157901To Thomas Jefferson from Joseph Barnes, 20 December 1802 (Jefferson Papers)
On my Arrival from the north of Italy I had the pleasure of receiving my Commission for the Island of Sicily in the month of Novr. brought by Commodore Morris, and left in care of my friend Mr Appleton from whose hand I reced. it. I am well persuaded Mr Jefferson will excuse me for observing, that I did flatter myself I should have reced. the appointment for the two Sicilies , which include...
157902From Thomas Jefferson to Francis Taliaferro Brooke, 20 December 1802 (Jefferson Papers)
Th: Jefferson presents his salutations to Mr. Brooke Speaker of the Senate of Virginia, and availing himself of the moment when the confidence of his country has placed him where the little volume accompanying this may be a convenience, he asks his acceptance of it as a testimony of the respect of the giver. RC (Julian Goldman, New York City, 1947). Not recorded in SJL . Enclosure: TJ’s A...
157903To Thomas Jefferson from Thomas T. Davis, 20 December 1802 (Jefferson Papers)
I dont know whether it is proper for me to make this application to you or not—if is not proper it is the effect of mis[take.] The Death of Mr. Clark Judge of the Indiana Terrory makes a vacancy there: It would be a great acccomodation to me be appointed his successor. I live Convinent to the Territory—know the people and am known to them—Thire was not a Law Character on the Bench—My success...
157904To Thomas Jefferson from Albert Gallatin, 20 December 1802 (Jefferson Papers)
I enclose the proposals made for building the marine hospital ; and also some objections made by Doctr. Eustis as to the site & plan. Are they sufficient to induce a postponement & inquiry. The consequence of the delay will probably be that the building cannot be completed till summer of 1804, instead of being done in the course of next year. A. M’Clene has called on me, and on coming to an...
157905To Thomas Jefferson from Thomas Munroe, 20 December 1802 (Jefferson Papers)
Pursuant to the sixth section of the Act of Congress , of last Session, intituled “An Act to abolish the Board of Commissioners in the City of Washington, and for other purposes,” and under your direction of the 16th June last, I proceeded with all possible diligence to prepare a Statement of all the Lots of the description in the said Section mentioned; and on the 19th. of that Month...
157906To Thomas Jefferson from Robert Snelson, 20 December 1802 (Jefferson Papers)
Pardon me for the liberty I have taken in addressing you on a Subject So Interesting to my self as the preasent one, vizt. by the hand of providence my little family the last Summer was cut off and is no more & am left my Self as it ware a Single man, in this place Soliciting your Survilities to give me aid as a Cleark in the House of Mr. Daniel Ludlow of this City or any Mercantile house that...
157907To Thomas Jefferson from Henry Voigt, 20 December 1802 (Jefferson Papers)
Having been employed as coiner of the mint of the United States for several years, and understanding that either a total abolishion, or a considerable alteration would be made in its Organization, I have reflected with a good deal of attention on the most Economical and advantagious plan of conducting that business, supposing it to be continued by an Act of Congress. But as it is not my duty...
157908To Thomas Jefferson from Joshua Wingate, Jr., 20 December 1802 (Jefferson Papers)
I have been directed by the Secretary of War to transmit you “the detailed Statement of the expenditures and application of all the public monies which have passed through the Quarter Master Generals Department from the 1st. of January 1797 to the 31st. of December 1801, and a similar account of the Contingent Expences of the War Department”—Made agreeable to a resolution of the House of...
157909From Thomas Jefferson to John Armstrong, 21 December 1802 (Jefferson Papers)
I informed General Kosciuszko of your kind attention to the location of his lands, and of your refusal to accept of any thing for it, expressing a pleasure at the opportunity of rendering him a service, and he in answer desires you to be assured how sensible he is of this mark of recollection & friendship, and the pleasure he has recieved from this testimony of regard from an old brother...
157910To Thomas Jefferson from Therese Ceracchi, 21 December 1802 (Jefferson Papers)
La malheureuse famille du Sculpteur Ceracchi, pour le quel vous avez eu mille bontés pendant son séjour en Amérique, se trouve en proie aux horreurs de l’indigence la plus horrible et dans l’affreuse Circonstance de périr de misere à chaque instant. Veuve, avec six enfans, hors d’état de gagner leur pain, je ne vis plus que de larmes amères, rongée par le plus noir chagrin. Ma situation empire...