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Results 157111-157120 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
In Consequence of your Excellency’s pleasure signified by Colo. Tilghman I have Order’d Mr Reed to proceed immediately to Head Quarters with the Military Chest —My own ill State of Health is such that I am not able to follow it immediately—A violent Cold which has settled on my Lungs has Confin’d me for ten days past—I am something better, but the Disorder seems very obstinate—As soon as I can...
Col. Webb’s falling into the Enemy’s Hands the 10th Inst. you have doubtless before this been made acquainted with. The Descent on Long Island was designd to destroy the Timber & Boards prepard at the East End of the Island for Barracks in New York, to destroy the Fleet there from Rhode Island for Wood. Attack a Regt Stationd about Eight Miles Eastward of Jamaica & remove or destroy whatever...
As I have nothing more in view, in giving the following Sistem, then the fullfilling my duty to introduce & maintain good order & render Capable of service the Corps I command, I hope my frequent representations will not frustrate those whose Zeal for the good of these States is known. My Own Knowledge dictates the following Articles, which tho’ they may not be perfect yet I am assured they...
I was yesterday favd with yours of the 27th as I was with those of the 22d and 25th: I imagine the Ships you saw going down were only empty transports and Victuallers for which having no use, they think it safer to send them aw⟨ay tha⟩n let them lay crouded in the docks of Phila⟨da⟩ where a single Vessel taking fire might prove destructive of the whole. The Enemy, who were only out upon a...
I have received yours of Yesterday evening about an hour ago. have Orderd in all the parties that are out both of my division and of the fifteen detached parties; I expect they will be ready to march for Camp by Noon. There is now a fine oppertunity for the Q.M.G. & Commissary Genl of provisions to employ their Waggons, at one place within Six miles of this place there is above 100 Tun of Bar...
I inclose your Excellency two Certificates from Doctor Rush. The Absurdity of the one, recommending more than three Hundred Miles March, for a lame Fifer; The dangerous Contents of the other, tending to discourage the Troops, & cause Tryumph in the Enemy, should a similar one fall into their Hands, induced me to trouble your Excellency in this Way. I have this Gentleman’s Recommendations...
Before this, I suppose your Excellency must have heard of a late decent on Long-Island and the objects General Putnam had in view by ordering on the Troops The detachment under my command left Norwalk in four Transports the Evening after the 9th Instant, the weather proved very blustering by which means we parted Compy—on the morning of the 10th at dawn of day we found ourselves within two...
On considering what appears most proper in this Army, for a permanent system in future promotions, regulations, and arrangements, I would beg leave to suggest the following hints. First, All continental commissions, below the rank of Brigadier, to issue by the Commander in Chief upon the following general rule; except where extraordinary merit takes place; to which retrospect should ever be...
Your Letter of November the 26th. was handed to me by the post before the last. The great Objects of the Assemblys Deliberations are of the most Interesting Nature and I have no Doubt they will bring them to Maturity with their Usual Wisdom. If the late Generous Spirit of Virginia in their Act for Cloathing and Measures for preventing of Forestalling does not Inspire the other States with a...
I was favoured with the Receipt of your Letter of the 22d Instant some Days since and returned a short Answer to it by the Express who brought it; but as I have Reason to believe you had left Peeks’ Kill before he got there I conclude my Letter has not been received. I have not a Doubt but that there have been such unjust and dishonorable Practices committed on the Inhabitants as you mention...