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Results 157951-158000 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
I hope that your administration will afford but few materials to historians; and we have already a favorable symptom in the difficulty under which we are to collect materials for a message. The things you want to be done are very few & seem confined to the following points— 1st. Countervailing duties if necessary . To this there can be no objection; but might not the advantage resulting from a...
A Sketch of the Receipts and Expenditures of the United States for the year ending 30th Septer. 1802 Expenditures Civil department  Dollars 592,975. 3 Miscellaneous domestic expences 305,642.36 Intercourse with foreign nations 321,654.97 French convention 226,502.89 War & Indian departments 1,474,449.14 Naval establishment 1,035,355.— Public debt 8,310,753.17 (a) Do. do. due to Bank &...
Will Genl. Dearborne be pleased to examine the inclosed with rigour & suggest any alterations he would think for the better. if he can return it tomorrow it will be desireable, because when individually examined by all the gentlemen, I propose to submit it to them collectively. RC ( DLC ); addressed: “The Secretary at War”; with Dearborn’s reply at foot (see the next document ). Not recorded...
May it not be expedient to intimate that if a dry dock at this place should succeed, that others at more Northern ports may be likewise proper for such Ships as may be hereafter built. will it not be proper to make some mention of the measures taken for commencing the establishment of a Magazine & Armoury in S. Carolina.— RC ( DLC ); in Dearborn’s hand, written at foot of the preceding...
If a more summary process be wanted to enforce a specific performance of the Contract of foreign Seamen, ought it not to be a subject of diplomatic adjustment? The Cession of Louisiana is expressed with an accurate attention to the delicacy of the Case. But ought it not to be a separate Confidential Communication? Will it not otherwise produce in France great sensibility and in G. Brittain too...
Will you be so good as to give the inclosed a scrupulous examination, and suggest any alterations for the better, and without any reserve. the sooner you return it the better, as, when it has been separately examined and amended by the gentlemen, I mean to ask their joint attendance to consider it finally. RC ( MHi : Levi Lincoln Papers); undated or date clipped; endorsed by Lincoln as 25 Nov....
+  considering the great captiousness of the opposition, I respectfully, suggest for consideration whether the following alteration, would be of any advantage viz—after the word, Yet , in the ninth line of the first paragraph , to insert, our revenues are . –  Instead of the word fiscal , in the last line of the same paragraph, to use the word, needless , or unnecessary , to guard against a...
J’ai été infiniment touché de votre lettre obligeante en me renvoyant mes papiers. Le vif désir de savoir votre opinion de mon travail, m’a empêché de considérer que le Philosophe de Monticello était changé en homme d’etat à Washington, & que les soins importans dont vous êtes chargé, pouvaient enlever tous vos momens Recevez donc mes excuses pour vous avoir importuné. Vos observations...
I enclose the letter which had been intended for Mr Short. The bill purchased for that object amounts to 2439 Guilders current money of Holland (not banco ), and will be sent to Messrs. “Wilhem & Jan Willink and N. & J. & R. Van Staphorst” our bankers at Amsterdam. Those gentlemen will be instructed to inform Mr Livingston our minister at Paris of the acceptance of the bill, and to hold the...
I hope you will not deem me impertinent for addressing myself to you without your having any previous knowledge of me. I am the same person that published a full length portrait of you. By printing a german paper in this city for near three years, and by the vile conduct of an agent I sent to Virginia, North Carolina &c. to sell prints for me I am reduced to the disagreeable necessity of...
I take the liberty of sending you my Inaugural Dissertation, With a Copy of “the Students Chemical Pocket Companion.” In doing this, I am directed More by a desire of evincing to you, the grateful sensations created by a recollection of the politeness you shew me, When I had the honor of living With Doctor Wistar, than a desire of praise, if there should be any real merit in the performance— I...
Th: Jefferson asks the favor of Capt Preble to take a family dinner with him tomorrow at half after three Thursday Nov. 18. 1802 Tr (TJ Editorial Files); 1961 typescript of RC in possession of Dundas Preble Tucker, La Jolla, California; addressed: “Capt Preble.” Edward preble , a moderate Federalist from Maine who had served with a Massachusetts sloop during the American Revolution, received...
