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Results 157901-157950 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
It is here said [it is] probable Mr West the present Marshall [for] this District will decline acting again in that capacity—should Mr West (against whom it is not understood there is any cause of complaint) decline, or it be thought a[dvis]able to appoint another to his place I take the liberty to mention Mr. John Lockhart of Northampton County as very capable to discharge the duties of that...
I returned to this place (where I have taken shelter from the prevailing fever , & which I am about improving) from Dover, on yesterday. Whilst in Kent I had the pleasure of seeing old Mr. Killen who is much pleased with the letter you were kind eneough to send him. I congratulate you most sincerely on the bright prospects in Penna. & altho’ New-jersey may throw a shade over them in some...
The place of Comptroller of the US. is vacant by the resignation of mr Steele. it is in it’s nature partly Executive, and partly judiciary, as the Comptroller decides in the first instance all questions of law arising in matters of account between the US. and individuals. the office hours are from 9. A.M. to [3]. P.M. during which it furnishes pretty steady daily occupation. the Salary is...
Mr. Randolph has been summon’d to Richmond My Dear Papa about the time we were to set off, which will prevent his going, with us & obliges us to request Mr Lewis to meet us at Strodes on Tuesday week. Mr Eppes will go that far with us but says he cannot possibly go farther. I Lament sincerely that it has not been possible for us to go sooner, as the visit will be scarcely worth making for so...
Since my Arrival in Philadelphia I have determined on returning to Gibraltar earlier than I contemplated, when I had the honour of Seeing you, and expect to Sail in about ten days;—it will give me Much pleasure, in taking charge of any commands, that you may be pleased to commit to my Care for that quarter— I am Sir With Much respect Your Most Obt Hle Svt RC ( DLC ); at head of text: “His...
Th: Jefferson asks the favor of Mr. E. Thornton’s company to dinner and chess on Monday next, the 8th. Inst., at half after three. Friday Novr. 5th. 1802. The favor of an answer is requested. RC (Stanley F. Horn, Nashville, Tennessee, 1958); in Meriwether Lewis’s hand.
In the case of Crutchelow & John Williams , two of the murderers of the Indians who have fled, had the case happened in any of the states which proceed according to the forms of the English law, an indictment would be preferred to a grand jury, the witnesses called to appear, and on it’s being found a true bill, a capias issues, which being returned non est inventus, an Exigent goes out, on...
The inclosed letter from mr Patterson being just recieved I now forward it according to promise. I should certainly have been more gratified if his opinion of the utility of your proposed method of observing the eclipses of Jupiter’s Satellites had been more favorable. having had no experience myself in the business of making observations at sea, I am not at all competent to decide on the...
I have received yours of the 18 ult. and regret most sincerely that proper recommendations have not been made for the Commissioners of Bankruptcy. This is in a great measure owing to the death of our much esteemed friend Mr. Johnson , who promised to name to you proper persons for the appointments Since receipt of yours, I have fortunately met with a friend from Newbern, in whom dependence may...
As the application of some natural principle, to the construction of a Standard of Measures, has been considered a Desideratum in Philosophic Research, the importance of the subject has induced me to spend some time in forming a Theory, applicable in practice, for obtaining a lineal standard, as nearly invariable as the case might require, or reason expect, in a state of being, where Nothing...
I have the honour to enclose to you herewith the Sioto Gazette from which you will find our convention has commenced its sitting—you will also see a communication made by Governor St Clair to the convention which is expressive of his wishes & opinions in this business—Having taken a very active part in obtaining the passage of the law of Congress for our admission I have felt very deeply...
Il y a près de deux ans que j’eus l’honneur de vous entretenir de mon travail sur la vraie & unique methode d’enseigner les langues, que je crois avoir découverte—Je vous priais de vouloir bien être mon juge, touchant la maniere dont J’ai traité un sujet, toujours digne de l’attention du Philosophe, par l’influence qu’ont les Langues sur notre faculté de Penser, laquelle pour parler le langage...
To keep you in bank I inclose you one hundred and fifty dollars to be entered to my credit. I have this day drawn on you in favor of John Rogers of Albemarle for 43. D 91 c and in favor of Joseph Morin of Columbia for two hundred dollars, which please to honor when presented. Accept assurances of my friendly attachment & best wishes. PrC ( MHi ); at foot of text: “Messrs. Gibson & Jefferson”;...
