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Results 157141-157170 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
157141 Jones, Joseph Jefferson, Thomas Joseph Jones to Thomas Jefferson, 8 June 1822 1822-06-06 The Ship Scipio S Drummond master, has arrived at this Port from Liverpool . In the manifest of...
157142 Claiborne, William C. C. Madison, James To James Madison from William C. C. Claiborne, 14 July … 1806-07-14 § From William C. C. Claiborne. 14 July 1806, “60 Miles from N. Orleans. ” “In a former Letter I...
157143 Hamilton, Alexander The Examination (concluded) Number XVIII, [8 April … 1802-04-08 In order to cajole the people, the Message abounds with all the common-place of popular...
157144 Dilly, Edward Adams, John To John Adams from Edward Dilly, 11 July 1775 1775-07-11 Every line from you gives me much satisfaction, my Heart Sympathizes with you in your present...
157145 Stewart, Robert Smith, John Adams From Robert Stewart to John Adams Smith, 15 November … 1817-11-15 The Undersigned, His Majesty’s Principal Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, has received the...
157146 Moylan, James American Commissioners James Moylan to the American Commissioners, 22 July … 1778-07-22 ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania Mr. Bingham of Martinico inclosed me the letter that...
157147 Hammond, George Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from George Hammond, 14 December … 1791-12-14 I have the honor of acknowledging the receipt of your letter of the 12th of this month, which did...
157148 Peale, Charles Willson Jefferson, Thomas Charles Willson Peale to Thomas Jefferson, 2 May 1815 1815-05-02 Your favor of the March 21 st came in due time— and a rainy day now gives me leasure to write, to...
157149 Blicherolsen, Peder Madison, James To James Madison from Peder Blicherolsen, 14 September … 1801-09-14 14 September 1801, Philadelphia. Acknowledges receipt of JM’s letters of 15 Aug. and 1 Sept. ,...
157150 Franklin, Benjamin Hewson, Mary (Polly) Stevenson From Benjamin Franklin to Mary Stevenson Hewson, 18 … 1770-07-18 ALS : American Philosophical Society Yours of the 15th. informing me of your agreable Journey and...
157151 Jefferson, Thomas Wernecke, Wilhelm Ludwig From Thomas Jefferson to Wernecke, 14 November 1787 1787-11-14 On the 19th. of November 1786. I inclosed to Mr. Oster, consul of France in Virginia, your letter...
157152 Washington, George Smith, William Stephens From George Washington to William Stephens Smith, 21 … 1783-05-21 I wrote to you a few days ago for some Books, &ca—Since then, I have seen the following Books...
157153 Jefferson, Thomas Gibson, Patrick Thomas Jefferson to Patrick Gibson, 15 May 1816 1816-05-15 On my return from Bedford on the 3 d inst. I found here your favor of Apr. 27. and that of the 10...
157154 Huntington, Samuel Washington, George To George Washington from Samuel Huntington, 18 April … 1780-04-18 Your Excellency will receive herewith enclosed Acts of Congress of the 6th & 13th Instant...
157155 Washington, George [Diary entry: 8 July 1787] 1787-07-08 Sunday—8th. About 12 Oclock rode to Doctr. Logans near Germn. Town where I dined. Returned in the...
157156 Armand, Charles Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Colonel Charles Armand, 5 … 1778-11-05 [ Near Fredericksburg, New York ] November 5, 1778 . Needs equipment and money with which to pay...
157157 Cathcart, James Leander Madison, James To James Madison from James Leander Cathcart, 23 June … 1807-06-23 I have the honor to inform you that I arrived in Funchal roads on the 18th: inst: in 28 days from...
157158 Krafft, Michael Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Michael Krafft, 24 April 1804 1804-04-24 Tho’ personally unknown to you Sir, I assume the liberty of addressing myself to you, on a...
157159 Warren, Mercy Otis Adams, John To John Adams from Mercy Otis Warren, 17 January 1791 1791-01-17 An unsealed letter from you came to my hand this day. for the letter I thank you. as it contained...
157160 Trist, Elizabeth House Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Elizabeth House Trist, 13 … 1801-03-13 Your favor received yesterday was quite Unexpected. It was not my intention by obtruding my...
157161 Adams, John Jenings, Edmund From John Adams to Edmund Jenings, 31 December 1780 1780-12-31 I have the Honour of yours of the 28. We have no Letters or Papers from London later than the 19...
157162 Wright, Robert Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Robert Wright, 7 January 1807 1807-01-07 Inclosed you will receive the Act of the Legislature of Maryland, giving their consent and...
157163 Jefferson, Thomas Sherburne, John Henry From Thomas Jefferson to John Henry Sherburne, 14 … 1825-02-14 During my residence in Paris I was much acquainted with Commodore Paul Jones whose life you...
157164 Jefferson, Thomas Commissioners of the Federal District From Thomas Jefferson to the Commissioners of the … 1792-03-11 I inclose you two letters, the one from a Mr. Leslie of this place, offering to make a clock for...
157165 Cathalan, Stephen Jefferson, Thomas Stephen Cathalan to Thomas Jefferson, 6 January 1816 1816-01-06 I answered on the 29 th nov ber last to your Favor of the 16 th august , & at Last your’s of the...
157166 Dandridge, Bartholomew Madison, James To James Madison from Bartholomew Dandridge, 5 March … 1802-03-05 5 March 1802, Aux Cayes. Received news of the arrival of twenty-five to thirty thousand French...
157167 L., M. Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from M——— L———, 12 March 1781 1781-03-12 AL : American Philosophical Society Foible Traduction de ce Vers Sur M. francklin. We cannot...
157168 Virginia Delegates Nelson, Thomas Virginia Delegates to Thomas Nelson, 16 October 1781 1781-10-16 RC (Historical Society of Pennsylvania). In Edmund Randolph’s hand, except for the signatures of...
157169 Wickes, Lambert American Commissioners Lambert Wickes to the American Commissioners, 12 August … 1777-08-12 ALS : American Philosophical Society This will inform you of my present unhappy Situation. The...
157170 Jefferson, Thomas Quincy, Abraham Howard Thomas Jefferson to Abraham Howard Quincy, 8 March 1813 1813-03-08 Your letter of Jan. 27. was, by some accident, very long on the road & I have been tardier in...