George Washington Papers

From George Washington to Colonel Stephen Moylan, 24 July 1777

To Colonel Stephen Moylan

Camp at Ramapaugh [N.J.] July 24th [1777]


The Enemy’s Fleet having left the Hook and gone to Sea, I am to request, that you will immediately repair with your Regiment to the City of Philadelphia and put yourself under the direction of the Commanding Officer there—You will not lose a Moments Time, and will order your Baggage to follow under a proper Guard.1 I am Sir Yr Humble servant

Go: Washington

LS, in Robert Hanson Harrison’s writing, DSoC; Df, DLC:GW; Varick transcript, DLC:GW.

1GW issued new orders to Moylan on 26 July through his aide-de-camp John Fitzgerald: “Shou’d this letter come to hand before you pass Trenton it is his Excellency’s Orders that you halt there, either untill you receive further Instructions from him, or, ’till you have Authentic advice that the Enemy have come into the Delaware Bay, in which case you will govern yourself as before direct’d. If you have pass’d Trenton, your best Mode will be to proceed to Bristol & there act as order’d at Trenton. The Genl Consents that you should have the Men you mention’d to him brot to trial as soon as convenient a Genl Court Martial will be necessary” (DLC:GW).

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