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Results 157141-157170 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
I take the liberty of offering you my tract of land on which I live for sale —I do not know that you are inclinable to purchase, but if so the place I think will add considerably to the value of your estate here— I hold about 1400 acres binding on your line at least a mile or more, lying between the poplar forest and New London better watered than any tract of land I ever saw of its size...
I will now continue the confidential communication which I received, and which I hinted at in the last Letter I wrote you ; but had not time to go into as the opportunity closed upon me before I expected it—it was in substance that the Court had been tricked by M. Urquijo into the cession of Louisiana without being aware of it. that it was a thing patched up between Berthier and Urquijo when...
as I have often Wrote to the superintendant respecting the situation of the Light House &c at Cape Henlopen & have not been answered by him, I at last went to the City of Philadia & informd him of the business he informd me he was makeing out his returns to close the business & to be done with the department he allso informd me that the Commissioner of the Revenue was out of Office & that no...
Since writing the preceding I have settled with Richard Shackleford. his lands have been tended as follows as. ps. 1800 1801 1802 No. 1. 7–49. oats rest corn 2 6–72 corn wheat rest 3 85 new tobo. corn
I take the liberty of introducing to your knowledge, the bearer of this, Dr. Edward D. Smith , of Charleston, S. Carolina, who is now on his return to his native place. Dr. Smith is a young man of very uncommon merit, ardently attached to science, and not less so to the interests of republicanism. These circumstances have procured for him many friends in Pennsylvania. I could not deprive...
As I have to discharge the united and important duties both of Governor and Secretary of the North Western Territory, I think on the fairest principles of equity that I should enjoy the honors and emoluments of the most considerable Appointment of the two. I am conscious that I stand upon delicate ground, and that a solicitation of this nature in my behalf from a third person, would be deemed...
Esteemed friend Thomas Jefferson, thy Assertion, (when I attended with Dorothy Ripley , on her application for thy concurrence with her desire, to attempt the education of abt. 64 female black or colored Children of those called free)—“that thou apprehended they were not of equal capacity with the Whites,” gave me concern, having long since been informed, that our friend Anthony Benezet ,...
I am setting out this morning on my return to Washington. being in want of 500. lb. of bacon here for our workmen, I must ask the favor of you to procure and forward that much by the first safe boats to Gabriel Lilly my manager here and in general to answer his applications for what he may want here, without my special order, as his discretion may always be trusted. I have not heard from mr...
Etat D’e Ce qu’il, feaut pr. la maison D’u president Savoir Linge de table 6 N’aple pr. 1. table de 6. Couvert 3 douzaine de torchon pr. Nétoÿé les vert 2 ideme pr. la Cuisinne 2 ideme de Serviette pr. les Chanbre de Maitre porcilaine 1 Service de porcilainne blœux bien, a Sorti pr. 25. Couver 1 ideme pr. le té Et Câffée pr. 30—Maitre verrie 12 Carâffe pr. de l’eau, de 2. grandeur 4 douzaine...
You will readily recollect my having taken the liberty early under your Administration of offering myself as a Candidate for the Collectors office of this Port in Case a Vacancy should happen from resignation or otherwise. as every thing in that department remains in statu quo, and the final Issue of that application is to me inscrutable you will pardon this intrusion. By a refference to that...
I annex a note of persons qualified for the office of comrs. under the bankrupt law, for the places to wh. they are affixed. It is thought it will be better to appoint comrs. at Petersbg. separately from those at this place. Of Norfolk I can say nothing as yet, but expect to be able to do it in a few days. I was requested by Colo. Lambert sometime since to give him a letter to you wh. I did to...
Colo. David Lambert of this city has requested me to communicate to you his desire to be employ’d as a comr. of banruptcy, with which I readily comply. He is a respectable citizen who has held several offices of credit, among wh. is the command of the rgt. of the city which he lately voluntarily resigned; he was comr. under the act for choosing Electors of P. & V. Presidt., & has been a comr....
Kee & my self have not yet bargained but make no doubt but we shall soon, if you can with convenience forward the small sum which is between us to Richmond it will Oblege me much being compeled to pay a sum there the last of this week. I calculate that James L. Henderson will be in this county by the time I return from Richmond. & the instand Any thing is done you shall hear from me. with much...
I have recieved your favr dated Monticello the 9th & Post marked Milton the 14th Inst.—and have duely considered the Same—the result of my opinion is—, that Messrs. John Blake Simeon Theus Theodore Gaillard & Dominick Hall Esqrs. are well quallified, both as Merchts. & Lawyers to discharge the duties under the appointment Contemplated. the two Gentlemen first nomd Possess extensive Knowledge...
I have the pleasure to enclose to you two receipts one for the entry the other for the tax on lands therein mentioned—You will observe Sir that I have paid the tax for the present year of course there will be none due untill one year hence I have the honour to be with the highest respect Sir Your Obt St RC ( MHi ); at foot of text: “The President of the United states”; endorsed by TJ as...
