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Results 157251-157300 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
A large Body of the Enemy are on their march to Derby, where they must have arrived by this time,...
I have just returned from Springfield, having met one of my Spies on the Road, he informs me Genl...
Letter not found: from Maj. John Clark, Jr., 22 Dec. 1777. Clark says in the postscript of his...
On Saturday Evening I had the honor to receive your Favor of the 17th Inst. with it’s Inclosure....
By a young man Just came from the City I am informed that the enemy have hard of Genl Solavan...
I sent Capt. Lives of with 5 men when I wrote you he is Just Returned and says the enemy are in...
the enemy are in two partys and going up into Spring field and the other nearder to the Chister...
Letter not found: to James Potter, 22 Dec. 1777. In his fourth letter to GW of this date, written...
I have Just Receved you Excelanceys favours of seven and Eight oClock this evening the enemy are...
The Enemy marched out of Philada this morning early with a considerable Body. Their intent is...
Our March being retarded on the 19th Inst. by the Commissarys not furnishing Provision till the...
According to the saying of Solomon, hunger will break thro’ a stone Wall; It is therefore a very...
That you may excuse my vile manner of doing business, know that I am freezing in my little room...
After the Resolve for stopping Burgoyne had passed, some were of opinion that a State of Facts...
LS and copy: National Archives; AL (draft) and copy: Library of Congress; copy: Yale University...
AL : Yale University Library I remember that long before I was ordered here, you once did me the...
ALS : New York Public Library I have this day renderd an account to Mr. Deane of the Sums...
AL : American Philosophical Society Mr. Lee’s Compliments. Mr. Girard appeared much surprizd at...
157269General Orders, 21 December 1777 (Washington Papers)
The field officers who are appointed to superintend the business of hutting, are to call upon...
The bearer Mr Charles Forbes was not long since an Ensign in the British Service, had taken some...
I was yesterday favd with yours of the 18th and 19th and last night with that of the 20th The...
I am honored with yours of this Date, a Spy from the City & the Express arrived a few Minutes...
I have deferred answering your Letter of the 28th November, daily expecting to receive the...
Major Clark has wrote to me several times about some provision that a Mr Trumbull was sending in...
ALS : Archives du Ministère des affaires étrangères The Persons going out with the dispatches are...
AL : Connecticut Historical Society; AL : Archives du Ministère des affaires étrangères J’ai recu...
Copy: University of Pennsylvania Library You will receive herewith a Packet for Monsr. L Moyne...
AL : University of Pennsylvania Library We are much obliged by your Favour of the 24th. October...
LS : American Philosophical Society This Letter is design’d for the particular purpose of giving...
ALS : American Philosophical Society In expectation of hearing from you I have only at present to...
ALS : American Philosophical Society <La Rochelle, December 20, 1777, in French: Our merchants’...
ALS : American Philosophical Society <Frankfurt-on-Main, December 20, 1777, in French: I have a...
AL : American Philosophical Society Au moment où j’allois hier, Monsieur, envoier l’Extrait que...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Having but lately returned from Congress, where I have been...
157285General Orders, 20 December 1777 (Washington Papers)
Genl McIntosh is appointed to the command of the North Carolina brigade. The Major Generals...
When I had the honor of addressing you on the 17th Inst., I informed you, that I had transmitted...
I wrote you last Night, & informed you that I expected a Spy from the City every hour —he has...
I was not honored with the Receipt of your Excellency’s Letter of the 3d Instant before Friday...
We the subscribers being appointed a Committee to Inspect the Beaf drawn for Genl Learnard’s...
I have your favr of the 18th by Mr Potts. Commissioners being appointed by the legislative...
I yesterday Evening received your Favor of the 7th Inst., and am happy to find the first account...
The 17th Inst. I troubled Your Excellency by the hand of Messenger Jones. Under this Cover Your...
Whereas the Enemy in their late excursions have carried off most of the Horses belonging to such...
As the decision of the present most direful and unhappy contest cannot in any degree be affected...
In Answer to your Letter, delivered me by Major Jamieson, When Mrs Potts applies she will have my...
By virtue of the power and direction to me especially given, I hereby enjoin and require all...
It is now a year, since we were taken prisoners; a time, the length of which, we have felt the...
Letter not found: from an Unknown Person, 20 Dec. 1777. In his letter to an Unknown Person of 6...
Your favour of the 24th of September inclosing a discourse against Toryism, came safe to my...
Letterbook summary: Algemeen Rijksarchief, The Hague Repondu à la Lettre de Mr. A. Lee, du 8....