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Results 157111-157140 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
157111 Washington, George Wilson, James From George Washington to James Wilson, 22 March 1782 1782-03-22 Necessity obliges me to give you my promissary Note instead of the deposit of a hundred Guineas—I...
157112 Jefferson, Thomas Wilson, James From Thomas Jefferson to James Wilson, 17 April 1793 1793-04-17 Th: Jefferson presents his compliments to Mr. Wilson. He omitted to observe to him on the subject...
157113 Adams, John Wilson, James From John Adams to James Wilson, 24 June 1780 1780-06-24 I had two days ago the Pleasure of receiving a Duplicate your Letter of the 20 of April—the...
157114 Jefferson, Thomas Wilson, James III. James Wilson’s Certification of Jefferson’s Oath … 1792-07-09 Thomas Jefferson personally appeared before me James Wilson one of the Judges of the Supreme...
157115 Washington, George Wilson, James From George Washington to James Wilson, 22 March 1782 1782-03-22 I promise to pay James Wilson Esqr. or order, on demand one hundred Guineas—His Fee for receiving...
157116 Jefferson, Thomas Wilson, James From Thomas Jefferson to James Wilson, 6 October 1791 1791-10-06 Colo. Nicholas Lewis has communicated to me the account you inclosed him of your transactions in...
157117 Jefferson, Thomas Wilson, James From Thomas Jefferson to James Wilson, 21 September … 1791-09-21 Colo. Lewis tells me you had proposed to come to this neighborhood to make a settlement of the...
157118 Washington, George Wilson, James From George Washington to James Wilson, 23 January 1792 1792-01-23 (Private) Dear Sir, Philadelphia, January 23d 1792. Your goodness will, I am persuaded, excuse my...
157119 Washington, George Wilson, James From George Washington to James Wilson, 23 January 1778 1778-01-23 I have received your favor of the 11th Instant. Captain Smith obtain’d leave of Absence some time...
157120 Washington, George Wilson, James From George Washington to James Wilson, 19 March 1782 1782-03-19 The bearer Mr Bushrod Washington—a nephew of mine—is sent at his own desire to this City to study...
157121 Washington, George Wilson, James From George Washington to James Wilson, 9 July 1785 … 1785-07-09 Letter not found: to James Wilson, 9 July 1785. GW wrote in his diary on 9 July that on that day...
157122 Hamilton, Alexander Wilson, James From Alexander Hamilton to James Wilson, [25 January … 1789-01-25 A degree of anxiety about a matter of primary importance to the new government induces me to...
157123 Jefferson, Thomas Wilson, John Thomas Jefferson to John Wilson, 4 December 1814 1814-12-04 The subject of your letter of Nov. is entirely unknown to me . I only know in general that the...
157124 Jefferson, Thomas Wilson, John Thomas Jefferson to John Wilson, 29 June 1814 1814-06-29 Th: Jefferson presents his compliments to mr Wilson & his thanks for the copy of his Philological...
157125 Adams, John Wilson, John From John Adams to John Wilson, 7 July 1814 1814-07-07 Nothing but sickness would have delayed an acknowledgement of your favour of June 1814 I have...
157126 Jefferson, Thomas Wilson, John Thomas Jefferson to John Wilson, 17 August 1813 1813-08-17 Your letter of the 3 d has been duly recieved. that of mr Eppes had before come to hand, covering...
157127 Jefferson, Thomas Wilson, Joseph Thomas Jefferson to Joseph Wilson, 10 May 1821 1821-05-10 Your favor of Apr. 23. is just now recieved, and I am first to apologise for the liberty taken of...
157128 Jefferson, Thomas Wilson, Joseph Thomas Jefferson to Joseph Wilson, 10 July 1821 1821-07-10 I have safely recieved the articles from Marseilles addressed to you, which you have been so kind...
157129 Jefferson, Thomas Wilson, Joseph Thomas Jefferson to Joseph Wilson, 12 April 1821 1821-04-12 By a letter of Jan. 1. from mr Joshua Dodge our Consu l at Marseilles he informs me that sometime...
157130 Jefferson, Thomas Wilson, Peter Thomas Jefferson to Peter Wilson, 20 January 1816 1816-01-20 Of the last five months I have been absent four from home which must apologise for so very late...
157131 Jefferson, Thomas Wilson, Potts & Easton From Thomas Jefferson to Wilson, Potts & Easton, 1 … 1793-09-01 The President having referred to me your petition on the capture of your vessel by the French...
157132 Adams, John Wilson, Rev. James From John Adams to Rev. James Wilson, 2 March 1798 1798-03-02 I have received your obliging Letter of the 12th of January, and have read the Essay inclosed in...
157133 Madison, James Wilson, William From James Madison to William Wilson, 21 April 1804 … 1804-04-21 21 April 1804, Department of State. “I have received your letter of the 10th. [not found], and...
157134 Hamilton, Alexander Wilson, William From Alexander Hamilton to William Wilson, 3 December … 1799-12-03 I have received your letter of the sixth of October, and should be happy to see you reinstated in...
157135 Washington, George Wilson, William From George Washington to William Wilson, 10 November … 1797-11-10 Letter not found: to William Wilson, 10 Nov. 1797. On 10 Nov. Wilson wrote GW : “I had the honor...
157136 Jefferson, Thomas Wilt, Delmestre & Co. From Thomas Jefferson to Wilt, Delmestre & Co., 11 … 1786-12-11 Your favor of the 6th. inst. is duly come to hand, as had done that also of the 8th. of Nov. I...
157137 Jefferson, Thomas Wilt, Delmestre & Company From Thomas Jefferson to Wilt Delmestre & Co., 11 May … 1786-05-11 On the receipt of your letter of May 3. I sent it to Commodore Jones, in whose hands are the...
157138 Jefferson, Thomas Wilt, Delmestre & Company From Thomas Jefferson to Wilt, Delmestre & Cie., 19 … 1788-01-19 I am sincerely sorry for the circumstances which have rendered necessary the letter you have done...
157139 Jefferson, Thomas Wilt, Delmestre & Company From Thomas Jefferson to Wilt, Delmestre & Cie., 14 … 1787-07-14 I am honoured with your letter of the 9th. instant, announcing your draught for 138₶ 19s which...
157140 Jefferson, Thomas Wilt, Delmestre & Company From Thomas Jefferson to Wilt, Delmestre & Cie., 2 July … 1787-07-02 Your favor of June 15. is come duly to hand, as well as the coffee therein announced, the...