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Results 157141-157150 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
ALS : American Philosophical Society The Credit you have been pleased to establish for me at M. Grands being all employed, I have to request you to give me another Letter of Credit on him. I cannot fix the precise Sum that will be necessary but I imagine about 200,000 Livres will be sufficient for the completion of what Business I have at present in hand. Be that as it may the Funds shall be...
ALS : American Philosophical Society <Mainz, December 27, 1777, in German: Germany in general and this region in particular wait impatiently for news of the brave Arnold’s exploits. He may be a native of this city. If he is the son of a butcher here, if he was once a Franciscan monk, if he went to America with Montgomery in 1773 and wrote me then, if he got a papal dispensation to leave his...
ALS : American Philosophical Society <Prague, December 27, 1777, in French: We offer you the services of our glassworks. They turn out glass for windows, the table, wine bottles, mirrors and frames, floors, chandeliers, and for ornamenting carved wood and ironwork. We export through Hamburg to the Mediterranean and the north as well as to Spain, and should be glad of your orders together with...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Accablée d’affaire Monsieur, et obligée d’aller a Versaille, il ne m’a pas ete possible de trouver un instent de libre pour avoir l’honeur et le plaisir de vous aller voir cette semaine. Je me dédomagerez de cette privation. Mais en attendent je vient vous rapellér la promesse que vous m’avéz fait de m’accorder un jour dans la semaine prochaine pour venir...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I think it proper to a quant you of my Bad Misfortune. I sailed from Virginea in a sloop Called the adventure to Martineco and on my passage holm was taken by a frigate Called the Boreas Commanded By Charles Thompson. He did not give me time to get aney of My Clothes out of the sloop and was brought to England in plymouth and Was put on board of a guarde...
LS and duplicate: American Philosophical Society As Mr. Deane has been recalled by Congress, it is uncertain wether he may be in Paris when this arrives, therefore I inclose it to you, in order that you may read the Contents of a letter I wrote to Congress Yesterday and of another to him of this Date, after which you will please to forward or deliver them to him. By these you will discover...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I beg leave to make you an humble tender of my most Sinceer, and Unfeigned Thanks, for your great Goodness in taking Notice of, and Releiving me under my present sufferings in the Glorious Cause of American Liberty. And beg the Continuance of your favour towards me in future, that if any Exchange should take place between the English Prisners, and the...
157148General Orders, 27 December 1777 (Washington Papers)
Mr Berryman Greene at present Quarter Master is appointed Pay-Master, to the first regiment of Light Dragoons, and to be respected as such. Mr John Hughes, Quarter Master Serjeant to the 6th troop, is appointed Quarter Master to the same regiment in the room of Quarter Master Greene, and to be respected as such. All the troops are to draw and cook provisions for to morrow. Notwithstanding the...
Letter not found: from the Board of War, 27 Dec. 1777. GW wrote the Board of War on 2–3 Jan . 1778 that “Your several Letters of the 23d, 24th & 27th Ulto have been recieved.”
On Wednesday I had the Honor to receive Your Letter of the 9th Instant. I have directed a Compleat state of the Virginia Troops to be made, which if done and I expect it will, I will transmit by the Next post. From it you will be able to discover the amount of the Whole—their deficiency—How many Men of the Old Regiments have reinlisted &c. I do not recollect ever to have heard, that Genl...