Thomas Jefferson Papers

To Thomas Jefferson from Pierpont Edwards, 11 September 1801

From Pierpont Edwards

Hartford Sept 11th 1801


Mr Jackson Browne, whom I took the liberty to mention in a former letter, woud be highly gratified should he be appointed Consul at some place, at which the people of the United States carry on an extensive commerce—At his desire I report to you his wishes in this regard—I shoud be pleased to see him placed in some office in which he woud be useful to himself and to our Country. I am with respect and esteem

Your most Obed Servt

P Edwards

RC (DNA: RG 59, LAR); at foot of text: “His Excellency Thomas Jefferson”; endorsed by TJ as received 1 Oct. and “Jackson Browne to some office” and so recorded in SJL. Enclosure: Browne to Edwards, 6 June, requesting to be brought to the president’s attention as an applicant for an office (RC in same).

Jackson Browne was an educated West Indian Creole from Barbados who relocated to Connecticut about 1789. He had amassed a sizable fortune before falling on hard times, including near bankruptcy and a fatal house fire on 13 Apr. 1801 in which he lost a daughter as well as all of his papers and apparel. Browne appealed to his friend Alexander J. Dallas on 6 June, after learning of a possible vacancy in the Middletown collectorship and Dallas forwarded his request to Albert Gallatin (Gallatin, Papers description begins Carl E. Prince and Helene E. Fineman, eds., The Papers of Albert Gallatin, microfilm edition in 46 reels, Philadelphia, 1969, and Supplement, Barbara B. Oberg, ed., reels 47–51, Wilmington, Del., 1985 description ends , 5:125–7; Hartford American Mercury, 28 May; Norwich Courier, 23 Sep.).

Former letter: probably Edwards to TJ, 15 June, not found but recorded by TJ in SJL as received 26 June with notation “N. Haven [Brown].”

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