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Results 157231-157260 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
The inclosed sheets may contain some details which perhaps may be thought interesting enough for...
Yours of the 19th. has been recieved, as was a former one proposing mr Hassler to be employed in...
Having recieved the inclosed essay on public education from it’s author, the revd. mr Knox , &,...
According to your desire I wrote to Chancellor Livingston on the subject of the bones. the...
Th: Jefferson with his friendly salutations to Doctr. Wistar incloses him a paper for the Society...
I have recieved from a scientific gentleman in Copenhagen a box containing 150. pieces of Roman...
Having lately recieved from Count Rumford , one of the managers of the Royal institution of Great...
Th: Jefferson presents his friendly salutations to Doctr. Wistar and incloses him a letter from...
I inclose you a pamphlet from mr Biot a member of the National institute which he desires to have...
What I am now to write about will be in perfect confidence between ourselves. the legislature is...
I am much indebted for your favor of the 4th. & for the information & kind offers of attention to...
I recieved your favor of June 29. by mr Correa , it’s bearer. I found him what you had described...
I recieved last night your favor of the 22d. and believe it will be as well to send the books...
On my return from a journey on the 22 d inst. I found here your letter of the 9 th and lost no...
This will be handed you by my grandson Th Jefferson Randolph who goes on to Philadelphia to...
I have a grandson, the son of mr Randolph, now about 15. years of age, in whose education I take...
I wrote you on the 19th. Dec. my expectations of the arrival at this place of the big bones which...
It seems an age since I have had particular occasion to recall myself to your memory; and to that...
I inclose you a letter from Doctr. Brown by which you will percieve that the bones which are the...
My grandson being on his return to attend the botanical lectures gives me a safe opportunity of...
I sincerely regret the postponement of your departure till the 12th. of May. Congress will rise...
The inclosed letter is from mr W m A. Burwell , one of the members of Congress from our state ....
I am indebted to mr Kuhn, our Consul at Genoa, for M. de Moveau’s book on the disinfection of...
In the course of the day on which you left us here in July last, a young medical gentleman called...
I inclose you a letter from Dr. Goforth on the subject of the bones of the Mammoth. immediately...
The inclosed letter from Colo. Tatham and the fac simile it covers, being intended for the A....
I have written you a letter of this date to be laid before the society. this is for yourself...
Yours of the 12th. is recieved. Congress I think will rise in about three weeks, say about the...
Th: Jefferson presents his salutations to Dr. Wistar; & incloses him mr Stuart’s letter which...
The inclosed letter from mr Brackenridge on the subject of the mounds & remains of fortifications...