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Results 157141-157150 of 184,431 sorted by author
157141General Orders, 8 January 1779 (Washington Papers)
At a General Court-Martial held near Fish-Kill November 9th 1778. Colonel John Neville President. Colonel Thomas Price commanding the 2nd Maryland Regiment, was tried on the following charges (viz.) 1stly—Cowardice on York-Island in the face of the Enemy. 2ndly—Disgraceful behaviour in refusing to take command, at Hackinsack of the regiment late Smallwoods when ordered to Fort-Lee....
In expectation of receiving considerable sums of money for Lands sold for the express purpose of raising it, I have (being able hitherto to get along without it) forborne to apply to the Bank for aid. But out of $15,000 which ought to have been paid by the first of June 1798, and nearly the same sum this month for Lands, sold by me I have recd $1700 only. This disappointment, and calls upon me...
The President of the United States hath read with attention the Papers herewith returned, relating to our Affairs in Morocco: and as far as he can form an opinion without knowing the contents of Guiseppe Chiappe’s Letters of the 25th of April & 18th of July 1789 —no translation thereof being sent—approves the Draft of the Letters to the Emperor and Guiseppe & Francisco Chiappe; and wishes, as...
157144[Diary entry: 8 March 1774] (Washington Papers)
8. I set of for Berkley &ca. & to Meet Mr. James Mercer at Bull run, on a div[isio]n of that Land between him and his Brothers. Dined at Moss’s & lodgd at Leesburg. GW was a court-appointed trustee for James Mercer’s brother George, who was in England. GW took the main road from Alexandria to Leesburg. Later that same year Nicholas Cresswell, in taking the same route, found the road to be...
The answer to Mr. Hammonds letter is conformable to the measures which have been advised—and of course is approved. RC ( DLC ); addressed: “The Secretary of State”; endorsed by TJ as received 8 Aug. 1793. Recorded in SJPL . Enclosures: George Hammond to TJ , and TJ to Hammond, both 8 Aug. 1793 .
157146[Diary entry: 5 July 1774] (Washington Papers)
5. Went up to Alexandria to a Meeting of the Inhabitts. of this County. Dined at Arrells & lodgd at my own Ho[use]. The date for the convention in Williamsburg had been set as late as 1 Aug., so that each burgess might “have an Opportunity of collecting the Sense of their respective Counties” (see main entry for 31 May 1774 ), and it was for this purpose that GW attended this Fairfax County...
Your Letters of the 30th and 31st Ulto I was favourd with in the Evening Yesterday—not time enough tho. to prepare my answer till to day and for safety I have detaind the Express for the Cover of Night. I enclose you an exact return of all the Ammunition & Provisions wch we have at this place that you may be judge what supply is necessary to send here —If the Pork is in Keggs of a 100 Wt & the...
157148General Orders, 4 August 1781 (Washington Papers)
For the day tomorrow Brigadier General Huntington Lieutenant Colonel Johnston For Picquet Major Maxwell Inspector Captain Remick The Waggon Master General is to make an immediate Return of all Horses and Oxen employed in his Department including the riding horses. The Quarter Masters of Brigades and seperate Corps are to make Returns of all Horses therein and of the names (and ranks of...
157149[Diary entry: 14 September 1784] (Washington Papers)
14th. Remained at Mr. Gilbert Simpsons all day. Before Noon Colo. Willm. Butler and the Officer Commanding the Garrison at Fort Pitt, a Captn. Lucket came here. As they confirmed the reports of the discontented temper of the Indians and the Mischiefs done by some parties of them and the former advised me not to prosecute my intended trip to the Great Kanhawa, I resolved to decline it. This day...
I was yesterday favd with yours of the 5th I take it for granted that the measures you mean to pursue for cutting off the intercourse between the Country and the enemy will be such as will [be] justified by circumstances, and not incompetent with the laws which the state of Jersey have passed for that purpose. It will be well to inform yourself particularly of the laws which are in force on...