James Madison Papers

To James Madison from Thomas Hazard, Jr., 29 February 1812 (Abstract)

§ From Thomas Hazard, Jr.

29 February 1812, Boston. Has received reports that there may be a vacancy in the U.S. consulate at Liverpool, in which event he recommends his son Thomas Rodman Hazard, “who has been settled there several years a merchant.” Describes his son as a man of moral character and respectability in business who would perform the duties of office with honor if appointed. Encloses a letter from the governor of the commonwealth on this subject.1

RC (DNA: RG 59, LAR, 1809–17, filed under “Hazard”). 1 p. Enclosure not found.

1Hazard wrote a similar letter on the same day to Secretary of War Eustis (ibid.). Eustis apparently passed the letter on to JM with the docket: “Mr Hazard a very respectable man / one of the Council of Masstts.”

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