Thomas Jefferson Papers

Thomas Jefferson to Ezra Sargeant, 26 February 1812

To Ezra Sargeant

Monticello. Feb. 26. 12.


Your letter of the 10th has been recieved. I must acknolege that the price of the printing is higher than I had expected, being something over half a dollar a piece on so large a purchase as 250. copies of a pamphlet of about 70. pages. however I am ignorant of the expences of printing, and the motives for the publication overlook small considerations. I now therefore forward the MS. for publication on the terms of your letter. on giving it a last revisal, I found that a topographical sketch of the ground in question would be indispensable. I therefore prepared one, of the size of a single 8vo page, in the simplest form, and with the least writing possible, so as not to add sensibly to the time or cost of the publication.

When done, I would request you to make up 144. copies into one packet addressed to mr Patrick Magruder Clerk of the House of Representatives at Washington; another of 35. copies addressed to Samuel A. Otis Secretary of the Senate, and a third of 71. copies addressed to myself at this place. this last packet, which will not be larger than a common 8vo vol. may be put into the mail. with respect to those for mr Otis & Magruder, I imagine that it will be practicable to find some person going on in the stage from N. York to Washington who will take charge of them as a part of their baggage, and that this may be done with a few days delay only. be so good as to let me know as soon as you can ascertain when the work will be ready for delivery, as also whether any and what additional sum will be required for the map, and I will have the whole sum remitted you immediately by my correspondent in Richmond. Accept the assurance of my respects.

Th: Jefferson

PoC (MHi); at foot of text: “Mr Ezra Sarjeant”; endorsed by TJ. Enclosure: TJ’s Statement on the Batture Case, 31 July 1810, including his 25 Feb. 1812 preface.

TJ’s topographical sketch has not been found, but a map based on it, labeled “The Fauxbourg St Marie from Lafon’s Map and the Beach, or Batture from Pelletier’s Survey,” appeared as the frontispiece to Jefferson, Proceedings description begins Thomas Jefferson, The Proceedings of the Government of the United States, in maintaining The Public Right to the Beach of the Missisipi, Adjacent to New-Orleans, against the Intrusion of Edward Livingston. prepared for the use of counsel, by Thomas Jefferson, New York, 1812; Sowerby, nos. 3501, 3508; Poor, Jefferson’s Library, 10 (no. 604) description ends .

Index Entries

  • Batture Sainte Marie, controversy over; map of search
  • Congress, U.S.; TJ’s batture pamphlet sent to search
  • Jefferson, Thomas; Writings; statement on the batture case search
  • Magruder, Patrick; clerk of U.S. House of Representatives search
  • maps; of New Orleans batture search
  • Otis, Samuel Allyne; secretary of U.S. Senate search
  • Sargeant, Ezra; letters to search
  • Sargeant, Ezra; prints batture pamphlet search
  • statement on the batture case (Thomas Jefferson); TJ publishes search