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Results 157111-157120 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
tow circumstances, are frequaintly laid hold, on, And eagerly represented, as objects of complaint. One is our Ships being up, and rotting in harbour, the oather is, the defenceless state of the Nation, owing to the discontinuence, of the Military astablishment, the first seems to be look’d upon as a greavence, among many Republicans, the sourse, of the last may be easyly treased—Steady! Keep...
I recieved yesterday your favor of the 10th. and am sincerely concerned at the disappointment at the bank of Columbia. this proves farther the propriety of my curtailing expences till I am within the rigorous limits of my own funds, which I will do. in the mean time I must leave to your judgment to marshall our funds for the most pressing demands, till I can be with you. mr Jefferson has sent...
I recieved yesterday your favor of the 7th. and entirely approve your proposition to remove the arms from New London . I suppose it would be generally a good rule to break up all the small deposits and carry them to the great magazines where they may be kept in order, guarded, & always ready. health & affectionate salutations. PrC ( DLC ); at foot of text: “Secretary at War.” Recorded in SJL...
From Letters recd. here yesterday it appears that the elections in New York are not as bad as heretofore represented. Col. Thomas is elected not Williams —Van-ness has lost his Election— Col. Burr will be sorry for this. It is doubted whether Mr: has lost his Election. It is certain the Republican Tickets for their State Legislatures have succeeded in the Counties which compose the District...
I was honor’d the last evening with your highly esteemed favo’r of the 5h. Inst. pray you’ll accept my thanks for your kind congratulations on our late Republican struggle in this State, our success has been greater then I had a right to expect, considering the Malice and Violence of the Tory Federalists both in and out of Office, who have used their utmost influence, spreading their falshoods...
I recieved yesterday your’s of the 10th. of May: and am not sorry for the departure of Kramer; as, tho’ he had several good qualities, he was awkward & ignorant. but I think it better not to take Edward. he is a very capable servant, but stands too much on etiquette. I like servants who will do every thing they are wanted to do. he is moreover so fickle that he has served all the masters in...
I wrote you on the 9th. but whether the new post had got into motion at that time I know not. it related chiefly to the road. yesterday I recieved your’s of the 7th. & 11th. it really seems doubtful whether the conduct of Le Clerc proceeds from the extravagance of his own character, or from a settled design in his government. so many things lately wear the latter appearance that one cannot be...
Th: Jefferson presents his friendly salutations to the Secretary of the navy and incloses him a letter from mr Page asking a furlough for a son of Genl. Spotswood . if it be within rule it is worth while to oblige the Genl. (tho’ a true federalist) as well as mr Page PrC ( DLC ). Recorded in SJL with notation “furlough for Spotswood.” Enclosure: probably Mann Page to TJ, 9 May 1802, recorded...
It may Be considered as rude in any one to interfear in the affairs of government but those to whomes care it is submitted but however that may be you may be assured that the one that now addresses you has been for years back and is now a friend to the two Great carrectors Jefferson & Gallentin. the author of this Knows not who is responsable for appointments, but this much comes immediatly...
It is of considerable importance to the cause of Republicanism, that we should be in the possession of the journals of Congress since Mr. Bayards first entrance into the house of Representatives . They will furnish a faithful record of his political transactions & exhibit a true picture of his public conduct. As the election approaches his acts will be blazoned forth in this State, with all...