From George Washington to Capel & Osgood Hanbury, 23 June 1766
To Capel & Osgood Hanbury
Mount Vernon 23d June 1766.
Your favours of the 20th of Augt & 20th of Novr (which are all the Letters that have come to hand since mine of the 20th Septr) are now before me.1
When I was at Williamsburg in April last, I directed twelve Hhds of Master Custis’s Tobacco to be put on board Captn Esten & consignd to you; the Sales of which I hope will be pleasing, & the proceeds carried to the young Gentleman’s Account. Shoud this Letter get to hand before Captn Esten arrives (and probably it may, as the time of his Sailing appeared to be a little uncertain) be pleas’d to Insure Ten pounds a Hhd on the above Tobacco.2
Your next I expect, will cover his Acct Currt and the Sales of the last parcel of Tobacco by Nicks.3 I am Gentn Yr Most Obedt Hble Servt
Go: Washington
ALB, DLC:GW. GW noted, “Sent by the Munificence—Captn [John] Johnstoun.”
1. GW had not yet received the most recent letter from the Hanburys, that of 27 Mar. 1766; the Hanburys sent it by the Fauquier, which had entered the port of Hampton on 9 June.
2. It was GW’s practice to send Hanbury twelve hogsheads of John Parke Custis’s tobacco as he had done at least since 1762. See GW to Hanbury, 20 Sept. 1765, and note 1 of that document. No record of the sale of the twelve hogsheads sent in April 1766 has been found.
3. GW wrote Hanbury on 20 Sept. 1765 that he was sending twelve hogsheads of his ward’s tobacco aboard the Fauquier, Robert Necks captain.