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Results 157951-157980 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
157951 Gallatin, Albert Jefferson, Thomas III. Gallatin’s Remarks on the Draft, 21 November 1802 1802-11-21 I hope that your administration will afford but few materials to historians; and we have already...
157952 Gallatin, Albert Jefferson, Thomas IV. Statement of Receipts and Expenditures, 21 November … 1802-11-21 A Sketch of the Receipts and Expenditures of the United States for the year ending 30th Septer....
157953 Jefferson, Thomas V. Referral of the Draft to Henry Dearborn, 22 November … 1802-11-22 Will Genl. Dearborne be pleased to examine the inclosed with rigour & suggest any alterations he...
157954 Dearborn, Henry Jefferson, Thomas VI. Dearborn’s Remarks on the Draft, 23 November 1802 1802-11-23 May it not be expedient to intimate that if a dry dock at this place should succeed, that others...
157955 Smith, Robert Jefferson, Thomas VII. Robert Smith’s Remarks on the Draft, 25 November … 1802-11-25 If a more summary process be wanted to enforce a specific performance of the Contract of foreign...
157956 Jefferson, Thomas Lincoln, Levi VIII. Referral of the Draft to Levi Lincoln 1802-11-25 Will you be so good as to give the inclosed a scrupulous examination, and suggest any alterations...
157957 Lincoln, Levi Jefferson, Thomas IX. Lincoln’s Remarks on the Draft, 25 November 1802 1802-11-25 +  considering the great captiousness of the opposition, I respectfully, suggest for...
157958 Dufief, Nicolas Gouin Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Nicolas Gouin Dufief, 18 … 1802-11-18 J’ai été infiniment touché de votre lettre obligeante en me renvoyant mes papiers. Le vif désir...
157959 Gallatin, Albert Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Albert Gallatin, 18 November … 1802-11-18 I enclose the letter which had been intended for Mr Short. The bill purchased for that object...
157960 Helmbold, George Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from George Helmbold, 18 November … 1802-11-18 I hope you will not deem me impertinent for addressing myself to you without your having any...
157961 Jacobs, William S. Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from William S. Jacobs, 18 November … 1802-11-18 I take the liberty of sending you my Inaugural Dissertation, With a Copy of “the Students...
157962 Jefferson, Thomas Preble, Edward From Thomas Jefferson to Edward Preble, 18 November … 1802-11-18 Th: Jefferson asks the favor of Capt Preble to take a family dinner with him tomorrow at half...
157963 Dawson, John Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from John Dawson, 19 November 1802 1802-11-19 Will you permit me to present to your acquaintance and civilities Mr. Carter, who proposes to...
157964 Jackson, James Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from James Jackson, 19 November … 1802-11-19 I have to acknowledge the receipt of your two several favors , since my leaving Congress, the...
157965 McCall, Archibald Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Archibald McCall, 19 November … 1802-11-19 Wishing to avoid giving you unnecessary trouble, I have this long waited for answers to many...
157966 Mason, John Thomson Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from John Thomson Mason, with … 1802-11-19 Inclosed I return to you the transcript of the record of conviction in the case of the United...
157967 Nicholson, Joseph H. Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Joseph H. Nicholson, 19 … 1802-11-19 I have lately seen it announced in the public Prints that a Convention has been entered into by...
157968 Smith, Robert Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Robert Smith, 19 November 1802 1802-11-19 I have the Navy Estimates for the ensuing year, prepared in detail, but can not state the...
157969 Thiébaut de Berneaud, Arsenne Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Arsenne Thiébaut de Berneaud … 1802-11-19 La bonté de votre coeur généreux n’est pas seulement connue des respectables Virginiens et des...
157970 Avery, John Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from John Avery, 20 November 1802 1802-11-20 Agreeable to the direction of the Legislature I have the honor to transmit your Excellency one...
157971 Carr, John Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from John Carr, 20 November 1802 1802-11-20 I have ventured to enclose to you the Character of a young man who has served me faithfully for...
157972 Gallatin, Albert Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Albert Gallatin, 20 November … 1802-11-20 The enclosed communication of Gov. St. Clair to the convention is so indecent, & outrageous that...
157973 Gantt, Edward Jefferson, Thomas Statement of Account with Edward Gantt, 20 November … 1802-11-20 The President in Acct. with Edwd. Gantt for medical Services rendered to the following Persons Dr...
157974 Humpton, Richard Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Richard Humpton, 20 November … 1802-11-20 The bearer of this is Mr. Robert Martin a friend of mine who served as an Officer in the American...
157975 Irujo, Carlos Martínez de Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Carlos Martínez de Irujo, 20 … 1802-11-20 Le Chevalier d’Irujo presents his comps. to Mr. Jefferson & according to his promise, he takes...
157976 Jefferson, Thomas Livingston, Robert R. From Thomas Jefferson to Robert R. Livingston, 20 … 1802-11-20 Having recieved from mr Short and others a very strong recommendation of M. Pougens a bookseller...
157977 Jefferson, Thomas Newton, Thomas From Thomas Jefferson to Thomas Newton, 20 November … 1802-11-20 Your favor of Oct. 25. did not get to my hands till the 17th. instant after I had delivered mine...
157978 Jefferson, Thomas Peyton, Craven From Thomas Jefferson to Craven Peyton, 20 November … 1802-11-20 Your favor of the 13th. came to hand last night: and I am happy that the postponements of paiment...
157979 Jefferson, Thomas Statement on Loan Certificates for William Short, 20 … 1802-11-20 Having been the attorney in fact for William Short esquire from my return to America in 1790. to...
157980 Carter, Landon Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Landon Carter, 21 November … 1802-11-21 I take the Liberty to inclose to you a Letter from Mr. Dawson. I beg leave to account for the...