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Results 157141-157170 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
ALS : American Philosophical Society The Credit you have been pleased to establish for me at M....
ALS : American Philosophical Society <Mainz, December 27, 1777, in German: Germany in general and...
ALS : American Philosophical Society <Prague, December 27, 1777, in French: We offer you the...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Accablée d’affaire Monsieur, et obligée d’aller a Versaille,...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I think it proper to a quant you of my Bad Misfortune. I...
LS and duplicate: American Philosophical Society As Mr. Deane has been recalled by Congress, it...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I beg leave to make you an humble tender of my most Sinceer,...
157148General Orders, 27 December 1777 (Washington Papers)
Mr Berryman Greene at present Quarter Master is appointed Pay-Master, to the first regiment of...
Letter not found: from the Board of War, 27 Dec. 1777. GW wrote the Board of War on 2–3 Jan ....
On Wednesday I had the Honor to receive Your Letter of the 9th Instant. I have directed a...
Most or all the within Commands might be releived by the Troops near the North River without any...
I was a few days ago favd with yours of the 8th instant. I am sorry that any undue promotions...
As we have more than probably taken a position for the Winter, and every exertion in the...
I am favd with yours of the 16th instant from the Sawpitts. I am glad to find that matters are...
I trouble your Excellency with extreme reluctance on a Subject so wholly personal as my present...
A Fleet of 59 Ships, inclusive of a Frigate of 28, & a Sloop of 16 Guns came down the River...
Your Lordships Letter of yesterday arrived late last night —with respect to the proposed Attack...
When I undertook to Compleat the Bridge in So Short a Space I Expected Every article would be...
I receiv’d your favor of Yesterday, & immediately sent one of my Aids to represent the Subject of...
Whereas the Small-pox, at this time in many parts of the Commonwealth is likely to spread and...
Whereas on the late appearance of a hostile Fleet in the Bay of Chesapeake, a large Body of...
as soon as the Troops have delivered into my Stores all the Tents according to order. I would...
Copy: Connecticut Historical Society Yours of the 19th we received Yesterday and immediately...
LS : Archives du Ministère des affaires étrangères We beg your Excellency’s Permission to make an...
ALS : American Philosophical Society J’ai osé me flattér que le celebre monsieur francklin...
L : American Philosophical Society Messieurs Lavabre & Doerner ont l’honneur de presenter leurs...
157167General Orders, 26 December 1777 (Washington Papers)
A General Court Martial is to sit at the House of Wiley Bodles, near the provost, at nine...
I cannot yet learn whether the Enemy are return’d to Philada—a person from thence, tells me the...
I wrote you yesterday at one o Clock P.M. , informing you the Enemy had moved towards Chester,...
The reason of my troubling you at this time is to request that Congress will defer their decision...