Will you permit me to present to your acquaintance and civilities Mr. Carter, who proposes to visit Washington, and whose worth will obtain an excuse for the freedom which I now take. Accept an assurance of the highest esteem RC ( MHi ); endorsed by TJ as received 21 Nov. and so recorded in SJL with notation “by mr Carter.” Enclosed in Landon Carter to TJ, 21 Nov. 1802 .
I have to acknowledge the receipt of your two several favors , since my leaving Congress, the first in May last reached me whilst it was dubious whether I should live or die—a state in which I remained for upwards of ten weeks, a most violent fever succeeded that illness and prevented that answer your high rank & my estimation of your Personal and publick Character immediately demanded—I am...
Wishing to avoid giving you unnecessary trouble, I have this long waited for answers to many letters I addressed to Messrs. Skipwith & Epps, to know if they would come into the terms you proposed , to pay their proportions with you, of the Loss my Daughter sustained by your sending Willm. Peachey Admr. of Nichs. Flood, Six hundred Pounds—paper Money late in the war, towards part discharge of...
Inclosed I return to you the transcript of the record of conviction in the case of the United States v Samuel Fumfrey alias Pumphry Upon the trial the evidence was so strong and so respectable as to exclude all possibility of doubt as to his guilt. From the articles enumerated in the Indictment you will discover it was a little felony. The circumstances were these, the criminal, a free black...
I have lately seen it announced in the public Prints that a Convention has been entered into by Spain and the United States for the purpose of settling existing diferences relative to certain commercial Spoliations; and that Commissioners are to be appointed to carry this Object into Effect. The Place of Commissioner under this Convention will be an important, and I presume, in some Degree, a...
I have the Navy Estimates for the ensuing year, prepared in detail, but can not state the aggregate, until it shall be determined how many vessels are to be kept in actual service—on this point therefore I beg leave to request instructions from you. With the highest respect & esteem I have the Honor to be Sir, your mo ob St. RC ( DLC ); in a clerk’s hand, signed by Smith; at foot of text:...
La bonté de votre coeur généreux n’est pas seulement connue des respectables Virginiens et des peuples heureux de l’Amérique Septentrionale, elle a traversé le liquide élément et est venue imprimer votre nom chéri dans toutes les ames sensibles. Depuis la lecture de votre touchant Voyage dans la Virginie, vous vivez tout entier dans mon sein et votre nom ami, depuis cette époque, vient sans...
Agreeable to the direction of the Legislature I have the honor to transmit your Excellency one set of the Maps of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, for your own use. I have delivered them to the care of the honorable Mr Varnum.— I have the honor to be Your Excellency’s most obedient & very humble Servant RC ( DLC ); at foot of text: “His Excellency Thomas Jefferson Esqr Presidt of the United...
I have ventured to enclose to you the Character of a young man who has served me faithfully for some considerable time. You will see from the enclosed in what degree of Estemation he stands with a respectable part of the citizens of Albemarle. many, very many more who know his worth would have subscribed their names to the enclosed if they had been requested, but I considered the number who...
The enclosed communication of Gov. St. Clair to the convention is so indecent, & outrageous that it must be doubtful whether, notwithstanding his approaching political death, it is not incumbent on the Executive to notice it. He calls the Act of Congress a nullity—He misrepresents all its parts, as you will perceive by a recurrence to the Act—He advises them to make a constitution for the...
The President in Acct. with Edwd. Gantt for medical Services rendered to the following Persons Dr 1802 March 22. To Ursula 15 To her Child from April 2nd. to May 13th 1 12 6 To Betsy Severman , Attendance & Medicine from June 2nd. to 20th. 7 15 To Door Keeper
The bearer of this is Mr. Robert Martin a friend of mine who served as an Officer in the American Revolution in a Regiment that I had the honor to Command in the Pennsylvania Line to the conclusion of the Peace with Great Britain— Some time after the Peace his family connections required his presence in Europe and when in Paris did himself the honor to wait upon you—also was the bearer of some...
