Thomas Jefferson Papers

To Thomas Jefferson from Gideon Granger, 17 May 1802

From Gideon Granger

New York May. 17. 1802

Dr Sir

Owing to causes which I have not time to explain The federalists will have 6 or 7 members of Congress. They ought not to have more than four—Their Legislature will be 70 or 72 Repub: agt. 30 or 28 fedl.—Their Senate 20 repub: agt. 12 fedl. of these not more than 6 are of that certain Interest which walks in darkness. All is perfectly safe in this State. The passions of minority are great. Yours sincerely

Gidn Granger

RC (DLC); at foot of text: “The Presidt.”; endorsed by TJ as received 23 May and so recorded in SJL. Enclosed in TJ to Madison, 24 May 1802.

THEIR LEGISLATURE: for a later, slightly higher count of Republicans elected to the New York Assembly, see DeWitt Clinton to TJ, 31 May.

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