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Results 157951-158000 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
Tho I know that your time is occupied by more important concerns, yet the interest you take in...
In the parliamentary pocket-book I published, I find a note to that purport: a member of the...
Transcript: Library of Congress Yours of Feb 12 received. I have called at Mr. Hutton’s door, but...
The President is respectfully in formed that an express mail has a short time ago arrived from...
157955[Diary entry: 8 February 1787] (Washington Papers)
Thursday 8th. Mercury at 27 in the Morning—30 at Noon and 30 at Night. The Wind which had been at...
157956[Diary entry: 30 June 1774] (Washington Papers)
30. At home all day alone except Mr. Peake coming here in the Afternoon.
It may seem odd considering the important events which have taken place in this State within the...
The honorable the secretary of war, advised me in a letter dated the 21 March 1799. to remove...
157959[Diary entry: 15 July 1771] (Washington Papers)
15. Something Cooler in the forenoon with Rain. Afternoon Warm.
In answer to your letter of Dec. 18. I have to inform you that no land office being as yet opened...
A few days ago there arrived at this port of Philadelphia, in a packet from Alexandria, a certain...
The bearer hereof, mr Tubeuffe, is the son of a gentleman of that name from France who settled in...
This is brought to Raystown Camp, by a detachmt of Invalids from the Troops on this side the...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Je me fait L’honneur de vous ecrire cellecy pour asseurer de...
§ From Albert Gallatin. 25 April 1806, Treasury Department. “The Secretary of the Treasury,...
I have received your letters of 17 & 18th. Lieutenant Beale it is true is a young man of 26 or...
23 June 1801, Paris. No. 3. Reports that on 13 June French powers to negotiate were formally...
The President has received a petition from the keeper of the light house at Portland (Joseph...
Ham[ilton]—They were ready to go as far as they thought safe, in recommendatory & explanatory...
New York, June 28, 1797. “I am applied to, to examine the Title to a tract of land described in...
Providence, February 23, 1792. “… I have deposited in the Providence Bank, agreeable to your...
Since my arrival from Carlisle I have been waited on for news, by great numbers of people of...
157973[Diary entry: 27 September 1785] (Washington Papers)
Tuesday 27th. Thermometer at 57 in the Morng. 59 at Noon and 62 at Night. Wind fresh from the No....
I have been honored with Your Excellency’s favors of the 30th of April and 4th of this month. The...
I had intended to have been at Poplar forest before this time, but a hurt which I recieved in...
Your favor of Dec. 8. was recieved on the 13 as the subject would require explanations beyond the...
Letter not found: from Col. David Forman, 11 May 1777. GW wrote Forman on 15 May : “I am favd...
1059. Ann Ventons quittance ved Hammilton for 45 rdr. contant og et oxehoved sucker of 16de maij...
Last Evening I was honoured with your Excellency’s Letter of the third Inst. I have not yet been...
Letter not found: to George Augustine Washington, 17 Dec. 1790. In a letter to GW, dated 28 Dec....
The within extra-account of E. Burroughs for building the light houses seems proper, being...
157982[Diary entry: 5 October 1787] (Washington Papers)
Friday 5th. Thermometer at 50 in the Morning—70 at Noon and 67 at Night. Clear all day with the...
The Arrival of the British Fleet upon this Coast having made it necessary to call together a...
I scribbled you a line on the 24th. Ult. It missed of the post and so went by a private hand. I...
The inclosed extract from the proceedings of the Legislature of this State, explain fully the...
The interest which your connection with the University of Virginia shews that you feel in the...
I received this week Your Letters of Nov br. 24 th and 28 th , and this morning Yours of dec br...
I was in hope that by Garrisoning the Forts with part of the Militia, we should have been able to...
157989[Diary entry: 12 October 1771] (Washington Papers)
12. At home on the same business. Doctr. Craik came in the Afternoon.
I do myself the Honor to advise your Excellency that the Connecticut Troops, that arrived in this...
Mrs. Dearborn & myself intend seting out for Monticello on tuesday, I had anxiously hoped that...
I had the Honour of your favour of the 20th this Morning. I am happy to hear that your Eyes are...
The Address of the Grand Jury of the County Dutchess , in the State of New-York .— On any common...
157994[Diary entry: 19 June 1798] (Washington Papers)
19. Morning Wind still at East & Mer. at 70. Slow rain on & off all the forenoon—then...
I shall sometimes ask your permission to write you letters, not official but private. the present...
ALS (letterbook draft): Library of Congress I receiv’d a few welcome Lines from you acquainting...
I think Colo. Humphrey’s in one of his letters to you, refers to his to me, for some article of...
Yesterday, at Eleven O Clock, I went by Appointment to Lord Carmarthens Office, and was admitted...
ALS : Pierpont Morgan Library I did not receive my Dear Friend’s Letter of yesterday till I came...
At the same time I announce to you the receipt of your obliging letter of the 28th of last month,...