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Results 157141-157170 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
The Ship Scipio S Drummond master, has arrived at this Port from Liverpool . In the manifest of said Ship there is a Box containing a portrait, addressed to you; as I know of no agent of yours in this place—you will be so good as to advise in what way it may be forwarded. RC ( DLC ); in a clerk’s hand, signed by Jones ; endorsed by TJ as a letter of 6 June 1822 received a week later and so...
§ From William C. C. Claiborne. 14 July 1806, “60 Miles from N. Orleans. ” “In a former Letter I advised you of my Intention to visit the several counties on the Missisippi; I am now on that Journey, & hope to accomplish it, in a short time, unless indeed I should be arrested by Indisposition, which is not improbable; for an exposure to the Summer’s Sun has already made me very unwell. “I have...
In order to cajole the people, the Message abounds with all the common-place of popular harrangue, and prefers claims of merit, for circumstances of equivocal or of trivial value. With pompous absurdity are we told of the “ multiplication of men, susceptible of happiness ,” (as if this susceptibility were a privilege peculiar to our climate) “ habituated to self-government, and valuing its...
Every line from you gives me much satisfaction, my Heart Sympathizes with you in your present distress. I cannot write so fully as I could Wish, may Heaven Bless, Protect, and Prosper you, I have sent you a few things per Capt. Falkner hope they will arrive safe and prove acceptable, adieu my Dear Sir. Yours affectionately The small Parcel by the Paul, Capt. Gordon which you say is not come to...
The Undersigned, His Majesty’s Principal Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, has received the Note which Mr. Smith, Chargé d’Affaires from The United States of America has addressed to him, expressing his earnest desire of manifesting, on the part of his Government, by his personal Attendance at the Funeral of Her late Royal Highness The Princess Charlotte Augusta, a sincere participation...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania Mr. Bingham of Martinico inclosed me the letter that accompanys this, which I received this post. As I presume he gives you the necessary information of his department, it is needless for me to trouble you with the copy of his letter to me. I have therfore only to add that I am with respect Honorable Gentlemen Your assurd humble Servant Addressed: A...
I have the honor of acknowledging the receipt of your letter of the 12th of this month, which did not reach me until yesterday evening. With respect to Bowles, I have no knowledge of any circumstance whatever relative to him, except that of his actual visit to England. His name was never mentioned to me in any manner, directly or indirectly by any of his Majesty’s ministers: And I therefore...
Your favor of the March 21 st came in due time— and a rainy day now gives me leasure to write, to thank you for your interresting letter, abounding with useful information to the farmer and Mechannic. You observe that the winter has been hard.—the Spring appears to be backward, I hope it will be favorable to our fruits, the last year gave us but li t tle. My small green House accidently...
14 September 1801, Philadelphia. Acknowledges receipt of JM’s letters of 15 Aug. and 1 Sept. , for which he extends his thanks. Expresses gratitude for the limited permission to perform his official duties that the president has granted him, but since the president is returning to Washington so soon, Blicherolsen may not need to use this authorization. Should he do so, it will be with the...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Yours of the 15th. informing me of your agreable Journey and safe Arrival at Hexham gave me great Pleasure, and would make your good Mother happy if I knew how to convey it to her; but ’tis such an out-of-the-way Place she is gone to, and the Name so out of my Head, that the Good News must wait her Return. Enclos’d I send you a Letter which came before she...
On the 19th. of November 1786. I inclosed to Mr. Oster, consul of France in Virginia, your letter of the 9th. of that month, and recommended to him the procuring the documents you desired relative to the death and possessions of your brother in that state. I supposed, and still suppose he was the most likely person to fulfill that commission well. I have received no answer. I would therefore...
I wrote to you a few days ago for some Books, &ca—Since then, I have seen the following Books advertised for Sale by Miles & Hicks at their Printing Office, which I beg the favor of you to procure, and send to me. Charles the 12th of Sweeden Lewis the 15th. 2 Vols History of the Life & Reign of the Czar Peter, the Great Robertsons Histy of America 2 Vols Voltaires Letters. If they are in...
On my return from Bedford on the 3 d inst. I found here your favor of Apr. 27. and that of the 10 th int inst . is now recieved, inclosing an accout account of sales of my flour. I am glad it is so well sold, as I had begun to apprehend worse. while in Bedford
Your Excellency will receive herewith enclosed Acts of Congress of the 6th & 13th Instant appointing a Committee to repair to Head Quarters to confer with the Commander in Chief &c. and containing Instructions for their Government. Also another Act of the 10th Instant containing Assurances that as soon as Circumstances will admit to make [good] to the Line of the Army and independant Corps...
