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Results 157151-157200 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
Your favor of the 7th. was duly recieved, and I now return you the papers No. 1. 2. 3. 7. 8. 9....
I return you the volume you were pleased to send for my perusal. the piety and patriotism of your...
I recieved yesterday yours of Apr. 8. accompanied by a Manuscript volume of your interpretation...
The death of mrs Carr , my sister, which took place a few days ago, and the desire that she...
Th: Jefferson returns his thanks to mrs Winn for the Paccan nuts she was so kind as to send him ;...
I really thought that the assumpsit for mr Bacon had been paid long ago by my grandson to whom I...
I have just recd your note inviting me to join a party of my fellow Citizens in celebrating the...
Th: Jefferson presents his compliments to General Winn and asks the favor of him to take the...
The Clothing to be furnished from the several Counties was by a general regulation to be...
We learn that you are one of the Judges to attend our district Court the ensuing month. The...
I recd yesterday yours of the 25th. I wish I could give you a useful answer But my memory affords...
I have been favored with yours of the 18th. but not in time to be acknowledged by the mail of...
Your servant has delivered your favor of Novr. Seventy dollars paid in advance, (equa⟨l⟩ to more...
I promised to let you know within this Month whether it wd. be convenient to hire your negroes...
I am very sorry that your Militia by different Orders from a Succession of Persons should have...
ALS : American Philosophical Society At length after much Delay and Difficulty I have been able...
I am favoured with yours by your son, who has arrived here in good Health. I wish he may be...
ALS : Harvard College Library I received your Favour of the 12th. past, and congratulate you on...
Reprinted from The Columbian Centinel , July 30, 1825. I duly received your favour of October 26,...
MS not found; reprinted from American Autograph Shop, American Clipper (Merion Station, Pa.),...
ALS (draft): Library of Congress I received your kind Letter of Feb. 28. which gave me great...
Your Favour of June the first is now before me. It is now universally acknowledged that we are,...
Reprinted from William Temple Franklin, ed., Memoirs of the Life and Writings of Benjamin...
I do myself the Honour of writing you, a very few Lines, just for the Sake of introducing to you,...
Your Letter by your son I have not received, but I hope to have that Pleasure soon together with...
ALS : Massachusetts Historical Society I find among my Papers a Letter of yours, dated Dec. 7....
ALS (letterbook draft): American Philosophical Society I have received by Mr. Marchant the 52 s....
ALS : American Philosophical Society I did myself the Honour of writing you a few Lines the 20th...
ALS (letterbook draft): Library of Congress I received your Favours of March 4 and April 19. Mr....
The Bearers of this are two young Gentlemen from Maryland. Aquilla Hall and Josias Carvill Hall,...
I have rejoiced to see Ritchie declare himself in favor of the President on the late attack...
Your favor of July 24. came to hand on the 31 st and I will proceed to answer your enquiries, in...
It would require a longer letter than my health enables me to write, to detail to you the...
I have been laying under contribution my memory, my private papers, the printed records, gazettes...
Your Sketches of the life of Mr Henry have given me a rich Entertainment. I will not compare them...
My letters of Jan. 5. and Nov. 10. of the last year had informed you generally that Gen l...
Your letter dated the 27 th is recieved, & shall be communicated to mr Carr to remove the...
Among some queries you addressed to me some time ago, was one on the case of Josiah Philips ,...
I recieved your 3 d parcel of sheets just as I was leaving Poplar Forest , and have read them...
I have the pleasure to inform you that by the unanimous vote of the Rector and Visitors of the...
Th: Jefferson presents his friendly respects to mr Wirt , and incloses him an order on Gibson &...
Th: Jefferson with his friendly salutations to mr Wirt sends him some short Notes on the several...
Your’s of Oct. 23. was recieved here on the 31 st with the last sheets of your work. they found...
Th: Jefferson salutes mr Wirt with friendship & respect, & informs him that the answer to his...
Mr Dabney Carr has written to you on the situation of the Editor of the Aurora , and our desire...
I have been several weeks in possession of your favor of the 29th of August. As it appeared that...
Your favor of July 24. has been duly recieved: and I feel every disposition to comply with your...
I am greatly in arrears to you my Dearest friend: nor can I now discharge the debt. This you will...
This letter is for yourself alone. I have recieved a communication thro’ D. Carr for which I...
I will with pleasure undertake the perusal of your work and with the frankness to which you are...