John Jay Papers

To John Jay from George Washington, 11 May 1789

From George Washington

New York May 11th. 1789.

Dear Sir

A few days ago I was conversing with you on the points contained in the enclosed queries,1 when a Gentleman coming in put an end to the conversation

As it is my earnest wish to adopt such a line of conduct as shall be judged most likely to secure essentials without being exposed more than is unavoidable to the charge of too much reserve on the one hand, or too much familiarity on the other, I would be much obliged to you for considering and returning the enclosed with your sentiments thereon as soon as you can make it convenient to yourself. With great and sincere regard I am &ca.

G: Washington

LbkC, DLC: Washington (EJ: 12663). JJ’s reply has not been found. Queries were also sent to JA and AH, JM and RRL. JA’s response is in DLC: Washington, under the date 12 May 1789. For AH’s response, see PAH description begins Harold C. Syrett et al., eds., The Papers of Alexander Hamilton (27 vols.; New York, 1961–87) description ends , 5: 335–37, from Dft in DLC: Hamilton.

1No copy of the queries sent to JJ has been found, but they are presumed to be similar or identical those sent to JA and AH and others. See PGW: PS description begins Dorothy Twohig et al., eds., The Papers of George Washington, Presidential Series (19 vols. to date; Charlottesville, Va., 1987–) description ends , 2: 270. The queries as taken from GW to JA, 10 May 1789, Dft, DLC: GW; LbkC, MHi: Adams Family Papers; PGW: PS description begins Dorothy Twohig et al., eds., The Papers of George Washington, Presidential Series (19 vols. to date; Charlottesville, Va., 1987–) description ends , 2: 245–47, are as follows.

[New York, c. 10 May 1789]

The President of the United States wishes to avail himself of your sentiments on the following points.—

1st. Whether a line of conduct, equally distant from an association with all kinds of company on the one hand and from a total seclusion from Society on the other, ought to be adopted by him?— and, in that case, how is it to be done?

2d. What will be the least exceptionable method of bringing any system, which may be adopted on this subject, before the Public and into use?—

3d. Whether, after a little time, one day in every week will not be sufficient for receiving visits of Compliment?—

4th. Whether it would tend to prompt impertinent applications & involve disagreeable consequences to have it known, that the President will, every Morning at eight Oclock, be at leisure to give Audience to persons who may have business with him?—

5th. Whether, when it shall have been understood that the President is not to give general entertainments in the manner the Presidents of Congress have formerly done, it will be practicable to draw such a line of discrimination in regard to persons, as that Six, eight or ten official characters (including in the rotation the members of both Houses of Congress) may be invited informally or otherwise to dine with him on the days fixed for receiving Company, without exciting clamours in the rest of the Community?—

6th. Whether it would be satisfactory to the Public for the President to make about four great entertainmts. in a year on such great occasions as … the Annaversary of the Declaration of Independence … the Alliance with France … the Peace with Great Britain … the Organization of the general Government: and whether arrangements of these two last kinds could be in danger of diverting too much of the Presidents time from business, or of producing the evils which it was intended to avoid by his living more recluse than the Presidts. of Congress have heretofore lived.—

7th. Whether there would be any impropriety in the Presidents making informal visits;— that is to say, in his calling upon his Acquaintances or public Characters for the purposes of sociability or civility— and what (as to the form of doing it) might evince these visits to have been made in his private character, so as that they may not be construed into visits from the President of the United States?— and in what light would his appearance rarely at Tea parties be considered?

8th. Whether, during the recess of Congress, it would not be advantageous to the interests of the Union for the President to make the tour of the United States, in order to become better acquainted with their principal Characters & internal Circumstances, as well as to be more accessible to numbers of well-informed persons, who might give him useful information and advices on political subjects?

9th. If there is a probability, that either of the arrangements may take place, which will eventually cause additional expences, whether it would not be proper that these ideas should come into contemplation, at the time when Congress shall make a permanent provision for the support of the Executive—


On the one side no augmentation can be effected in the pecuniary establishment which shall be made in the first instance, for the support of the Executive. On the other, all monies destined to that purpose beyond the actual expenditures, will be left in the Treasury of the United States or sacredly applied to the promotion of some national objects.—

Many things which appear of little importance in themselves and at the beginning, may have great and durable consequences from their having been established at the commencement of a new general government.— It will be much easier to commence the administration, upon a well adjusted system built on tenable grounds, than to correct errors or alter inconveniences after they shall have been confirmed by habit.— The President in all matters of business & etiquette, can have no object but to demean himself in his public character, in such a manner as to maintain the dignity of Office, without subjecting himself to the imputation of superciliousness or unnecessary reserve.— Under these impressions, he asks for your candid and undisguised Opinions.—

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