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Results 157151-157200 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
Most or all the within Commands might be releived by the Troops near the North River without any...
I was a few days ago favd with yours of the 8th instant. I am sorry that any undue promotions...
As we have more than probably taken a position for the Winter, and every exertion in the...
I am favd with yours of the 16th instant from the Sawpitts. I am glad to find that matters are...
I trouble your Excellency with extreme reluctance on a Subject so wholly personal as my present...
A Fleet of 59 Ships, inclusive of a Frigate of 28, & a Sloop of 16 Guns came down the River...
Your Lordships Letter of yesterday arrived late last night —with respect to the proposed Attack...
When I undertook to Compleat the Bridge in So Short a Space I Expected Every article would be...
I receiv’d your favor of Yesterday, & immediately sent one of my Aids to represent the Subject of...
Whereas the Small-pox, at this time in many parts of the Commonwealth is likely to spread and...
Whereas on the late appearance of a hostile Fleet in the Bay of Chesapeake, a large Body of...
as soon as the Troops have delivered into my Stores all the Tents according to order. I would...
Copy: Connecticut Historical Society Yours of the 19th we received Yesterday and immediately...
LS : Archives du Ministère des affaires étrangères We beg your Excellency’s Permission to make an...
ALS : American Philosophical Society J’ai osé me flattér que le celebre monsieur francklin...
L : American Philosophical Society Messieurs Lavabre & Doerner ont l’honneur de presenter leurs...
157167General Orders, 26 December 1777 (Washington Papers)
A General Court Martial is to sit at the House of Wiley Bodles, near the provost, at nine...
I cannot yet learn whether the Enemy are return’d to Philada—a person from thence, tells me the...
I wrote you yesterday at one o Clock P.M. , informing you the Enemy had moved towards Chester,...
The reason of my troubling you at this time is to request that Congress will defer their decision...
I am quite content to have Lieut. Boskirk, Lieut. Earle & Surgeon Hammel treated as Prisoners of...
I have delayed troubling your Excellency with the State of our hospitals, in hopes you would hear...
Letter not found: to Major General Stirling, 26 Dec. 1777. In his second letter to GW of 26 Dec....
I wrote your Excellency yesterday at Noon, the light horse Man whom I sent with it, is not yet...
I have Just received your Excellencys letter of this date by Lt Col. Davidson, I have sent the...
Agreable to your Excellenceys Directions I have Consulted Some of The General officers which I...
Together herewith I send under G[uar]d two Prisoners, viz. Serjt Jos: Foster & James Carter of...
The Inhabitants from being acquainted with me are perpetually lodging their Complaints against...
About a Fortnight ago I rec d . three Letters from France, one dated at Dunkirk the 2 d June,...
Three Days ago, I had the Honour of receiving your Letter of the 18th. of December, inclosing...
ALS : Harvard University Library When I left Berlin, I meant to have come to Paris by the way of...
LS : American Philosophical Society Besides the general Letter which I wrote you respecting our...
ALS : American Philosophical Society; copy: Library of Congress Je recois la lettre que vous me...
AL : Historical Society of Pennsylvania Count d’Estaing presents his dutys to the truly right...
Transcript: Library of Congress I thank you for your very friendly and prudent consideration of...
ALS : American Philosophical Society The Bearer of this is a particular Friend of mine. A Mr....
157187General Orders, 25 December 1777 (Washington Papers)
Each brigade is to detach an active, careful subaltern and eight men, who with an Assistant...
Jameison with the light Horse on the other side Schuylkill to guard the Avenues to the City, &...
I had the Honor to receive your Favor of the 25th Ulto, with Its Inclosure by yesterday’s post. A...
This morning a party of the Enemy with a few Field pieces moved from Derby towards Chester, near...
Notwithstanding my last Letters to Congress were very explicit, and expressive of the wants of...
Not long since I received a Letter from Colo. Sam. B. Webb, informing me that the fortune of War...
I had the honour of writing to Your Excellency yesterday by Colo. Boudinot. This Instant was...
I have not yet been joined by one Militia Man, I inclose you Genl Pattersons Ltr, which is not...
I would have wrote you earlier this Morning had we not about Eight oClock heard the report of...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I never expected such ingratitude for my past time and...
Having been absent from this State, I had not the Honour of your Favour of December 3d. untill...
I cannot omit this opportunity of acknowledging the Receipt of your kind Favours of 27 or 28...
Your most friendly and obliging Favour of 28. Novr was never delivered to me, untill the 22d...
Reprinted from Report of the Committee of the House of the 17th February on the Subject of the...