In the haste in which I was under the necessity of answering your letter of the 2d inst. I fear I could not do justice to my sense of the obligation I owe to your kindness. If any thing I have written should have borne the slightest appearance of false pride, or of a mercenary disposition, I have done the greatest injustice to my sentiments of respectful attachment to you, as a public, and as...
The proper Officer has rendered, in behalf of the State of Maryland, the enclosed Account of a quarters Interest due the 1st. Octo. last on the two Loans of $100,000 each by the said State for the use of the City of Washington—I have no monies in my hands wherewith I can pay the same, nor do I believe a sum sufficient for the purpose can at present be raised by a sale of the Lots in the City...
I have perused and considered the inclosed representation of James M. Lingan, the original proprietor of the Ground within an open space in front of Square No. 78 in the City of Washington bounded by Pennsylvania Avenue, 20th. Street west and I. Street north, as also the enclosed three Letters from a Committee of the Citizens and House holders in that part of the City which lies west of the...
It will be more convenient to us to leave this on wednesday than monday it will occasion a delay of 2 days only, as this is a flying visit only to shew that we are in earnest with regard to Washington I have determined to leave the children all but Jefferson considering the lateness of the season and the bad weather we may reasonably expect in december. The short time [we] shall have to spend...
Although I have not the honour of being made known to you, I am impelled as a member of the convention now in session and as a real friend of your administration of the general governmt. to enclose you a paper containing the Governors speech, by which you will discover the temper and disposition of his mind; as well respecting the policy of the national Legislature towards the United States...
Je profite du passage du Citoyen Perrin Capitaine, aide de camp du Général en chef Leclerc, Pour vous annoncer que nous avons perdu ce respectable chef dans la nuit du 10 au 11 Brumaire. Le Général Rochambeau est appelé par le gouvernement français, au Commandement de cette armée, je l’attends d’un moment à l’autre, il était au port-au-prince. J’espére, monsieur le président que la mort du...
To all whom it may concern. Greeting. Whereas a Committee appointed by and in behalf of the Citizens and House holders in that part of the City of Washington which lies west of the Presidents house have solicited that the open space of Ground between Squares numbered seventy eight and one hundred and one, bounded by Pennsylvania Avenue, I Street north, and twentieth street West may be...
The Petition of the Subscriber respectfully sheweth. That being reduced by repeated misfortunes from a State of affluence to a very low ebb as to Wealth or means of support, He is desirous of obtaining some Office under Goverment that will enable him to support a large (and he thinks) promising Family, And as his Republican Friends anticipate a further removal of Public Officers, He is induced...
I had the honor some months since to address a letter of thanks to you for the intended honor of an appointment as Collector for the Port of Marblehd. I recieved from General Dearborn an intimation of this your intention, & was highly flattered with your notice & consideration. It was with extreme reluctance that I could bring my mind to decline any appointment conferred by you, under an...
The repeated disopointments which I meet with, In my Consular appointments , has brought upon me a series of Expenses, & thereby greatly disminished my fortune—having a perfect Confidence In the Justice & loyalty of the President of the U.S., I came hither for the purpose of once more soliciting your Patronage—you have assurd me that I still hold my rank In the mind of the President—this...
I cannot permit my friend Mr. DuVall to leave this without offering you my sincere congratulations on the pleasing prospect our political horizon now affords.—things progress in this State beyond my expectations & if the severe draft’s you make on the talents, & merit of the State do not paralize our efforts I shoud think the Republican character of Maryland confirm’d—it is granted that this...
I. OBSERVATIONS ON THE COMMON LAW AND HARDIN’S CASE, 11 NOV. 1802 II. ALBERT GALLATIN’S OPINION ON THE COMMON LAW AND HARDIN’S CASE, [CA. 11 NOV. 1802] III. ROBERT SMITH’S OPINION ON THE COMMON LAW AND HARDIN’S CASE, [CA. 11 NOV. 1802] The case of William Hardin evolved as an adjunct to the ongoing efforts by the Jefferson administration to bring accused Indian murderers John Williams, Martin...
