George Washington Papers

From George Washington to Clement Biddle, 8 June 1797

To Clement Biddle

Mount Vernon 8th June 1797.

Dear Sir,

Enclosed is the Power of Attorney (you sent me) executed before, and authenticated by a Notary public in Alexandria.1

Let me request ⟨the favor⟩ of you to inform Mr A⟨itkens Cabinet⟩ maker in Chestnut Street, ⟨that no Key⟩ came for the upper part of ⟨the Secreta⟩ry (writing desk) he sent me⟨; and that⟩ part of one of the side Tables ⟨also⟩ wanted a key. Whether it is in his power now to remedy this neglect, I know not; but this omission renders each piece of furniture less valu⟨able,⟩ at the same time that it makes part of the side board (wanting the key) useless as it cannot be opened 2—Mrs Washington presents ⟨her⟩ compliments & thanks to Mrs Biddle for her kind offer—and I am—Dear Sir Your Most Obedt Hble Ser.

Go: Washington

ALS (letterpress copy), DLC:GW; LB, DLC:GW. The mutilated portions of the letterpress copy are replaced by words and letters from the letter-book copy, in angle brackets.

1In the power of attorney to Biddle, GW authorized Biddle “to receive as well the Interest as the dividends which are or shall be payable according to Law on the whole of the funded debt of the United States which is or may be Stock standing in my Name in the Books of the Treasury of the United States” (PHC). The text of the power of attorney, 8 June 1797, is in CD-ROM:GW. For GW’s treasury certificates, see GW to Biddle, 28 May, and note 2 of that document.

2On 18 Jan. 1797 John Aitkin was paid $116 “for a Desk &c. for Miss [Nelly] Custis & a screen for Mrs W.,” and on 21 Feb. he was paid $402.20 for “2 doz: chairs, 2 side boards &c.” (Presidential Household Accounts description begins Presidential Household Accounts, 1793–97. Manuscript, Historical Society of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia. description ends ).

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