James Madison Papers

To James Madison from Thomas Tudor Tucker, 29 February 1812

From Thomas Tudor Tucker

Washington Febry 29th. 1812.


I take the liberty of sending you herewith, a letter this day received from Thomas Bee Esqr. of Charleston S. C.1 Having had no opportunity of being much acquainted with him, I can add nothing to what is already known to you. With great respect I am Sir Your most obedt. Servt.

Th. T. Tucker

RC (DNA: RG 59, ML). For enclosure, see n. 1.

1Tucker enclosed a one-page letter he had received from Thomas Bee, Jr., seeking the appointment to the district judgeship that had been occupied by his recently deceased father (see Charles Pinckney to JM, 18 Feb. 1812). Bee admitted that his prospects for the position were not good, in part because he suspected JM would select a candidate “whose political sentiments may be more agreeable … than mine” (Bee to [Tucker], 22 Feb. 1812 [DNA: RG 59, LAR, 1809–17, filed under “Bee”]).

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