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Results 157951-157980 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
After sending upwards of Five Thousand Men to the Succour of the Southern Army, I hoped a further...
I had the honour of writing to you the 4th & 5th by the conveyance of the Express Wm Jones since...
Letter not found: from Richard Henry Lee, 7 Nov. 1777. On 18 Nov. GW wrote Lee : “Your favour of...
The within Proceedings of the Board of Officers of the N. Carolina Brigade I approve of, and do...
The inclosed Letter I wrote yesterday in order to send it by the first opportunity to your...
The Board after making every Enquiry they can & after viewing the Subject in every Light they are...
I have not been favor’d with any Letter from you since I last wrote you. Upon revolving your...
Your’s of the 31st Octor and 1st Novemr I have been favor’d with, and have taken the Necessary...
From various accounts I am convinced that the Enemy are upon the point of making a grand effort...
Letter not found: from John Augustine Washington, 7 Nov. 1777. GW wrote his brother John...
Letter not found: to Martha Washington, 7 Nov. 1777. In a letter to Anna Maria Dandridge Bassett...
I arrived here yesterday at Noon and waited upon General Gates immediately on the business of my...
ALS : American Philosophical Society The Prizes are given to the English by Special order of the...
157964General Orders, 6 November 1777 (Washington Papers)
The independent Company commanded by Capt. Joshua Williams is to be annexed to, and do duty with...
I inclose you an extract of a letter which I have just recd from Genl Heath. I can hardly suppose...
This moment I received an Express from an Officer stationed on the South Amboy Shore, informing...
I arrived here yesterday at Noon, and waited upon General Gates immediately on the business of my...
I am favored with your Letter of the 4th Instant—The general Exchange of Prisoners is so...
The approaching Season, and the scanty suppl⟨ies⟩ of Cloathing in public Store, without an...
Letter not found: from Col. Lewis Nicola, 6 Nov. 1777. On 7 Nov. Nicola wrote GW that the...
Letter not found: from Richard Peters, 6 Nov. 1777. On 11 Nov. GW wrote Peters: “I have before me...
Great Manto Creek is situated two Miles and an half from Redbank, where it empties into the...
When I did myself the pleasure to write you on the 17 th ult., I was not apprized of the enemy’s...
By inquiry, I have learned that General Patterson’s brigade, which is the one you propose to send...
157975General Orders, 5 November 1777 (Washington Papers)
Agreeably to former orders, all reports of the guards and scouting parties, are to be made by the...
a Letter which I receivd last Night, containd the following, paragraph. In a Letter from Genl...
I Wrote to General Gates by Major troop the 9th or 10th of Last Month from reading. after...
I do myself the Honor, by Lieut. Colonel Barton, who will deliver you this, to transmit you the...
I am favd with yours of the 22d and 25th of October. As you have wrote to Congress respecting the...
I had the honour of addressing you yesterday in a Letter which from unavoidable delay will...