Observations on the force and obligation of the common law in the United States, on the occasion of Hardin’s case, in Kentucky. November 11th, 1812 [i.e. 1802]. The common law of England is that system of law which was established in that country anterior to the Magna Charta, 9 H. 3, before which period no statutes are extant of record. It is used in contradistinction to the term statute law ,...
William Hardin rescued or prevented the arrest of certain persons charged with the murder of some Indians. Either the officer, who arrested or had a writ against the supposed murderers, was an officer of the United States acting under the authority of the United States, or he was an officer of the State of Kentucky acting under the state authority. If he was an officer of the United States,...
Mem. If in a Case of Criminal jurisdiction there be not a Statute of Congress, defining the offence and prescribing the punishment, the prosecution cannot be sustained in any Court of the United States. If the federal judge does not find such an act of Congress, he cannot resort to the common or Statute law of the State. An action, which Congress may constitutionally declare to be an Offence,...
Martin Wanscher writes to me for 40. Dollars. there will then remain due to him about 90. or 100. D. which he will be drawing for from time to time. the demand of his balance having been expected to have laid over till the spring, will be an addition to my last estimate . I am to inclose the money to him in Alexandria, so that I suppose it should be in bills of that bank or the Washington. I...
The motives which induce the writer of a letter to withold his name are generally suspicious, but not however always blameable. I consider anonymous letters as sufficient foundation for enquiry into the facts they communicate. as the person who is the subject of the inclosed letter is I presume within your department, I inclose it to you merely that you may do in the case exactly what you...
The inclosed was lately sent me by Col: Newton to be forwarded to you. Since my last R. Evers Lee has been here and a suitable occasion presenting itself, I confered with him on the subject of the comr of bankruptcy at Norfolk, in which he informed me that William Bennett a merchant the brother of the person mentioned in my last was the most suitable of the two. He lamented that there was no...
   Bougt of Vincent DuComb 2 Dressed wigs    $19—   $38—  Recd the above in full MS ( DLC ); in an unidentified hand, receipted and signed by Ducomb; endorsed by TJ: “Ducomb.” mrs dallas : Arabella Maria Smith Dallas, the wife of prominent Philadelphia lawyer Alexander James Dallas and a close friend of the Gallatins and Madisons, was known for her lavish entertaining (Raymond Walters, Jr.,...
Your favor of the 9th. inclosing 150$ in bank notes is received. We are Very respectfully Yr. Mt. Obt. servts. RC ( MHi ); in George Jefferson’s hand and signed by him; at foot of text: “Thos. Jefferson esqr.”; endorsed by TJ as received from George Jefferson on 18 Nov. and so recorded in SJL .
Your favor of the 9th. is recieved as that of the 8th . had been the day before. on recieving that of the 8th. I was immediately sensible I had omitted in mine to say any thing on the subject of a just compensation for the preliminary business of a survey, estimate &c. I therefore referred your letter to the Secretary of the Navy (who was now returned, having been absent at the date of my...
In Answar to yours of 2d inst. I am happy to inform you the payments named is quite sufficient. in consequence of the friendly aid of my Attorney M. Stewart of Richmd. I have reciavd. sufficient time to enable me to make payment without makeing a sacrafice, which woud. of been more pleasing than for you, to of been put to Any inconvenience, although farthar time was what I had no conception of...
Mr. Dufief a l’honneur d’observer à Monsieur Jefferson, qu’il n’epargnera ni soins, ni travail pour faire disparaître les Gallicismes & autres fautes qui se trouvent dans son Ouvrage . Il consultera à ce sujet, des personnes qui ont la reputation d’être versées dans la connaissance de la Langue Anglaise— Il a toujours présent a l’esprit cette Maxime Judicieuse de Boileau — Sans la Langue en un...
J’ai reçu par Mr. G. Jefferson la lettre que vous m’avés fait L’honneur de m’ecrire Le 28. oct. et jose prendre la liberté de vous supplier de voulloir bien agreer mes plus sinceres remerciments du certifficat que vous avés eu la bonté dy joindre. J’ai eu le bonheur il y a quelques jours de me procurer une si bonne recommandation auprés du Capitaine du navire le Triton destiné pour le Hâvre, a...