157155[Diary entry: 8 July 1787] (Washington Papers)
Sunday—8th. About 12 Oclock rode to Doctr. Logans near Germn. Town where I dined. Returned in the Evening and dk. Tea at Mr. Morris’s.
[ Near Fredericksburg, New York ] November 5, 1778 . Needs equipment and money with which to pay troops. Asks for certificate of service from Washington. ALS , George Washington Papers, Library of Congress; copy, Columbia University Libraries.
I have the honor to inform you that I arrived in Funchal roads on the 18th: inst: in 28 days from Washington & 24 from the Capes after a passage so very pleasant that we never handed out top galt: sails but once during the whole time On my arrival I found that the Gentleman who was encharged with our affairs by the Governor had gone to another part of the Island upon a party of pleasure. I...
Tho’ personally unknown to you Sir, I assume the liberty of addressing myself to you, on a presumption that I have the strongest hope of meeting with that Countenance in this application, which your patriotism has warranted me to expect, under the Character of an enthusiast in search of Philosophy & the Sciences. From the political persecution of 98: I found it necessary to forsake an...
An unsealed letter from you came to my hand this day. for the letter I thank you. as it contained expressions of regard & esteem which I have been used to receive from your pen. for the manner I own myself at a loss— Dos not an unsealed letter from you sir appear like a diminution of that Confidential intercourse that long subsisted? and Conveyed warm from the heart the strong expressions of...
Your favor received yesterday was quite Unexpected. It was not my intention by obtruding my admonitions upon you to draw you into a corrispondence, knowing how fully (particularly at this period) you must be occupied. altho to you business of every kind wou’d be as little irksome as to any one, yet every moment of leisure you shou’d embrace to promote your health and spirits—to hear that you...
I have the Honour of yours of the 28. We have no Letters or Papers from London later than the 19 or 20, which leaves Us in the dark. There has been a Fermentation, here, which indicates War, the Apprehension of which is born by the Dutch at this time with more Firmness than I expected. The Motive of England, is to pick a quarrell upon a Pretext of an offence different from the armed...
Inclosed you will receive the Act of the Legislature of Maryland, giving their consent and authority to cutting the Road from Cumberland to the Ohio. I have the Honour to be MdAA : Letterbooks of Governor and Council of Maryland.
During my residence in Paris I was much acquainted with Commodore Paul Jones whose life you purpose to write and had much to do with him. yet my memory is so decayed that from that source I can furnish you nothing worth a place in his history. I believe I cannot better comply with your request than by sending you all the papers relating to him in my possn. his letters to me, which are many,...
I inclose you two letters, the one from a Mr. Leslie of this place, offering to make a clock for some one of the public buildings at Washington, the other from Mr. R. B. Lee proposing that Mr. Ciracchi a statuary now at this place should be employed to erect at Washington a monument he has proposed. With respect to Leslie, he is certainly one of the most ingenious artists in America; and as to...
I answered on the 29 th nov ber last to your Favor of the 16 th august , & at Last your’s of the 3 July Last reached me Thro’ Bordeaux under Cover of Col. Fenwick , on the 26 th D
5 March 1802, Aux Cayes. Received news of the arrival of twenty-five to thirty thousand French troops at Cap Français and Port Républicain about 10 Feb. First reports indicated the French troops met a friendly reception. Subsequent reports—that “at both places the Troops arriving from France were opposed & fired upon at their landing by the troops of Toussaint & Dessalines” and that both towns...
AL : American Philosophical Society Foible Traduction de ce Vers Sur M. francklin. We cannot identify the writer, but for other translations of Turgot’s epigram written around this time, see Nogaret’s one-line offering of March 2, and the French verse translation we discuss in annotation to that letter. Another letter, undated, unsigned, in English, and in a hand we do not recognize, offers...
RC (Historical Society of Pennsylvania). In Edmund Randolph’s hand, except for the signatures of JM and Joseph Jones. Your excellency’s favor of the 5th. instant gives us great reason to flatter ourselves upon the present prospect in Virginia Intelligence from New-York announces a fixed purpose in Sir Henry Clinton to force his way into the Chesapeake, with a fleet of 26 certainly, and...
ALS : American Philosophical Society This will inform you of my present unhappy Situation. The Judge of the Admiralty have receiv’d orders of the 6th. Instant from the Minester at Paris, ordering them not to Suffer me to take any Cannon Powder or other Millatary Stores on board or to depart from the port on any Consideration whatever without further Orders from Paris. In consequence of those...
Your letter of Jan. 27. was, by some accident, very long on the road & I have been tardier in acknoleging the reciept of it, because I really needed no confirmation of what you had written me yourself on your improvement of fireplaces. I know that in the best I have yet seen, a great proportion of the heat is carried off without having entered the apartment; and there being so much room for...