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Results 157171-157200 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
1571711774. Saturday. Octr. 29. (Adams Papers)
Rode to Prince Town, where We dine, at the sign of Hudibrass.— Vacation at Nassau Hall. Dr....
This is a strange world, or rather strange folks make it so, to render the drama compleat....
I have understood you have on hand some Marsalla wine consigned to you from Sicily, & to be...
I have to request that you will immediately upon the Receipt hereof march as expeditiously as...
I this Day Recd your Favour Dated the 14th Octr, Inclosing a Letter from his Excelency Govr....
I promise to pay Thomas Jefferson his Heirs or Assigns, on demand, the sum of one hundred and...
The forgery lately attempted to be plaid off by mr H. on the house of representatives, of a...
Haveing received your kind letter , and with pleasure inform, your honour, that I am still...
§ From James Brown. 24 August 1805, “German Coast.” “I had the honor to receive your favor...
Lewis Vincent the Bearer of this tells me he hath had the Expectation of being paid as a Lieut....
I arrivd with my charge safe in Camp the 30th of last Month, after waiting a Day and piece in...
Your letter written under that of mr Copeland of June 14. is recieved with the Boston Patriot of...
157183[Diary entry: 12 November 1772] (Washington Papers)
12. Clear & warm in the forenoon but cool, cloudy & a good deal of Rain afterwards with high So....
The inclosed letter from mr Brackenridge on the subject of the mounds & remains of fortifications...
157185[Diary entry: 19 August 1799] (Washington Papers)
19. Morning Cloudy Wind at No. Et. & Mer. at 65—at highest 75 and at Night 69. Wind brisk at No....
14 May 1805, Department of State . “In answer to your letter of the 14th of March, I have to...
your Letter of Novbr 16th was an unexpected pleasure, for after yours of october the 13th, I had...
Knowing your fondness for Agriculture, and every thing connected with it, tho’ in a collateral...
In the month of June, last, I did myself the honor to forward for your perusal, Mr. Pearson’s...
157190[Diary entry: 16 June 1795] (Washington Papers)
16. Wind at So. Wt. Showers & variable.
Your letter of July 16. has been duly recieved, with the paper it inclosed, for which accept my...
This Indenture this seventeenth day of May in the year one thousand eight hundred and thirteen...
Your letter of the 18th Ulto came duly to hand. From the number of fruitless enquiries I had made...
Col. Sheldon, I presume, has informed Your Excellency of the Capture of four Men who say they...
It is not long since the Papers herewith sent have been in my possession, altho’ from the date...
I yesterday had the pleasure to receive your favor of the 2d instt—and must beg you to accept of...
I write this merely as a way bill. The Orange post arrives at Charlottesville on Tuesday morning...
I return my thanks for the copy of the Agricultural Almanack, obligingly sent me. You do not...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Mr delisle home tres honette tres Aimable et qui a Lhoneur...
Your favor of the 15th inst: came to hand by thurday’s post. Mine by the last post acknowledged...