I have recieved the letter wherein you have been pleased to announce to me that the National institute of sciences and arts had elected me a foreign associate for the class of moral and political sciences: and I recieve it with that sensibility which such an expression of respect from a body of the first order of science, is calculated to inspire.   Without pretensions to those qualifications...
Expressions of confidence from the respectable description of my fellow citizens, in whose name you have been pleased to address me , are recieved with that cordial satisfaction which kindred principles and sentiments naturally inspire. The proceedings which they approve were sincerely intended for the general good: and if, as we hope, they should in event produce it, they will be indebted for...
I have duly recieved two rolls of the work on language you propose to publish, and it is with regret, but with truth, I am obliged to assure you that so unremitting are the duties of my office, the things which I am bound to do, that I scarcely ever can command one moment to read any thing but official papers. piles of these are always lying till I can read and dispatch them. not therefore to...
The Post came in so late to-day, that I cannot prepare to leave Philadelphia in compliance with your favor of the 13th. before Thursday morning (the day after tomorrow). I shall then come on by the Mail, and by using my utmost exertion to accomplish the object, in which you have pleased to engage me, prove how gratefully sensible I am of the honor you have done me by your confidence. I am with...
Th: Jefferson returns his thanks to mr Smith for the volume sent him. he incloses the account of a lifeboat which he thinks may be interesting to the seaports of the US. should mr Smith think proper to publish it at any time, and should he believe it would attract more attention to publish the first paragraph of the letter from mr Tatham to Th:J. (which alone relates to the subject) he is free...
I inclose you a letter from Colo. Newton of Norfolk. will you be so good the first time you pass Monticello to call there, look for the act which he desires, and get it copied by some of the young men in Charlottesville for which trouble I will have paiment made the Copyer, and then inclose the copy to me and I will inclose it to Colo. Newton. your friends here are all well, tho Sam and his...
There has been a book written lately by DuMousnier in answer to Barruel , and to the diatribes of the Anti-philosophers, which from my knolege of the man I am sure must be good. should a copy of it come to your hands I shall be happy to obtain it. in the original, I mean, for it has been translated into English, but I never read translations. Accept my salutations & best wishes. PrC ( DLC );...
I make free to do myself the Honour to present your Exelency by the hand of my Frind Doctr. Eustis one of my Books of the Horse Sabre Exercise—made by the French and Austrians—which is a Compleat defence for man and horse—if you Should see fitt in a General order to make it the Exercise of our Cavalry—I have a Large Number of the Books on hand and will allso Teach one man of Each Company if...
Seventeen months since I recievd a letter from your secretary covering the proceedings of the Court Martial by which I was Tried, in which letter your sentiments respecting the Trial was Contained. Mr. Lewis says that you directed him to inform me that you thought my Case a hard one, but that no remedy Could be applied in a millitary point of View but when ever an opportunity offered Suted to...
Your favor of the 6th. is recieved. I have no doubt the act you desire is in my printed collection. I have written to mr Dabney Carr my nephew, & an attorney, to desire he will, in passing Monticello, call there, find the act, and have it copied & forwarded to me, and I shall on reciept of it send it on to you. I am happy in this & every other occasion of being useful to you, and of rendering...
At the close of the first session of the Seventh Congress in May 1802, the House of Representatives and the Senate adjourned to the first Monday in December, which would fall on the 6th ( Annals Annals of the Congress of the United States: The Debates and Proceedings in the Congress of the United States…Compiled from Authentic Materials , Washington, D.C., Gales & Seaton, 1834-56, 42 vols. All...
Will you give the inclosed a serious perusal, and make such corrections, in matter & manner as it needs, & that without reserve, & with as little delay as possible, as I mean to submit it in like manner to the other gentlemen, singly first, & then together. the part respecting the treasury department is not yet prepared. a concluding paragraph is also to be added, when we see if any other...
Th:J. sends to mr Gallatin the draught of his message to Congress which he prays him to revise both as to substance & form, and to favor him with his amendments or strictures freely adhibited, & with as little delay as he can, because it is proposed to be submitted to each gentleman singly in the first instance, and then to a meeting, which will involve time. RC ( NHi : Gallatin Papers);...