mr. Jefferson, & in answer to his polite & friendly notte of yesterday concerning the amount of the champaing , to assure him, that his approbation of it will be for him the highest prize he can expect in this bargain—Le chevalier returns his sincere thanks to Mr. Jefferson for his generous offer of the Madeyra, & he will make use...
Having been informed the Commissioners are about to be appointed on the part of the US. to meet those of Spain for the settlement of Certain claims of the American Citizens, I Have taken the liberty of addressing you on the Subject, with a tender of my services.— I Have not thought it necessary to accompany this Letter with any Recommendations. I flatter myself however that on investigation my...
I have the pleasure now to inclose you a copy of the act of assembly which you desired. it could not be authenticated in any way: but I send you mr Carr’s letter, which assures me that it is an accurate copy. Accept assurances of my esteem & great respect. PrC ( DLC ); at foot of text: “Colo Thomas Newton”; endorsed by TJ in ink on verso. Enclosures: (1) Dabney Carr to TJ, 30 Nov., recorded in...
I have the honor to enclose two copies of a report made to me by B. H. Latrobe Esq on the subject of a Dry Dock, at this place, of a size sufficient to contain Twelve frigates of 44 guns—in which report he mentions the site that would, in his opinion, be the best—the works necessary to be erected, accompanied by Drawings—the means of supplying the Dock with Water—& the probable period it would...