Le Chevalier d’Irujo presents his comps. to Mr. Jefferson & according to his promise, he takes the liberty to sent to him with this two hampers of Champaing which he wishes may prove as good as in reputation— RC ( MoSHi : Jefferson Papers); endorsed by TJ as received 20 Nov. and so recorded in SJL .
Having recieved from mr Short and others a very strong recommendation of M. Pougens a bookseller in Paris, and being desired to direct the procuring thence some books for the use of Congress, I thought to spare your time which is engaged on higher objects, & therefore desired mr Short by the inclosed letter to superintend the purchase, the details of which were to be executed by mr Duane and...
Your favor of Oct. 25. did not get to my hands till the 17th. instant after I had delivered mine of that day to the post office. in that you will have been informed of the steps I had taken to procure you a copy of the act of assembly you had desired. your kind offer respecting the procuring cyder for me is accepted with thankfulness. if there were people at Norfolk who follow the business of...
Your favor of the 13th. came to hand last night: and I am happy that the postponements of paiment will be not inconvenient: and the more so as the dates I proposed were suggested by so strong a desire to fix them as early as possible, that tho’ I still trust I can comply with them, yet unforeseen emergencies might throw them forward a month. I now inclose you the deeds, bonds and reciepts...
Having been the attorney in fact for William Short esquire from my return to America in 1790. to his in 1802. I had occasion to have a correspondence & many conversations with messrs. Pickering & Wolcott the Secretaries of State & the Treasury on the subject of a sum of 9000. Dollars due from the public to mr Short on his mission to Spain. after thoroughly examining into the case, and mr...
I take the Liberty to inclose to you a Letter from Mr. Dawson. I beg leave to account for the step by assigning a motive. My business to the City is an exhibition of a piece of invention for the purpose of procuring a Pattent; and considering it to be a curious piece of mechanism I flattered myself with an expectation you would honor it with your judgement if I had an oppty to bring forward a...
After a conflict with myself, of more than a week’s continuance, I have come to the determination of addressing you on the subject of my deplorable situation. I know that my invaluable friend, Overton Carr, has often applied to you in my behalf; but, as, among his other virtues, may be reckoned an unaffected modesty, he may not have delineated the extent of my distress. He may not have...
Please you permitt one of the truer your governement’s mildness and wisdom admirers remember himself respectfully to your Excellency, by the way of our respectable and amiable Senator Mr. Ellery now going away for the Congress? i am not ignorant of your time’s high price, and pretend not to Spend it, in vain, with a long and unuseful epistle; but being intitled to your Bounties by your Bounty...
Dr.  Thos. Jefferson in Act. with M. Lewis 6th. 1802. £ s d 1802 £. s d. Nov. 17th.  To ferriage at Georgetown 6 Nov. 16th. By Cash of
It is but lately that the return of the Secretary of the Navy has enabled me to answer your application for the place of Midshipman. he has examined and finds there is not a single vacancy at present: but they happen pretty frequently, and your name & that of another are set down for the two first vacancies, of which, when they happen you shall be apprised. Accept my salutations and best...
Yours of the 16th was recieved yesterday, and communicated to mr Gallatin. his answer is ‘if Doctr Bache will supply me with a list of medicines wanted, in conformity to my former request, I will have the purchase made, and the chest transmittted to his direction at New Orleans. our appropriation is so small that every necessary must be provided with the most rigorous economy.’ On the 1st....
The Secretary of War has the honor of proposing to the President of the United States, that Joseph Morgan , be appointed Superintendant of the Armoury at Springfield in the State of Massachusetts. FC ( Lb in DNA : RG 107, LSP ); in a clerk’s hand. After a brief term as master armorer at the Springfield Armory, joseph morgan was appointed superintendent of the facility on 23 Nov. 1802 and...
Will you be so obliging as to inform me whether the Journals and other papers relating to the several Indian Treaties, should accompany the respective Treaties when presented to you. with respectfull concideration I am Sir Your Huml. Servt Note by TJ : The Senate always expect a communication of all papers throwing light on the treaty, and have called for them when withheld. RC ( DLC );...