I handed Mr. Gallatin a list of six names for Commissioners of Bankruptcy in New York and of three for Albany : As he may not probably know or recollect the characters of these gentlemen, I have taken the liberty to make some remarks in the enclosed paper: It is highly important that no mistake should be committed at present in appointments in the City of New York—a little faction exists there...
For Commissioners of Bankruptcy in the City of New York Mercantile Characters John Broome—Candidate for member of Congress—former President of the Chamber of Commerce—a very respectable man— William Edgar—a man of large property & fair character—late a member of our State Convention Solomon Townsend —a man of property—an invariable republican and old Citizen Law Characters Jonathan Persee...
Republican Members of Congress John Smith } re-elected Samuel L. Mitchill Philip Van Cortlandt David Thomas Beriah Palmer } members of the Old republican party—In whom every reliance may be placed Andrew Mc.Cord Isaac Bloom Frederik Sammons John Patterson } The two first Emigrants from Massachusetts— the last from Connecticut. Oliver Phelps Erastus Root Patterson was a Brigadier Genl. in the...
I take the liberty of proposing for your approbation, Henry B. Brevoort , for an Ensign in the 2d. Regiment of Infantry. I have the Honor to be with great consideration Sir, Your Mo. Ob. Servt RC ( DLC ); in a clerk’s hand, signed by Dearborn; at foot of text: “The President of the United States”; endorsed by TJ as received from the War Department on 31 May and “Henry B. Brevoort to be ensign”...
At the request of a number of respectable Citizens of the County of Kent in this State, I have the Honor of transmitting to you, an address soliciting the removal of Allen McLane, from the office of Collector of the Customs, for the Port of Wilmington. I know of no Character more obnoxious to the republicans of this State than Mr. McLane, no one who has taken more undue means to crush the...
I recieved yesterday evening your letter of the 23d. instant, informing me of the death of mrs Washington: and I recieved it with great & sincere concern. an acquaintance of five and twenty years, in times & circumstances of various and trying aspect , had made me a witness of her constant course in whatsoever was benevolent and virtuous in life, had marked her in my judgment as one of the...
I had the honor of receiving your very friendly and sympathetic Letter of the 22nd. of June last;—and moreover diriv’d essential benefit from the fifty dollars plac’d by your benevolence, in the hands of Major Duval for my use. For which be pleas’d, Sir, to accept the only Tribute in my Power to tender,—my cordial and gratefull thanks. At that time I was severely attack’d with the flux; and...
This will be handed to you by Capt. Davis formerly of this port, who commanded lately the ship St. Domingo packet & who was imprisoned by the orders of Genl. Le Clerk. He goes to Washington to lay before Government his case, with a view to prevent any future transactions of the like nature. The character he bears at this place, is respectable, & I have been induced to give him this letter from...
The Petition John Berry of Georgetown District of Columbia Respectfully Sheweth That he has been indited and fined in two Cases as it will appear by the Annexed transcripts, and by Virtue thereof confined in the Goal of the City and County of Washington District of Columbia, Since the twenty sixth day of March Last past, is unable to pay the fine or Costs accruing thereon or any part thereof—...
On last evening, I received your Letter of the 3rd of April , enclosing your Answer to an Address, from the House of Representatives of this Territory, and which , I shall, with great pleasure, forward to the Speaker of that Body.— With assurances of my highest respect;—I have the honor to subscribe myself—Your faithful friend, and most obt. Hble. Servant RC ( DLC ); in a clerk’s hand, signed...
This being the expiring hour of Office, we leave the Books, plans, papers, Instruments and other articles belonging to the Commissioners’ Office in the custody of Mr. Munroe, our Clerk, to be delivered to the Superintendant, when appointed by the President; except the books and Vouchers requisite to compleat the Accounts in comformity to the Act of Congress ; which Accounts have been commenced...
Permit me the Honor to Introduce Admiral Hartsinck (Commanding the Squadron of the Batavian Republic in Hampton Road, & for which I am agent) to your Civilities—The object of the Admirals Journey is to Pay You his Personal respects, & I am happy Sir to Inform you—that the Impressions on his mind are very favorable indeed as relates to our Country—which has been very flattering to me— The...
I have this day taken the liberty of introducing Admiral Hartsink of the Batavian republic to you, he intends up by water & probably this will reach you before his arival. we have had much pleasure in his Company here the good order kept with his men is pleasing to all here. I have some fine Brazil wine arived if you should want shall be glad to supply you with great respect & wishes for yr...
I am greatly obliged to you for the repetition of your kind offer, contained in your Letter from Monticello . Indeed, I am so struck with it, after what has passed between us, as to resolve to give up my Opinion to yours, & to rely entirely on your Friendship. I lament now, that I have lost so much time in deciding on your Proposition; as my Wife’s Situation will scarcely permit me to leave...
Under the Respectable recommendations Inclosed ; I feel the less diffidence in Introducing myself to your Knowledge, especially as Lieut. Govr. Van Rensselaer one of Our recent electors & my Intimate friend as well in Social, as in political Life, for a Series of years, Informs Me he has the honour of a personal acquaintence with you. Haveing resided at Nantes in France Several of the arduous...