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Results 157111-157160 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
In Consequence of your Excellency’s pleasure signified by Colo. Tilghman I have Order’d Mr Reed...
Col. Webb’s falling into the Enemy’s Hands the 10th Inst. you have doubtless before this been...
As I have nothing more in view, in giving the following Sistem, then the fullfilling my duty to...
I was yesterday favd with yours of the 27th as I was with those of the 22d and 25th: I imagine...
I have received yours of Yesterday evening about an hour ago. have Orderd in all the parties that...
I inclose your Excellency two Certificates from Doctor Rush. The Absurdity of the one,...
Before this, I suppose your Excellency must have heard of a late decent on Long-Island and the...
On considering what appears most proper in this Army, for a permanent system in future...
Your Letter of November the 26th. was handed to me by the post before the last. The great Objects...
I was favoured with the Receipt of your Letter of the 22d Instant some Days since and returned a...
AL (draft): American Philosophical Society I received your obliging Invitation of dining with you...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I wrote you two letters last Summer in which I mentioned the...
ALS : American Philosophical Society <Paris, December 28, 1777, in French: I enclose a letter for...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Si j’avais eté certain de vous trouver a passy, j’aurais eû...
ALS : American Philosophical Society <Bergerac in Périgord, December 28, 1777, in English: I know...
157126General Orders, 28 December 1777 (Washington Papers)
All the troops are to draw and cook provisions for to morrow. Two Captains of General Wayne’s...
I have this Morning receiv’d your Favor of 26th Inst. The Method you have adopted for preventing...
As the Season advances when falling weather and the badness of Roads will be almost...
Letter not found: from the Board of War, 28 Dec. 1777. On 2–3 Jan. 1778 GW wrote the Board of War...
As the Season advances in which bad weather and broken Roads will render the transporting...
Early this morning, a Spy came to me from Philadelphia, which place he left late last Evening, at...
The march of the troops down here through the frosty roads, has cut out their shoes, & by being...
I received your Excellency letter of Yesterday’s date. the inclosed note I received about an hour...
I have received your Letter dated this day at noon and the pieces of Intelligence inclosed in...
When you shall have received certain intelligence of the Enemys retiring to Philadelphia—it will...
If I am rightly Instructed, Genl Woodfords pretentions to rank is founded on his Serving as a...
As you are going to France in a publick Character from the United States, will you give me leave...
You take So great an Interest, in the Success of the American Cause, that I have made so bold, as...
The Friendship, with which you have always honoured me, sir, has made me take the Liberty to...
Copy: University of Virginia Library As an acknowledgement for your services as Secretary to us,...
ALS : American Philosophical Society The Credit you have been pleased to establish for me at M....
ALS : American Philosophical Society <Mainz, December 27, 1777, in German: Germany in general and...
ALS : American Philosophical Society <Prague, December 27, 1777, in French: We offer you the...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Accablée d’affaire Monsieur, et obligée d’aller a Versaille,...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I think it proper to a quant you of my Bad Misfortune. I...
LS and duplicate: American Philosophical Society As Mr. Deane has been recalled by Congress, it...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I beg leave to make you an humble tender of my most Sinceer,...
157148General Orders, 27 December 1777 (Washington Papers)
Mr Berryman Greene at present Quarter Master is appointed Pay-Master, to the first regiment of...
Letter not found: from the Board of War, 27 Dec. 1777. GW wrote the Board of War on 2–3 Jan ....
On Wednesday I had the Honor to receive Your Letter of the 9th Instant. I have directed a...
Most or all the within Commands might be releived by the Troops near the North River without any...
I was a few days ago favd with yours of the 8th instant. I am sorry that any undue promotions...
As we have more than probably taken a position for the Winter, and every exertion in the...
I am favd with yours of the 16th instant from the Sawpitts. I am glad to find that matters are...
I trouble your Excellency with extreme reluctance on a Subject so wholly personal as my present...
A Fleet of 59 Ships, inclusive of a Frigate of 28, & a Sloop of 16 Guns came down the River...
Your Lordships Letter of yesterday arrived late last night —with respect to the proposed Attack...
When I undertook to Compleat the Bridge in So Short a Space I Expected Every article would be...
I receiv’d your favor of Yesterday, & immediately sent one of my Aids to represent the Subject of...
Whereas the Small-pox, at this time in many parts of the Commonwealth is likely to spread and...