Je suis bien fâché de n’avoir point parmi mes livres celui dans lequel, Dumourier , donne si militairement sur les Oreilles, au Calottin Barruel, de tous les Aboyeurs contre les philosophes morts ou vivans, les plus sot & le plus fanatique—Je vais faire une recherche active pour vous le procurer en Français & J’espére réussir, s’il est en Philadelphie— Je deteste comme vous les traductions des...
The family arrived here yesterday morning , without accident. mr Lilly’s order for £40. his wages & £20. for Austin is good. I have lately remitted to John Perry the whole balance due him to the completion of the South East offices; and our bargain is, whenever a compleat job is done & settled it is to be paid for. he says the shop is done, and that it will amount to £60 although he always...
Your letter of the 12th instant with its enclosure I have had the honor to receive. Many of the circumstances related in the anonymous communication are within my knowlege—the Gentleman therein mentioned I am acquainted with, and tho’ I feel disposed to render him all the assistance in my power, I do not think it would be prudent in me to appoint him to a more important office.— I am, Sir,...
Mr. Latrobe presents his respectful Compliments to the President of the U. States: In preparing for his survey of the line of Potowmac Canal, Mr L. has obtained access to the records of the Commissioners, which happen to be perfect as to the levels of the Streets N. West of the Presidents house, & South of the large Street K and also as to those of some streets about the Capitol. The page...
Th: Jefferson asks Genl. Mason’s acceptance of three Paccan trees. the bearer brings two; the 3d. will be sent. RC ( CtHi ); addressed: “Genl. John Mason.” Not recorded in SJL .
The family arrived here yesterday morning without any accident, as Martha will probably inform you by her own letter. I inclose you a letter from Genl. Sumpter, lately recieved. I do not think the aspect flattering from his statement, altho’ he supposes no difficulty in an application to the legislature. but we know that applications to legislatures for special dispensations from law are...
I communicate for information a copy of the speech of Arthur St. Clair , governor of the territory N.W. of the Ohio, delivered to the Convention assembled under the act of Congress for enabling that territory to form a constitution & for it’s admission into the union, which copy has been transmitted to me through authentic channels.   This outrage on the justice and wisdom of the National...
Rufus King , who for several years has resided with you as the Minister Plenipotentiary of the United States, having desired to return to America, we have yielded to his request. He will accordingly take his leave of you ; embracing that occasion to assure you of our friendship and sincere desire to preserve and strengthen the harmony and good understanding so happily subsisting between the...
I recieved last night your favor of the day before .   be assured that there is no sort of influence operating on me in what respects yourself; and that your situation & the means of relieving you from it has never been out of my mind. but we have, as you know, put down a great portion of the offices under the US. of those which remain, such as are in this district have been of too little...
On reciept of your letter of June 11. in answer to mine of June 3. I wrote to mr King our minister at the court of London, a letter, the copy of which I now inclose you. I trusted we had then time enough to have recieved an answer before the ensuing meeting of the legislature of Virginia. but he probably left England on a visit to the continent a little before the reciept of that letter. as...
N’ayant pu me procurer aucune occupation a Richd. je suis venu a Petersburg, ou il paroit que mon succés ne sera pas meilleur. Le vaisseau sur lequel j’ai l’offre d’un passage Gratis, à eté rétardé dans son chargement, et ne partira d’ici que le second jour du mois prochain. Je n’espere pas, Monsieur, que telle que soit la distresse de ma presente situation, je puisse d’aucune maniere etre...
You will confer a favor on me by giving me an answer to my request of Thursday last . I hope you will comply with it, as it will enable me to recover that station, in point of property, I once held. I enclose a note, by way of memorandum. I remain, With respect, Your humble Sevt. RC ( MHi ); with note by TJ adjacent to closing: “I returned the note to him without answer. Th :J.”; at foot of...
The news papers having announced, that Mr. King has resigned his appointment as minister for the united States, at the court of London—I take the liberty to bring to your view my particular friend— Elijah Clarke esqr. who you are personally acquainted with, as Secretary to the Legation that succeeds Mr. King—If correct morals, soundness in the Principles of the administration and a Classical...