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Results 157111-157160 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
Mr Jackson Browne , whom I took the liberty to mention in a former letter , woud be highly...
I received mr Bourn’s Letter to day, dated this day week, and I was very happy to Learn by it...
I observe that the price of flour has risen a little. As the advance of the season will soon...
Your letter of the 27th august has just come to hand that inclosing the papers from Mrs Jones...
Mr. Strong Mr. Rutherford Mr. Hawkins The committee on the enclosed bill reported verbally in...
Your affectionate congratulations on the happy conclusion of the War, and the glorious prospect...
1571175th. (Adams Papers)
I have this week been reading Cecilia, a novel of some reputation; it was written by a Lady, and...
157118[Diary entry: 1 March 1799] (Washington Papers)
1. Snowing fast. Mer. at 30. More or less snow through the day with the wind though but little of...
By a late resolve of Congress I find that only ten Lieuts. are to be Continued in a Regiment by...
The Diligence which leaves this tomorrow morning will bring your books and pictures.—I was...
157121[Diary entry: 30 January 1771] (Washington Papers)
30. Employed as above and abt. Oclock at Night finished all the business we coud at this meeting.
157122General Orders, 10 September 1780 (Washington Papers)
[Officers] For the Day Tomorrow[:] Brigadier General Clinton[,] Colonel Tupper[,] Lieutenant...
The inclosed act of Michigan, tho’ dated Jan. 30. 07. did not get here till the last Congress had...
The difficulties and embarrasments, that have been thrown into the Baron’s way in the course of...
Your letter of the 6th Ulto did not come to my hands till the same date in the present month —It...
157126[Diary entry: 25 December 1771] (Washington Papers)
25. Very raw and Cold with the Wind Northerly.
Your letter of Jan. 29. was recieved yesterday, and I have just time to drop you a line as I am...
Letter not found: from John Armstrong, 24 Jan. 1770. On 20 Mar. GW wrote to Armstrong: “Your...
Letterbook copy: Andover-Newton Theological Seminary Your Febry. 28. with the enclos’d Letters...
What! a letter from George I cried when your father put your last epistle in my hand yesterday...
I have been favored with yours of the 10th Feby & 12th March to which I should have replied...
I thank you, Sir, for the copy you have been so kind as to send me of the life of R. H. Lee. I...
I yesterday received a Letter from dr Tufts and an other from Thomas informing me of the death of...
I had Yesterday, at Amsterdam, the Honour of receiving your Excellencys Letter of June 2. The...
Mr. Alexander Smith having brought to hand your dispatches, it is seen with regret that my letter...
I pray you to accept my acknowledgement of your polite letter of 31st of October; & thanks for...
A Business of very considerable importance calls me suddenly to England, for which I shall embark...
PrC of Tr ( ViU : McGregor Library); undated; consists of two pages entirely in TJ’s hand, with...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I am favourd with a coppy of your Letter to Mr Wyld of the...
A Mind placed, where Materials can not be found to strike out a Spark to vivify it, must become...
The Ship Scipio S Drummond master, has arrived at this Port from Liverpool . In the manifest of...
§ From William C. C. Claiborne. 14 July 1806, “60 Miles from N. Orleans. ” “In a former Letter I...
In order to cajole the people, the Message abounds with all the common-place of popular...
Every line from you gives me much satisfaction, my Heart Sympathizes with you in your present...
The Undersigned, His Majesty’s Principal Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, has received the...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania Mr. Bingham of Martinico inclosed me the letter that...
I have the honor of acknowledging the receipt of your letter of the 12th of this month, which did...
Your favor of the March 21 st came in due time— and a rainy day now gives me leasure to write, to...
14 September 1801, Philadelphia. Acknowledges receipt of JM’s letters of 15 Aug. and 1 Sept. ,...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Yours of the 15th. informing me of your agreable Journey and...
On the 19th. of November 1786. I inclosed to Mr. Oster, consul of France in Virginia, your letter...
I wrote to you a few days ago for some Books, &ca—Since then, I have seen the following Books...
On my return from Bedford on the 3 d inst. I found here your favor of Apr. 27. and that of the 10...
Your Excellency will receive herewith enclosed Acts of Congress of the 6th & 13th Instant...
157155[Diary entry: 8 July 1787] (Washington Papers)
Sunday—8th. About 12 Oclock rode to Doctr. Logans near Germn. Town where I dined. Returned in the...
[ Near Fredericksburg, New York ] November 5, 1778 . Needs equipment and money with which to pay...
I have the honor to inform you that I arrived in Funchal roads on the 18th: inst: in 28 days from...
Tho’ personally unknown to you Sir, I assume the liberty of addressing myself to you, on a...
An unsealed letter from you came to my hand this day. for the letter I thank you. as it contained...
Your favor received yesterday was quite Unexpected. It was not my intention by obtruding my...