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Results 157951-158000 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
I received your Letter with the inclosures and have written and forwarded them by a vessel just...
My Dear Sister, has I presume written, & given you some account of the Situation of our...
since the receipt of M r Geo Taylors Advises respecting Bills of exchange on Paris , I have made...
Your letter of the 10 th has been recieved. I must acknolege that the price of the printing is...
Though I have read with regret, the Account of your declining a reelection as Governor of New...
Be assured that I receive, with the sentiments of respect and humility, which I ought the very...
I came here to see the S of war on army appointments & was obliged to wait till late in the...
The peculiarity of my situation as an officer & its hardship as a Man, will I hope excuse me for...
I received your favor of the 24 th and shall attend to your instructions relative to your old...
E’re you receive this the anxiety attending your re-election to the Chief Magistracy of the...
I duly received your kind letter of the 16 th ins t and am much obliged to you for the Brassica...
I have just been informed that you have red clover seed for sale. if you will be so good as to...
Your letter has Just come to hand contents particularly attended to We have no clover Seed to...
It has been represented to the president that the schr. Robert, Richd. Fisher master, has been...
I take the liberty of sending you herewith, a letter this day received from Thomas Bee Esqr. of...
Since I had the Honor to address you, the day before Yesterday, I perceive by an indorsement on...
29 February 1812, Boston. Has received reports that there may be a vacancy in the U.S. consulate...
I have been for several Days waiting, & hoping I should find leisure to write to my Dear Sister,...
I have the honor to inclose to you a copy of the report of a Committee of the General Assembly of...
I duly received your two letters and appropriated the money enclosed in the manner you directed;...
I have the honor of communicating to you, the following statement of the Manufactory of sugar...
1 March 1812. Lists charges to JM for one quarter’s tuition, paper, slates, quills, and postage...
I recieved yesterday your favor of Feb. 27. and one hundred Dollars inclosed in it. it was only...
Our distress on the article of hauling obliges me to send for the yoke of steers which were to...
I received a letter from you some time ago thro the hands of Co l Nicholas requesting me to call...
[ Ed. Note : On 1 Mar. 1812 Joseph Léonard Poirey addressed TJ a letter from Rue Mézieres number...
Yours of Feb. 21. has been duly recieved. I think in conversation with you at Lynchburg , I...
It is said that the manufacturing Company at Mamaroneck, have applied to the Legislature for an...
2 March 1812, Fort Stoddert. Forwards “the remaining part of the documents referred to in the...
I received a few days ago by the Constitution from my old friend M r Walsh of Cette , the...
we send you by mr. Johnson a Hhd of molasses— 10 Bus Burnett Seed the quarter Cask wine & 2 Boxes...
Sometime ago I rec d yours of the 27 th Dec r last , informing me of your not recollecting of...
In a former letter I stated to you my folly in attempting to eradicate weeds from my farm by...
I am honor’d with your letter of the 27th Ult. which has awakened many pleasing sensations in my...
I rather think that Mr. Serurier mistakes the temper of his government if he thinks to recommend...
I never have, from personal considerations, interfered with appointments, but for once feel...
Having observed with pleasure that the Citizens of the United States of America, always have paid...
3 March 1812. Transmits, at the request of the convention assembled in the Orleans Territory on...
By a letter just received from my friend Mr. John Harvie I am informed that he is indebted to you...
In a letter which I received a few days ago from M r Adams , he informs with a kind of exultation...
A small package of Garden seed was this day delivered to me, with your address; by a very safe...
A virtuous amiable and accomplished Lady whom I have known from her birth was married to a...
I have not forgotten the engagement which I voluntarily undertook, at the beginning of the last...
M r James Ronaldson of Philadelphia being at this time in Scotland , has addressed to me, by the...
I know my dear Child I shall wound your affectionate heart when I communicate to you the...
When I called upon you, the evening before I left Quincy for this place, you did me the honor to...
I believe I forgot in my hasty letter of the 3d. to mention that I had recd. yours of the —— by...
I enclose a copy of the recommendation to which I alluded. You will perceive that I was not...
5 March 1812, War Department. Lists proposed appointments in the troops to be raised under the 11...
The term of my mission to Louisiana having expired I arrived here a fortnight ago from S t Louis...