Thomas Jefferson Papers

From Thomas Jefferson to James Madison, 24 May 1802

To James Madison

Monticello May 24. 1802.

Dear Sir

Our postrider having mistaken his day, brought us no mail on Thursday last. yesterday I recieved a double one. in it were the inclosed letters. those from Dupont & Granger are forwarded for your perusal, and I will recieve them again when I see you at your own house. the one from Dallas to yourself on Jackson’s case I recieved from mr Brent; the recommendation of the Attorney of the district, & of the jury, & the circumstances of the case seem to be a good foundation of pardon, which I would wish to have issued therefore unless you disapprove it. they do not mention when the execution is to be; but probably it would be well to lose no time lest the pardon should get too late. if your clerks have it in readiness I will sign it on my arrival in Washington which will be in six days from this time. I will be with you on Thursday or Friday at farthest, unless rain prevents, and take your commissions for Washington. I have forbidden any mail to be forwarded to me later than the one recieved yesterday. present my best respects to the ladies, and accept my affectionate salutations yourself.

Th: Jefferson

RC (DLC: Madison Papers); at foot of text: “The Secretary of State.” PrC (DLC). Enclosures: (1) Pierre Samuel Du Pont de Nemours to TJ, 12 May 1802. (2) Gideon Granger to TJ, 14 May 1802. (3) Granger to TJ, 17 May 1802. (4) Alexander J. Dallas to Madison, 15 May 1802 (see Enclosure No. 1, listed at Daniel Brent to TJ, 21 May 1802).

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