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Results 15781-15810 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
I nominate, Valentine Southall, of Virginia to be collector of direct tax and internal duties for...
Yesterday we lost one of the brightest ornaments of our institution, (Mr. Cadet Low), by ⟨the⟩...
You have heretofore known something of jarrings between the Rivanna company and myself. certain...
Your kind Letter of the 26th. of Decr has given me more pleasure than it would be prudent or...
You know my vanity and therefore are probably surprized that I have not before this transmitted...
Many happy returns of the Season dear Harriet is wished you by your Friend, who you know would...
I enclose herewith a draft of a Note to Lord Castlereagh on the case of the Hope, which I will...
I have been some time in debt for the obliging favor of your “Camillo.[”] Its subject as well as...
Objects interesting to the United States requiring that the Senate should be in session on the...
Permit me to remind your Excellancy that it is now well nigh three years since the above...
I fear I am doing wrong in claiming any portion of your precious time. I know your situation...
I have now the honour of laying before you, a Report of the operations of the Mint during the...
§ From Cyrus King. 1 January 1817. “C King’s respects to the President of the U. S. acknowledges...
§ From Juan Martín de Pueyrredón. 1 January 1817, Buenos Aires. Being placed at the head of these...
§ Presidential Proclamation. 1 January 1817. “Whereas by the first article of the terms and...
¶ From John Tyler. Letter not found. 1 January 1817. “J. Tyler regrets, that owing to a previous...
I lately addressed a letter to mr Thweatt , intended equally for you in a case of my own: I now...
Your favor of Dec. 14. is but just recieved, informing me of your petition to the legislature . I...
A member of a family to which I have been much attached by long intimacies sollicits my asking...
I recieved yesterday your favor of Dec. 16. and hasten by the first return of the mail, to...
Your favor of Dec. 13. came to hand but two days ago. nothing could be so desirable to me as to...
I have read your letter, and thank you for the Amusement it has afforded me. We in Massachusetts,...
I have not been able to answer a very pleasant Letter from your Father, which I received after I...
15804Memorandum Books, 1816 (Jefferson Papers)
Jan. 2. Renewed my note in bank of 2000.D. for the 19th. inst. 5. Borrowed of Mr. Leitch 20.D. 7....
Convention by the people general suffrage for Delegates freeholders for Senate equal representn....
The lots of Lucy Nancy & Frances below the town at $25 per acre Lucys lot N o 1 between the town...
I nominate, the following persons to be Collectors of direct taxes and internal duties for the...
I nominate, William Jones, } Citizens of the United States residing at Philadelphia in the State...
The death of the late Honble. H Innis, having produced a vacancy in the District Court of the...
I take the liberty to recommend Docr. Thomas Neale of the town of Jackson in the Territory of...